Introduction to Autoimmunity Flashcards
what is autoimmunity?
Defined as breakdown of mechanisms responsible for self tolerance and induction of an immune response against components of the self
- misdirected immune response against self
- interplay between immune system and autoantigens drive autoimmune disease
what are autoimmune diseases?
Conditions characterized by chronic immune response against self
- can be systemic or organ-specific
- a common issue - 5-7% adults effected
- 2/3s of patients are women
how do autoimmune diseases arise?
Autoimmune diseases arise due to a the presence of a combination of both environmental and genetic risk factors, in particular MHC genotype, which cause a breakdown in tolerance
what are the 4 criteria for autoimmunity?
Demonstration of circulating antibodies – autoantibodies
Recognition of specific autoantigen which autoantibodies bind
Production of autoantibodies against the same antigen in an experimental animal model
Animal model demonstrates equivalent pathology to the human disease
how are autoimmune diseases classified?
Organ specific - Organ specific means the auto-immunity is directed against a component of one particular organ.
Systemic - the auto-immunity is directed against an antigen that is present at many different sites and can include involvement of several organs
how is the body affected by a systemic autoimmune disease?
Systemic autoimmune diseases affect skin, joints, kidney & muscle. - Individual organs are more affected in some diseases than others
what are the most polar examples of organ-specific and systemic autoimmunity?
Hashimoto’s thyroiditis – autoimmune disease focused at thyroid
SLE – autoimmunity prevalent across body
this is due to differential distribution of the targeted autoantigen
why is SLE systemic?
- Autoantigen for SLE is very diffuse – nuclear antigens e.g. dsDNA, which can be released in failure of apoptotic cell clearance – release of autoantigen into microenvironment where immune system can mount response
- causes systemic distribution and autoimmunity
what are examples of organ-specific autoimmune diseases?
Antigens and autoimmunity restricted to specific organs in the body:
- Type I diabetes – destruction of pancreatic beta cells that produce insulin
- Goodpasture’s syndrome – affects kidneys basement membrane of glomeruli
- Multiple sclerosis
- Grave’s disease – hyperthyroidism – production of autoantibodies which bind and activate TSHR = over-production of thyroid hormone
- Hashimoto’s thyroiditis – hypothyroidism – autoimmune damage of thyroid due to reduction in thyroid hormone production
- Myasthenia gravis
what are examples of systemic autoimmune diseases?
Antigens and autoimmunity are distributed in many tissues (systemic):
- Rheumatoid arthritis – autoimmune inflammatory response against synovium which lines joints
- Systemic lupus erythematosus
- Scleroderma
- Primary Sjögren’s syndrome – targets exocrine glands – loss of function of salivary glands, dryness in mouth – can affect renal and neurological processes
- polymyositis
why does autoimmunity occur?
Failure of central tolerance.
Failure in peripheral tolerance.
= Polyclonal lymphocyte activation
what may cause immune regulation to go wrong?
Could be direct genetic defect in immune regulation mechanisms
Direct issue with immune cell populations – uncontrolled
Issue with environment in which immune cell is found so that it is hard to regulate
what is the key function of immune cells?
Immune cells need to have ability to mount response to pathogen, whilst being tolerant and unresponsive to self
what are central and peripheral tolerance?
Central tolerance during lymphocyte development in primary lymphoid organs
Peripheral tolerance to control mature autoreactive lymphocytes that are released into periphery following development
what is the current model for how the immune system is activated?
Danger model:
- The immune system is concerned by what is dangerous or not, i.e. damage
- Tissue damage in response to infection – release of IC molecules e.g. DNA, heat-shock proteins, is recognised by PRRs
- this drives inflammatory responses and second signal to adaptive immune system
what is the two-signal requirement for lymphocyte activation?
Signal 1: specific recognition of antigen
- TCR-Peptide-MHC
- BCR-Native antigen
- Discriminates self and non-self
Signal 2: Non-specific
- Microbial-induced molecules on/from APC
- Microbial molecule (LPS, CpG etc)
- Upregulated in response to infection – leads to T cell co-stimulation via APC
why is signal 2 necessary for lymphocyte activation?
Signal 1 alone leads of unresponsiveness = anergy, deletion, apoptosis
Signal 2 is needed to avoid T cell anergy
Both signals needed for robust lymphocyte proliferation and differentiation
- Both signals must be properly regulated to prevent autoimmunity via central and peripheral tolerance
what is central tolerance?
Central Tolerance – Primary Lymphoid organs during development
- Negative selection
- Development of regulatory T cells
- Receptor editing (B cells)
what is peripheral tolerance?
Peripheral Tolerance – Periphery – control autoreactive escaped lymphocytes
- Regulatory cells and suppression
- Anergy/Ignorance
- Exclusion from lymphoid follicles (B cells)
what is signal 1?
Signal 1 = antigen receptor signal
- This is regulated during central tolerance in lymphocyte development in primary lymphoid organs
how is signal 1 regulated in central tolerance?
T cells migrate into thymus:
- Positive selection in cortex – random rearrangement of TCR – tested against MHC to check that TCR is functional
- As this is random, can likely result in autoreactive T cell clones
- Autoreactive T cells removed during negative selection
- T cells that respond to autoantigens are deleted via apoptosis or diverted to become Tregs
what factors can impact antigen-receptor signalling in the periphery?
