Angiogenesis Flashcards
what is an endothelium?
- a major organ which comprises the blood vessels of the body
- in direct contact with blood - non-thrombogenic surface, so blood will not clot when in contact with endothelium
- thin membrane
- largest mass in the body to perfuse tissues
- most metabolically and genetically active cell in the body - expresses the most genes
- master regulator of the body
what is angiogenesis?
the growth of new blood vessels from existing vessels
is angiogenesis highly active in adults?
- low level of angiogenesis
- in females, occurs during menstrual cycle, where uterus regrows lining and where ovary forms follicle and matures the egg - essential for reproduction
- blocking angiogenesis can act as a contraceptive, as it inhibits egg development
- doesn’t happen in men unless they are in wound healing or in the gut due to damage to intestinal lining
what is the structure of epithelial tissues?
- Epithelial tissues are outside to separate from outside environment
- can be one cell thick or multiple layers
- Epithelium sits on basement membrane and continually proliferates to provide barrier function
- basement membrane is what contacts the outer environment in all tissues e.g. the blood
- beneath basement membrane is the stromal tissue which can grow blood vessel
how is cancer induced?
a mutation in a cell (either due to genetic or environmental factor)
- this mutation may lead to loss of control in cell growth
- cell proliferates uncontrollably to form localised tumour
how does a tumour effect the epithelial tissue structure?
- loss of contact inhibition with basement membrane
- layer organisation is lost
what is a benign tumour?
- usually, people over the age of 60 have small, benign tumours found frequently throughout the body
- these are lesions which are not damaging and do not metastasise, as they don’t grow large enough
what happens when a tumour grows too large?
- As tumour proliferates, it gets bigger and becomes hypoxic (normoxia is 1-4% oxygen, hypoxia is below 1%) in the centre
- Tumour can’t be fully perfused and uses up oxygen
- this induces transcriptional changes in the cancer
how do large tumours respond to hypoxia?
- hypoxia activates TFs which can cause release of angiogenic factors from the cancer cells
- these diffuse beneath basement membrane and stimulate growth of new blood vessels from original vessels
- endothelial cells form vessels which penetrate the tumour
- Forms a vascularised tumour – first step needed for metastasis
- Basement membrane is broken by the tumour – cancer can become malignant as it reaches the stroma
how can a benign and malignant tumour be distinguished?
benign = basement membrane in tact
malignant = basement membrane is broken
- cells can enter bloodstream and undergo metastasis
what TF is activated by hypoxia in tumours?
– hypoxia–inducible factor switches on 10% of genome, including glycolytic genes, downregulates Krebs cycle genes – switch from oxidative phosphorylation to glycolysis – angiogenic switch
what evidence is there that tumour growth is angiogenesis-dependent?
Inject cancer cells to anterior chamber of rabbit eye:
- Some cells would remain as single cells, suspended in the anterior chamber indefinitely
- But if the cancers attach to iris, which has a rich blood supply, they can promote blood vessel growth into eye to vascularise the tumour, leading to rapid tumour growth
what are pericytes?
these cells bind to the surface of stable, mature vessels and maintain them
how do angiogenic factors function?
Tumour produces VEGF, FGF
- the factors cause pericytes to be expelled from the vessel, meaning it is no longer stabilised
- with the vessel now exposed, the factors bind to their receptors on resting endothelial cells to polarise the endothelial cells
- there is release of proteases to degrade the ECM
- Endothelial cell begins proliferating and migrating towards tumour
- Basement membrane is broken down
how are the new vessels in tumours organised?
Healthy tissue has big vessels becoming capillaries that join up again
- Hierarchical structure
In tumour:
- Blood vessels are in a mess – lack of organisation – highly branched and abnormal
- Vessels in tumour are malformed as they have been hijacked and haven’t been through tight developmental process
- more vessels, but less functional
is blood flow efficient in a tumour?
Blood flow in tumours is very poor compared to healthy tissue
- tortuous, leaky, variable flow - no directionality, or no blood flow at all
- high intestitial fluid pressure
why are cytotoxic drugs limited in cancer treatment?
Cytotoxic cancer drugs fail because the drug can’t enter the tumour due to poor vascularisation
what are the consequences of the lack of blood flow in angiogenic tumours?
Cancer becomes hypoxic
- lack of blood flow, so lack of oxygen
- oxygen tension is from 0-1% (anoxic-hypoxic)
Cancer also becomes acidic
- lack of oxygen means OXPHOS cannot occur
- tumour can only use glycolysis for ATP, which releases lactic acid as waste = acidic TME
how do hypoxia and acidity effect cancer?
- hypoxia induces expression of 2000 genes - large chunk of genome due
- normally, TFs transcribe around 10-50 genes
- hypoxic TFs are promiscuous and cause massive induction of gene expression
- causes differential gene expression in tumour compared to healthy tissue
- Acidity has effects on gene expression and immune cell behaviour
- Leads to differentially spliced genes in tumours
how well perfused is a tumour?
- hypoxic space in tumour where cells are dead
- Tumour grows so fast so blood vessels can’t keep up – cells in the middle are dead – necrotic centre of the tumour
- Dead ends in the vasculature can’t perfuse middle of tumour
- No oxygen, no glucose, so cancers are dead in the middle
what model can we use to study cancer angiogenesis?
Rat-insulin promoter driving T-antigen (RIP-TAG mice) – genetically engineered mouse model
- Mice express viral T antigen (oncogene) under control of Rat-insulin promoter
- oncogene expressed in islets of langerhans
- Forms tumours in pancreas of mice – PDAC model – 5-7 weeks = hyperplastic islets, 7-12 weeks = angiogenic islets, by 14 weeks will have large tumours
how are islets changed in the RIP-TAG model?
Islets are naturally highly vascular to pump insulin into endocrine system
When a tumour is formed, there are lots more vessels and growth
what does carcinoma in situ mean?
cancer has not left original site as it hasn’t broken the basement membrane
- benign
- retained within primary basement membrane site
- unlikely to have metastasis
how does vascularisation impact prognosis?
The more vascularized the cancer, the poorer the prognosis
- high microvessel density predicts poorer survival
- low microvessel density provides favourable outcomes