who said that the world’s problems stemmed from the pressure of population on natural
resources and viewed all the worlds problems as a proof that human
population was pressing on natural resources (Merchant, 2022).
Thomas Robert Malthus
derived from a French word ‘environner’ which means to encircle
or to surround
Super Typhoon Haiyan that affected around 16 million people in the Philippines
Silent Spring by
Rachel Carson (1962)
Alerted Americans to the negative environment effects of Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane
(DDT), a potent insecticides that had been used in American agriculture starting in World War
Silent Spring
Led to the establishment of presidential advisory panel on pesticides
Silent Spring
Tragedy of the Commons
Garrett Hardin (1968)
An economic and environmental sciences problem where individuals have access to a shared
resources and act to their own interest, at the expense of other individual.
Addresses the growing concern of overpopulation.
Describes a situation where shared environmental resources are overused, and exploited, and
eventually depleted, posing risk to everyone involved.
Tragedy of the Commons
-when did Environmentalism became mass social movement
-the year of Clean Air act, Pesticide Control Act Safe Drinking Water act, Federal Pollution Control Act
Amendments, Toxic Substance Control act and Endangered species act
1960 - 1970
First Earth Day was organized on ___ to focus the public’s attention on threats to
the environment.
April 22, 1970
-Superfund Act
-Montreal Protocol
-Kyoto Protocol
1980 - 1990
Establish federal “Superfund” money for the cleanup of contaminated waste sites and
Superfund Act
United States joined 139 other nation to sign the ___ on substances that
depletes the ozone layer.
Montreal Protocol
International treaty that focuses on the reduction of greenhouse gases that causes global
Kyoto Protocol