Cancer and the Immune System Flashcards
what genetic disorder can abrogate the immune system?
Severe Combined Immunodeficiency (SCID)
- Genetic disorder that dramatically weakens the immune system
- patients unable to generate T and B cells
- Patients usually die within 1 year due to severe, recurrent infections
how is SCID treated?
Treatment is haematopoietic stem cell transplant from donor to reconstitute immune system
why is the immune system important in cancer?
Cells can continuously go wrong – DNA damage
- Immune system can recognise and clear these cells of ‘altered self’ without any sign of symptoms
Immunosurveillance against cancer is critical
- Immune cells continually survey the body for damaged or altered cells, which appear different to the immune system and can be cleared
what are the anti-immune hallmarks of cancer?
Avoiding immune destruction – prevent destruction by immunosurveillance
Tumour-promoting inflammation – generate TME for cancer growth
what makes tumour development more likely?
the impairment or repression of innate and/or adaptive immunity
what early evidence limited our understanding of cancer immunosurveillance?
Immunodeficient athymic nude mice were given Methylcholanthrene(MCA), a highly carcinogenic polycyclic hydrocarbon which readily induces primary sarcomas in mice
- However, no increased incidence of spontaneous or chemically induced tumours was seen - these negative results damaged the field of cancer immunology
But: Subsequently realised that athymic mice have NK cells and low frequencies of T cells, sufficient for immune surveillance
what mouse model was useful in studying cancer immunity?
Genetically modified K/O mice with depletion of one or more arms of immune system e.g. B cells, T cells, NK cells - removal of the immune system
- Treated with MCA carcinogen
how were NK cells shown to be important in cancer immunosurveillance?
NK/NKT cell depletion:
- C57BL/6 mice are 2-3x more susceptible to tumours induced by MCA
- NK cells important for preventing cancer
when NK cells were activated with a-galactosylceramide, C57BL/6 mice had reduced tumour incidence
how were cytotoxic functions of immune cells shown to be important in cancer immunity?
K/O function of immune cells
- T cells and NK cells can kill by perforin/granzyme or by Fas (Fas L on T cell binds Fas on cell = apoptosis)
If perforin is K/O – mice have increased susceptibility to MCA-induced cancer – B cell lymphoma
- lesser role of Fas
Function of T and NK cells crucial for cancer surveillance
what is RAG2?
RAG2 important for recombination of T cells and B cells
what happens when RAG2 is K/O? how does this effect cancer incidence?
Loss of Rag2 function leads to the total inability to initiate VDJ rearrangement
- Rag2-/- mice have no mature T or B lymphocytes
- These mice were susceptible to developing tumours
Functional T, NK and B cells are essential to suppress tumour development
- Supporting the idea that the immune system can recognise and eliminate cancer
what are examples of primary immunodeficiencies or inborn errors of immunity?
SCID – most severe – defects in common gamma chain of cytokine receptors involved in T cell and B cell development
CVID - CVID (common variable immunodeficiency) defective humoral immunity due to defective T cell-B cell interactions
X-linked agammaglobulinaemia – cant form mature B cells or antibodies
MHCII deficiency – cant make mature CD4 T cells
how do immunodeficiencies affect cancer incidence?
Primary immunodeficiencies or inborn errors of immunity (IEI) affect approximately 1:10,000 births
- increased cancer risk estimated to be 4-25%, depending on the genetic difference and immune cells affected
NHL (non-Hodgkin lymphoma), Hodgkin Lymphoma, renal carcinoma, various leukaemias
NHL and epithelial tumours of stomach, breast and bladder
Evidence in humans where immune system is diminished that causes cancer
what are secondary immunodeficiencies?
e.g. due to immunosuppressive medication
- standard treatment after solid organ transplant to prevent graft rejection
- Often life-long treatment
how can immunosuppressive medication be linked to cancer?
Immunosuppressive medication can enable reactivation of oncogenic viruses that are normally contained by the immune system
- e.g. EBV infects B and epithelial cells – cancers are in B cell lymphomas and epithelial carcinomas
- Normally EBV is contained by T cell mediated immunity
- In a patient on immunosuppressive drug, there is loss of T cells, so no control of EBV = cancer
what is an example of a patient who had viral reactivation due to secondary immunosuppression?
Patient who had transplant and was immunosuppressed:
- Monitored for EBV reactivation
- After 60 days, EBV load increases – reactivation of oncolytic virus
- PET scan – areas of high activity – see lymphoma formed as T cells were suppressed
can secondary immunodeficiency also cause non-viral induced cancer?
Viruses and non-viruses can induce cancer
- Immune system surveilling against cancer – if it is suppressed, this can increase risk of non-virus-associated cancer
what is Coley’s toxin?
Early clinicians observed that in rare cases, infection can lead to spontaneous cancer regression:
- Coley attempted to treat soft-tissue sarcoma by injecting a mixture of bacteria into the tumours to induce an immune response
- He reported a 10% cure rate
- the immune response to the bacteria at the tumour site also induced a response against the cancer
what is the first line treatment for bladder cancer?
