Introduction to deuterostomes Flashcards
an animal whose anus is formed from the blastopore. mouth develops later
three major taxa (phyla)
Name of common ancestor and charactetistics
- bilaterally symmetrical
- segmentation
- pharynx with slits
worm-like marine animals
- 3 part body plan (proboscis, collar, and trunk)
- burrow in mud or sand in marine habitats have pharyngeal slits
Pharyngeal slits
water enters mouth and exits via slits pharynx used for gas- exchange and respiration
sea stars, sea cucumbers, sea urchins
- all marine
Characteristics of echinoderms
- pentaradial symmetry (adult)
- water vascular system
- tube feet, spines
- endoskeleton of calcareou ossicles
- bilaterally symmetrical when they are larvae
early stage of echinoderms
later larvae stage
The sister taxa of protostomes
pentaradial symmetry
- unique to echinoderms
- body parts arranges radially in 5 or multiples of 5
water vascular system
- unique to echinoderms
- fluid filled canals and tube feet that function hydraulically for locomotion, feeding, and respiration
- water enters through madreporite
tube feet and spine
tube feet usually in grooves
-function in locomotion and feeding
spines: projections on surface that function in protection, give echinoderms their name
endoskeleton of calcareous ossicles
may be fused (sea urchins and sand dollars)
-may be dispersed ( sea cucumbers and sea stars)
- brittle stars
- move by bending 5 flexible, articulated arms (tube feet not used for locomotion)
- mostly suspension feeders, hold arms up to trap particles on sticky tube feet
- sea stars
- movie with tube feet
- all predators
- ecologically important
reproduction in sea stars
sexual -separates sexes, mostly broadcast spawn asexual - regenerative ability -can divide at central disc and regenerate missing have or regenerate a new individual from an arm -larvae can reproduce through budding
sea urchins
- move with tube feet that extend between spines
- large, movable spines for protection
- herbivores, feed on large algae
sea cucumber/ sea pig
- move via rows of tube feet on ventral side
- suspension or deposit feeders; capture/collect particles with branching tube feet around the mouth
- eviscerate to escape predators
feather stars
- oldest group of living echinoderms
- sessile suspension feeders; catch particles on sticky tube feet extending from grooves on the “feathery” arms
- all bilaterally symmetrical, coelomate and segmented
- monophyletic clade that includes vertebrates and 2 clades of invertebrates
4 key traits of chordates
- notochord
- pharyngeal slits
- dorsal, hollow nerve cord
- muscular, post-anal tail
flexible rod-like structure composed of large, fluid filled cells
dorsal, hollow nerve cord
spinal chord in humans
Muscular, post-anal tail
tail extends posterior to the anus
- invertebrate
- all marine, look like tiny transparent fish
- burrow in sediment with mouth sticking out
- suspension feedes- draw water into mouth and through pharyngeal slits
- invertebrate
- all marine, some sessile, others free-swimming
- solitary and colonial species with tadpole-like larval stage
- notochord, dorsal hollow nerve cord, and post anal tail ONLY in larval stage
3 clades of urochordata
sea squirts
- have secreted exoskeleton (tunic) of cellulose-like material
- have a brachial basket (perforated pharynx), water enters through oral siphon, food filtered to digestive system, waste ejected from atrial siphon
- tadpole larvae can swim, but adults are all sessile suspension feeders
- like free-floating adult ascidians
- some are solitary, others form enormous colonies
- all are effective suspension feeders
- like tadpole larvae (retain tail and notochord as adults)
- live in mucus house they contruct
- suspension feed by beating tail to pump water through house, food gets trapped in mucus, both food and mucus ingested
synapomorphy is vertebrae
Characteristics of vertebrates
- jointed dorsal column
- anterior cranium (skull) with a large brain
- well developed circulatory system with a ventral heart
- hagfish and lamprey
- split off before evolution of jaws and mineralized skeleton
have jaws and bones
- skeleton and cranium of cartilage
- no jaws, but tooth-like structures, made of protein, used to rasp tissue from dead organisms
- marine scavengers
- secrete tons of slime
- skeleton and cranium of cartiladge
- mostly parasites of fishes; attach and rasp at host tissue using tooth-like structures made of karatin
true or false:
hemichordate is a chordate