Introduction to Biological Weapons. Flashcards
What time period in the history of the United States represents the Golden Age of Biological Warfare research?
What is a biological weapon (BW)?
~Living organism/infectious material (toxins) intended to cause disease or death to man, animals, or plants.
~Agents used for hostile purposes
~Used in wars
~Used by terrorist
What type of research on Biological Warfare agents is allowed according to current international laws?
Only DEFENSIVE research since 1969 until now
What is the difference between offensive and defensive research?
Offensive is when you are trying to make a bacteria or virus to use for war against someone. DEFENSIVE is to make vaccines, finding ways to detect BW agents in air, drug development, AB-AG detecting methods. Basically things to protect us.
When did offensive research on BW’s stop in the United States?
When was the first Biological Weapons Convention held and where?
1972 first convention, in USA
In the Biological Weapons Treaty, are countries that sign the treaty allowed to stockpile BW’s?
no that is part of the treaty, doesn’t mean they wont.
Are there examples in history where Biowarfare agents have been used in war or acts of terrorism?
1754-1767 British gave smallpox contaminated blankets to American Indians (intentionally)
~1915 German agents believed to have injected horses with anthrax in the USA on their way back to Euro[e
~1940’s Japan dropped fleas infected with plague into China
~1992 Japanese cult traveled to Zaire to obtain Ebola as part of their bioterror campaign (unsuccessful)
Know the following characteristics about each bacterial disease studied for this unit:
a. Genus and species name (English equivalent if given)
b. Gram reaction
c. Cell shape
d. Disease name
e. Virulence factors
f. Transmission
g. Clinical symptoms of disease
h. Vaccine available
i. Treatment
When did DEFENSIVE research begin?