Introduction to medicinal products - dissolution Flashcards
What is the features of a pure drug?
Drug substance
Active pharmaceutical ingredient
medicinal agent
active principle
drug powder
What is features of drug and excipients?
Drug product
Medicinal product
- May include the primary and secondary packaging
what is pharmaceutics?
The process of turning a drug substance into a medicinal product to be used safely and effectively by patients (formulation)
What are the 3 pillars of pharmaceutics?
- Bio-physico-chemical properties of drug product and drug substance
- bio pharmaceutical considerations
- patient centres, therapeutic considerations
What is the order of onset time of drug routes
How can dissolution rate be measured?
Noye-whitney equation
What are some factors effecting pharmaceutics?
- Partition coefficient (Log P): ability to diffuse across membranes
- Stability: chemical, physical and biological
- oranoleptic properties
-powder properties
What molecules can be absorbed immediately?
Drugs in solution because molecules are dispersed eg liquid paracetamol has more rapid onset than tablets
What is a solution?
a mixture of two or more components that form a single, homogeneous phase
What is a solution?
a mixture of two or more components that form a single, homogeneous phase
what is dissolution?
a process by which a solid dissolves in a solvent to produce a solution
what is the solubility of a substance?
the amount that goes into a solution when equilibrium is established between the solute in solution and excess (undissolved) substance
What happens to a tablet during drug absorption?
Tablet has slow dissolution rate, it begins to disintegrate into granules (dissolution is intermediate) and then deaggregation (dissolution is fast) occurs to form fine particles. When drug is in solution it is able to be absorbed and can enter the bloodstream
What are the symbols of the noyes whitney equation and their meaning?
dm/dt - rate of dissolution of drug particles
D = diffusion coefficient
A = effective SA of drug particles
h= thickness of the diffusion layer
Cs= saturated solubility
C = concentration in the bulk solubility
What are the key factors of dissolution rate?
Particle size and drug solubility