Introduction to Global History Flashcards
What is a primary source?
first hand account of an historical event
Why do we study history?
to learn about/from past events, make sure we try not to repeat mistakes
What is culture?
Everything that makes up a society
What is cultural diffusion?
blending/sharing of ideas/products/religions between cultures
ie. spread of religions, spread of food, spread of products
Why do historians study multiple accounts of history?
to gain different perspectives or points of view about the same event.
What does a political map show us?
states, capital cities, boundaries
What does a physical map show us?
landforms, rivers, deserts, mountains, etc.
What do you need for absolute location?
latitude and longitude
What is ethnocentrism?
when you feel your culture is superior to other cultures
Where did the first humans originate?
Great Rift Valley, Africa
Why did humans migrate out of Africa to Europe, Asia, the Americas, etc?
search for food
What is the term for moving from place to place?
During which time period were humans nomadic?
How did humans get food during Paleolithic times?
Hunting and gathering
What was the big turning point for humans during this time period?
Introduction of farming (Neolithic Revolution)
Name five ways life changed after the Neolithic Revolution.
farming (agriculture), surplus of food, domestication of plant and animals, emergence of towns and cities, sedentary, government, social classes, job specialization, disease, war