Introduction to Art Flashcards
creative and unique expression
form of communication
anything intended to be art
materials used to make art
elements of art
value (light)
form (shape)
function of art in society
invoke emotion
religious purposes
honoring or remembering people
Paleolithic era
old stone age
climate of Paleolithic era
ice age
clothing of Paleolithic era
animal skins
shelter of Paleolithic era
belief that all things have a non-physical component (spirit)

known as the “Cave of Lascaux” or “House of Bulls”
from the Paleolithic era
located in France

known as a “Venus figure”
from the Paleolithic era
found from England to Russia

known as the “Venus of Willendorf”
from the Paleolithic era
most famous Venus figure
Neolithic era
new stone age
changes from the Neolithic Revolution
domestication of animals
science and art of cultivating plants and livestock
domestication of animals
mutual relationship between animals and the humans who have influence on their care and reproduction
increase of settlements
5 side effects of agriculture in the Neolithic Revolution
invention of tools for the soil
invention of irrigation
invention of scythe or sickle
invention of grindstone
use of ceramics
5 side effects of domestication of animals in the Neolithic Revolution
invention of shears
invention of spindle
invention of loom
use of dairy technology
invention of tack
invention of wheel
invention of fences
5 side effects of sedentarism in the Neolithic Revolution
popularization of permanent shelter
invention of government
invention of laws
use of trade
popularization of craft specialization
use of war in conflicts
spread of disease
invention of writing methods
leather riding gear
Neolithic rock writing

known as “Stonehenge”
from the Neolithic era
found in England
function of Stonehenge
calendar (for planting crops)
large stone
used in Neolithic sculpture and architecture

known as an “African ceremonial mask”
from the Neolithic era
use of African ceremonial masks
dancing as attempt to speak to God

known as an “Easter Island head” or “Moai”
from the Neolithic era

known as “Mesa Verde Cliff Palace”
from the Neolithic era

known as a “Colossal Head”
from the Neolithic era
found in Olmec
inspiration of Colossal Head
past leaders

known as “Pyramid of the Jaguar”
from the Neolithic era
Mayan pyramid
was brightly painted
functions of the Pyramid of the Jaguar
tomb for kings
sanctuary for religious ceremonies

known as “Aztec calendar stone”
from the Neolithic era
means “between the Americas”
1st location of human settlements in Americas
countries of Mesoamerica
southern Mexico
El Salvador
northern Honduras
rituals of Mayan civilization
human sacrifice
body modifications
primary ritual of Aztec civilization
human sacrifice
kingdoms of Egypt
Old Kingdom
Middle Kingdom
New Kingdom
ruler of ancient Egypt
rulership passed down from generation-to-generation in some families
Egyptian picture writings
relief sculpture
relief carving
sculpture on a 2-dimensional surface
concrete representation of an abstract concept

known as “Palette of Narmer”
from Egypt
example of relief carving
depicts an image of Narmer
1st Egyptian Pharoah
unified Egypt

known as “Pyramid of Zoser”
from Egypt
commissioner of Pyramid of Zoser

known as “Great Pyramid of Giza”
from Egypt
builders of Great Pyramid of Giza
purpose of Great Pyramid of Giza
glorification of power of Pharoah

known as “Sphinx”
from Egypt
location of Sphinx
very close to Great Pyramid of Giza

known as “Portrait of Khafre”
from Egypt

known as “Bust of Nefertete”
from Egypt
currently located in Berlin
canopic urn
container used to store organs of mummies
Egyptian beliefs and rituals about death
believed in the division of heaven and hell
believed there would be a judgement day
held funerals (mummification)
buried the dead in pyramids
used cemeteries
used coffins (many boxes)
visited the dead
marked graves with tombstones

known as “Funeral Mask of King Tut”
from Egypt
medium of Funeral Mask of King Tut
pure gold

known as “Abu Simbel”
from Egypt
commissioner of Abu Simbel
where civilization 1st appeared in world
means “between the rivers”
rivers of Mesopotamia
Tigris river
Euphrates river
location of Mesopotamia
present-day Iraq
Mesopotamian writing

known as “Ziggurat of Ur”
from Mesopotamia
needed to be reconstructed

known as “Stele of Hammurabi”
from Mesopotamia
example of relief carving
depicts laws being given to Hammurabi by God

known as “Lion-Hunt Relief”
from Mesopotamia
used as propoganda