Introduction to Big Data Techniques Flashcards
What is “FinTech”?
Technological innovation in the financial services industry, specifically with the design and delivery of financial service and products.
What is “Alternative Data”?
Data generated from non-traditional sources, such as social media or sensor networks.
What is “Artificial Intelligence”?
Computer systems that are capable of performing tasks that previously required human intelligence.
What is “Big Data”?
The vast amount of information being generated by both traditional sources - for example, stock exchanges, companies, and governments - and non-traditional sources - for example, electronic devices, social media, sensor networks, and company exhaust.
What is the “Internet of Things”?
The vast array of physical devices, home appliances, smart buildings, etc. that enable objects in the system to interact and share information.
What is “Scraping”?
An automated, large-scale, algorithm-driven approach that retrieves otherwise unstructured data available on websites and creates data in a more structured format.
What is an “Expert System”?
A type of computer programming, often based on “If-then” rules, that attempts to simulate the knowledge base and analytical abilities of human experts in specific problem-solving contexts.
What are “Neural Networks”?
A type of computer program design based on how the human brain learns and processes information.
What is “Machine Learning”?
Involves computer-based techniques that seek to extract knowledge from large amounts of data w/o making any assumptions about the underlying data’s probability distribution.
What is “Overfitting”?
When a machine-learning model learns the input and target dataset too precisely, making the system more likely to discover false relationships or unsubstantiated patterns that will lead to prediction errors.
What is “underfitted”?
When a machine learning algorithm treats true parameters as if they are noise and is unable to recognize relationships in the training data, making the model more likely to fail to fully discover patterns that underlie the data.
What is “Supervised Learning”?
A type of machine-learning in which the system attempts to learn to model relationships based on labeled training data.
What is “Unsupervised Learning”?
A type of machine-learning approach in which the system tries to learn the structure of unlabeled data.
What is “Deep Learning”?
An area of artificial intelligence in which a system uses neural networks to perform multi-state, non-linear data processing to identify patterns.
What is “Data Science”?
An interdisciplinary field that harnesses advances in computer science, stats, and other disciplines for the purpose of extracting information from big data.
What is “Text Analysis”?
Involves the use of computer programs to analyze and derive meaning typically from large, unstructured datasets.
What is Natural Language Processing?
A field of research within the field of text analytics at the intersection of computer science, AI, and linguistics.