Injection of the BCG vaccine into the bladder is still used as a first-line treatment for bladder cancer
- Not entirely clear how this works
- Appears to stimulate immune activation in the lining of the bladder which can lead to an anti-cancer response
what immune cells can infiltrate tumours?
Immunohistochemistry of TME:
- CD3 T cells
- CD8 T cells
- CD16 NK cells
- FOXP3 Tregs
- CD20 B cells
- CD68 macrophages
Many different immune cells inside TME – promotion of inflammation
how do tumour-infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs)
predict clinical outcome?
Immune infiltration can influence patient prognosis:
- high TILs in tumour = longer survival
- low TILs in tumour = shorter survival
how can different types of immune cell infiltration be important in cancer?
Percentage of CD4+ T cells in tumour infiltrates is prognostic in DLBCL:
- biggest increase in survival if CD4 T cells infiltrated the tumour compared to CD8 infiltration
The quality and/or quantity of immune infiltrating cells appear to represent independent prognostic factors – determine outcome of patients
how do different TMEs affect immune cell function and inflammation?
the overall contribution of the local inflammatory and immune system are profoundly influenced by the type of tumour
- Many different immune cells in TME
- If immune cells cant function in the TME due to immune checkpoints expressed by cancer, there are poorer outcomes
- T cells being there isn’t enough, they need to be able to function
what are abscopal effects?
systemic anti-tumour immunity
- treatment of one tumour can indirectly induce anti-tumour immunity in distal lesions
how does ionising radiation alter the TME?
Induces immunogenic cell death involving:
- Translocation of calreticulin to cell surface
- Allows DC uptake via scavenger receptors
- Release of HMGB-1 - Binds TLR4 and promotes cross presentation
- Release of ATP - Binds to P2X7 and activates inflammasome
exposes cancer antigens and DAMPs to stimulate the immune system - taken up by dendritic cells
how does radiotherapy stimulate the immune system?
Immune cells inside tumour may be in passive state before radiotherapy:
- Radiotherapy bursts open tumour cells
- release of DAMPs
- DAMPs sensed by DCs via TLRs
- DCs take up cancer antigens
- DCs enter draining lymph node and stimulate T cell response
what evidence is there of radiotherapy causing abscopal effects?
Immune responses generated by local ionising irradiation can lead to regression of metastatic tumours at distant sites
- Patient with metastatic melanoma given ionising radiation on metastic spinal tumour mass
- Led to regression of other metastases in the lymph nodes and spleen over 4 months
- this effect was maintained over many years and induced long-term survival
why is anti-cancer T cell immunity difficult to induce?
Complex TME – DCs and lymphocytes may be suppressed
- DCs need to be able to leave to stimulate T cells, and T cells need to be able to come back - difficult
why is it difficult for the immune system to detect cancer?
Cancer arises from normal cells so are extremely similar
– harder to distinguish cancer from self compared to pathogens
why is it difficult for T cells to recognise cancer?
- Diverstiy in TCRs – VDJ recombination = 10^18 possibilities of TCR sequence
- Many T cells are removed as they are self-reactive so bind too strongly, or not functional as they bind too weakly
- T cells that recognise self are largely deleted during dev to avoid autoimmunity
- All the T cells that would have recognised cancer are deleted due to tolerance
what cancer features can T cells recognise?
T cells can recognise proteins that appear as ‘foreign’ to the immune system
what are examples of cancer antigens that appear foreign?
Viral antigens in viral-associated cancer
- Tumour expressing viral proteins e.g. EBV antigens which are presented on surface and recognised by T cells
Tumour-specific antigens e.g. WT1 in AML
WT1 not normally expressed in adulthood but is re-expressed in cancer due to demethylation and surface presentation
Tissue-specific antigen expression
Overexpression of proteins
- T cells can recognise when a protein is overexpressed e.g. HER2
how are neoantigens generated by cancer?
Cancer is a consequence of mutation:
- DNA mutation may lead to expression of a protein that has a change in genetic code – change in amino acid sequence – change in protein
- If this part of protein can be presented, T cell will recognise it as it is altered-self
- T cell doesn’t recognise normal cell, but can recognise cancer cell with the mutated peptide
why are neoantigens important in cancer immunosurveillance?
Normal cell = self proteins which immune system is tolerant to
Cancer = neoantigens where protein has been changed by DNA mutation – neoepitope is presented on the surface to T cell
- Neoepitopes look foreign to the immune system
what does a good immune response to cancer depend on?
Mutational load = number of DNA mutations in a cancer type
how do mutational loads vary among cancers?
Some cancers have many more mutations compared to others
- Cancers with most mutations are melanoma – caused by exposure to UV which can constantly happen
- Lung cancer is also high in mutational load – smoking
- Leukaemias have less mutational load
what cancers are more amenable to immunotherapies?