- antigens released from cells which are usually hidden
- antigen generated by post-translational modifications
- molecular mimicry
- altered antigen presentation - The level of auto-antigenic peptide presented is determined by polymorphic residues in MHC molecules that govern the affinity of peptide binding.
how can normally hidden antigens be presented?
Antigen can be presented in periphery that isn’t usually visible to immune system e.g. intracellular proteins exposed by failed apoptotic clearance – autoantigen becomes accessible e.g. dsDNA in SLE
how can antigens be generated by molecular changes?
Changes to shape of antigen via post-translational modifications – can change immunogenicity or presentation of autoantigens
what is molecular mimicy?
Molecular mimicry – similarities in self and non-self peptides – stimulation of autoreactive lymphocyte by pathogen-derived peptides
is central tolerance perfect?
no - central tolerance is an imperfect process and autoreactive T cells are inevitably released into the periphery, particularly T cells that fall close to the negative selection affinity threshold
what are the 3 peripheral tolerance mechanisms?
- immunological ignorance
- Tregs - actively suppress autoreactive T cells
- requirement for co-stimulatory molecules - additional scope for regulation
what is immunological ignorance?
Very few self proteins contain peptides that are presented by a given MHC molecule at a level sufficient for T cell activation.
- Autoreactive T cells are present but not normally activated
- Passive consequence – autoreactive lymphocytes may not get activated if autoantigen is not presented – IC antigen may not be released or may be adequately mopped up
what are the functions of co-stimulation?
Co-stimulation drives cell cycle progression and clonal proliferation for T cells by driving IL-2 expression – autocrine growth factor for T cells
- Also drives expression of CD25 (high affinity IL-2R) to respond to IL-2
- Also drives cell survival
- Prevents T cell anergy
- drives T cell differentiation
what happens in presence of TCR stimulation but lack of co-stimulation?
T cell anergy and clonal unresponsiveness
- In absence of inflammation, there is no danger, so lack of co-stimulation but TCR binding indicates that this is an autoantigen
- Both signals induce T cell activation.
Just TCR stimulation = anergy and unresponsiveness to autoantigen
what are the important co-stimulatory molecules?
CD28 – prominent co-stimulatory pathway - Expressed by resting/activated T cells
ICOS: Expressed following T cell activation
These are structurally related molecules that use similar signalling mechanisms
- These molecules upregulate T cell responses, so need to be regulated properly
also TNF
how are co-stimulatory molecules regulated?
Can be controlled by CTLA-4 and PD-1
what do signal 1 and signal 2 induce?
TCR and CD28-mediated signals contribute towards a combined activation threshold and promote T cell activation, proliferation and effector function.
how are signals 1 and 2 provided?
T cell activated via TCR engaging antigen, in addition to CD28 signal
CD28 signal delivered via binding to CD80/CD86 expressed on APCs
- CD80/86 only expressed in response to damage-induced inflammation
what is CTLA-4?
CTLA-4 is expressed by activated T cells and Tregs
- it regulates CD28 co-stimulation
how does CTLA-4 function?
CTLA-4 has a higher affinity for CD80 and CD86 than CD28 so it can outcompete for ligand binding and therefore inhibit CD28 costimulation.
- In addition it removes CD80 and CD86 from APCs by transendocytosis so that there are less CD28 ligands available
- This is all about controlling the activation thresholds
what is PD-1?
PD-1 functions via Shp2. - This is a phosphatase that is recruited to the PD-1 cytoplasmic tail upon ligand binding
- Same family as CD28 and CTLA-4
how does PD-1 function?
Negatively regulates TCR signal and CD28 co-stimulatory signal following PDL1/2 ligand binding expressed by APCs and fibroblasts
- causes dephosphorylation of CD28 in particular but also shows capacity to inhibit TCR driven activation
why is co-stimulation balance important?
- in autoimmunity, there is too much TCR/CD28/ICOS signalling, and too little CTLA-4/PD-1 inhibitory signals
- a strategy could be to rebalance this
what is abatacept?
Abatacept blocks CD28 signalling to treat RA
- balances co-stim and inhibitory signals
how should co-stimulatory molecules be balanced in cancer?
In cancer, we want costimulatory pathways to drive antitumour response
- But this doesn’t happen, as PD1 and CTLA-4 are highly expressed by cancer to inhibit T cells
– opposite therapeutic response to block these T cell inhibitory signals provided by cancer with checkpoint blockade, but can lead to autoimmunity due to loss of T cell regulation
what are the types of Tregs?
Thymus-derived (natural Treg)
Peripheral lymphoid tissue-derived (induced Treg)
how are induced Tregs generated?
- when a naïve T cell receives TCR signal in absence of inflammation, there is risk that this is an autoantigen:
- Environment rich in anti-inflammatory cytokines such as IL-10 and TGFb favours Treg differentiation
- Effector T cell response is inhibited, and becomes biased to Treg differentiation – induced Tregs
what are the key features of Tregs?
- Define Tregs via CD25 positivity in combination with low IL-7R
- Tregs depend on IL-2 for homeostasis and survival – can bind CD25 (IL-2R)
- FOXP3 expression also defines Tregs – master TF for Treg differentiation
- CTLA-4 expression is required for suppressive function of Tregs