Introduction Class Flashcards
les devises
Firmes Multinationale
configuration de marché ou il y a quelques vendeurs (beaucoup d’acheteurs mais moins de vendeurs)
organisation mondiale du commerce. Organisation basée en Suisse. (World Trade Organisation - WTO)
What is majority of world commerce?
Manufacturing, then services. Everything in the world is increasing (all the sectors) but agriculture is increasing the least. This is why these products are always protected by the government
The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), signed in 1947 by 23 countries, is a treaty minimizing barriers to international trade by eliminating or reducing quotas, tariffs, and subsidies. It was intended to boost economic recovery after World War II. l’OMC compte aujourd’hui 163 pays-membre et 24 pays observateurs
Conclusions from the graphs on his slides showing PIB and commerce mondiale
Deux conclusions importantes avec les graphiques
Le commerce mondial croît plus vite que le PIB mondial, mais la tendance est à la baisse
Le commerce mondial croît plus vite que le PIB mondial, mais la tendance est erratique
The New World Order
Royaume-Uni -> Etats-Unis -> Multipolarise
The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Organisation de Coopération et de Développement Économiques
How has the reverse of North-South power begun?
En 1948, la Chine représentait 0,9% du commerce de marchandises,15,2% en 2021.
refers to the adaptation of global products and services to the local market. It involves combining global and local strategies to create products or services that meet the needs of specific local markets while still maintaining a global brand identity. Glocalisation can be seen as a way to balance the benefits of standardisation and economies of scale with the need to respond to local cultural, social, and economic conditions. It is often used in the context of multinational corporations and their efforts to adapt to the local markets in which they operate.
Pays Moins avancée
Les avantages de la mondialisation financière
la libre circulation des capitaux, permettant aux pays disposant d’un excédent d’épargne de le transférer vers les pays dans le besoin.
The benefits of financial globalization include the freedom of movement of capital, allowing countries with a surplus of savings to transfer it to countries in need.
Les risques de la mondialisation financière
la perte d’autonomie des économies nationales. L’incertitude des mouvements de capitaux et de devises souligne l’importance d’un système monétaire international stable et prévisible.
However, financial globalization also generates risks, such as the loss of autonomy of national economies. The uncertainty of capital and currency movements highlights the importance of a stable and predictable International Monetary System
World Trade vs production 1960 - 2020
960-1973 = commerce développe et la production augmente aussi (commerce tire la production)
2005-2020 = les deux sont plus moins qu’avant. Les politiques de se protéger.
Commerce et PIB ont un corrélation -> quand une baisse, l’autre baisse.
Mais le commerce fait l’action plus fort. Le PIB monte, le commerce monte BEAUCOUP. Le PIB décline, le commerce PLONGE.