Cancers amenable to immunotherapy tend to be ones with high mutational load as higher chance of neoantigens which can be recognised by immune system
what are the key immune evasion mechanisms in cancer?
- release of immunosuppressive cytokines
- downregulation of MHC or antigen processing pathways
- exploiting T cell checkpoints
what immunosuppressive cytokines can be released in the TME?
Immune cells in TME can be suppressed:
- Tumour makes cytokines such as TGFb or IL-10 that are released to suppress T cells
- Cytokines may be made by tumour cells or other suppressive cells in TME such as Tregs and MDSCs
what is the key feature of TMEs?
TME is complex and is very immunosuppressive to T cells
- T cells tend to be unable to function in TME
how do cancers impair T cell recognition?
Tumours downregulate MHC:
- T cell response requires MHC for presentation of processed antigen
- Cancers prevent T cell recognition as they downregulate MHC
Adenocarcinoma – stained for MHC
- Tumours have no brown MHC staining, surrounded by MHC-positive stromal cells
as well as downregulating MHC, how else can cancers reduce antigen presentation?
Downregulation of components of processing pathway:
- Protein processed by proteosome and translocated by TAP into ER to be loaded onto MHC
In Burkitt lymphoma – mutation in TAP – peptides cant be translocated into ER so aren’t loaded onto MHC
what are immune checkpoints?
T cells have checkpoints: ‘Emergency OFF-switches’
- Important in regulating immune responses
- PD-1 is important for immunity
- In viral infection when T cells expand, they need to be resolved eventually – PD-1 prevents overactive immune system to stop excessive tissue damage
how do cancers exploit immune checkpoints?
Cancer expresses the ligand that binds to T cell checkpoints such as PD- L1
- PD-L1 on cancer binds PD-1 checkpoint on T cell to inhibit the T cell
how can the immune system cause tumours to evolve?
Selection pressure by immune system can cause outgrowth of cancers
- Cancers can survive immune system
- If 2 or 3 cells downregulate MHC, these can escape CD8s and NK cells, and these fittest cancers survive
- causes an outgrowth of cells that can evade immune system
why can cancer recurrence occur to chemo/radiotherapy?
Cancer cells are subject to evolutionary pressure, and only the ‘fittest’ cells survive
- Explains why recurrent cancer is harder to treat – the surviving cancers evolve to become resistant to the therapy so will persist despite treatment
what type of antigens might T cells recognise in cancer?
- tumour-associated antigens
- tumour-specific antigens/neoantigens (mutated self-antigens)
- e.g. BCR-ABL fusion protein - viral antigens e.g. EBV
- aberrantly expressed self-proteins e.g. WT1 (TF that drives proliferation during development) or HER2
- Low avidity T cell can bind cell coated with abnormally high expression of an antigen - differentiation/cell lineage antigens
- e.g. CD19 tissue-specific antigen, targeted by CAR-T therapy - abnormal post-translational modification of self-protein
- e.g. MUC-1 - epitope looks different
what are the characteristics of a good T cell antigen?
- Needs to be altered enough from self to avoid autoimmunity
- lack of immunological tolerance so that high avidity T cells recognise altered-self
- Needs to be expressed only in cancers – tumour-specific to avoid toxicity
- Antigen that is present in all the tumours
- Avoid selection pressure that enables small proportion of cancers to survive – prevents regression and eliminates entire tumour
- The antigen needs to be critical for growth and survival of the tumour cell
- Antigens that are shared amongst people with different tumour types – widely applicable
how may tumours escape T cell surveillance?
- downregulation of MHC
- suppress/change expression of different antigens
- immunosuppression
- metabolic depletion
- impaired migration
- immune tolerance/lack of suitable target antigens
how may cancers downregulate MHC?
Tumours can downregulate MHCI to reduce antigen presentation - E.g. Burkitt’s lymphoma downregulates TAP, so reduced MHCI loading in the ER
C2TA controls MHCII cassette expression – cancers can also downregulate this
how do cancers suppress/change their antigens?
Suppress expression or change expression of different antigens – epigenetic modifications
Antigen loss variants – downregulation of antigen due to selection pressures from immune system allowing tumours to evolve
- T cell targeting results in selection of malignant cells that do not express the target antigen
how may T cells be suppressed in the TME?
- Tumour secretes or expresses factors/immune checkpoint ligands to inhibit T cells e.g. PD-1
- Tregs in TME use up IL-2
- Tumour, Tregs, MDSCs and M2 macrophages release IL-10, TGFb
how may T cell metabolism be impaired in the TME?
dampens T cell metabolism by cancer excessive consumption of nutrients
- Tumours take up trypsin and arginine which are essential for T cells – depleted from environment
how are T cells excluded from the TME?
Stroma can present proteins which impair T cell migration into tumour – exclusion from TME
- chemokine inhibition
how may cancers be immune tolerant?
No immunogenic antigen or T cells specific for suitable “self” antigens have been deleted