Chapter 1 Flashcards
La mondialisation
The Economic Term
Elle correspond à la généralisation des interconnexions géographiques entre les produits, les économies, les marchés et les firmes, d’une manière qui implique un nombre croissant de pays, y compris les PVD…
Pays voie de development - sont des pays en transition qui se situent entre les PMA et les pays développés
La globalisation
The General Term
Phénomène d’internationalisation des opérations productives, commerciales et financières qui se caractérise par un nouveau jeu d’acteurs , lesquels (firmes, Etats, institutions diverses, etc.) conçoivent de plus en plus leurs activités et leurs objectifs d’emblée au niveau mondial.
Phenomenon of internationalization of productive, commercial and financial operations which is characterized by a new set of actors, who (firms, States, various institutions, etc.) increasingly conceive their activities and their objectives from the outset at the global level .
La glocalisation
Un compromis entre « globalisation » et « localisation » qui porte à adapter des stratégies globales (mondiales) aux conditions locales.
La glocalisation est donc une globalisation qui se donne des limites en évitant d’ignorer la réalité des « territoires ».
A compromise between “globalization” and “localization” which leads to adapting global (worldwide) strategies to local conditions.
Glocalization is therefore a globalization that sets itself limits by avoiding ignoring the reality of “territories”.
Le commerce mondiale entre 1948 et 2019
World trade in goods has jumped from 59 billion in 1948 to 17,070 billion in 2021
However, a jerky and uncertain evolution
In 2015 trade fell by 15.7% compared to 2014
Again, a drop was recorded in 2016: 0.8%. It is therefore a cumulative decline of 16.5% in two years (2015-16)
The phenomenon is not new: international trade in goods has already suffered a drastic fall of 17.3% in 2009
In 2020, merchandise exports fell by 33.3%
Les pays développés à économie de marché
the top ten exporters and importers of goods accounted for what percentage of trade
What share do developing countries have in world merchandise trade?
pays les moins avancés
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
Conférence des Nations Unies sur le Commerce et le Développement
Components d’un FMN
- une société mère (SM) [parent company]
- des filiales [subsidiaries] à l’étranger
La SM exerce un contrôle sur les actifs des firmes étrangères cibles en possédant au moins 10% de leur capital, seuil considéré comme permettant d’exercer un « réel » contrôle.
Selon la CNUCED recensait, en 2018, environ 60 000 FMN et 600 000 filiales étrangères. Il y en avait 35 000 seulement en 1992. Le nombre de FMN a été multiplié par près de 2 en 30 ans.
Sur le nombre ainsi recensé, environ Les ¾ ont pour origine les pays développés et ¼ proviennent de pays en développement.
Des spécialisations pertinentes au Nord
- Domination dans les produits transformés, manufacturés ou innovants
- Incorporation forte des activités de R&D
- Exportation des produits à haute teneur technologique et à haute valeur ajoutée
- Activisme coordonné des firmes et des Etats
Des spécialisations précaires au Sud
-Prépondérance de la mono activité
- Prédominance des primo exportations ou de la vente de produits peu transformés
I- ndustrialisation lente et dépendante (sous traitance de second rang)
- Attractivité faible difficultés à attirer des IDE
- foreign direct investment
- Les investissements directs à l’étranger (IDE)
Aide Publique au développement - Official Development Assistance (ODA)
How do the North’s trade policies hurt the South?
The article discusses the accusation that the North’s trade policies harm the economies of the South.
The article argues that the governments of developed countries use public policies to support their own economies by providing financial assistance in the form of subsidies. These subsidies, which are given to companies in developed countries, are worth more than half of the value of goods imported from developing countries. In addition, the amount of subsidies provided by developed countries is 10 times higher than the amount of aid they provide to developing countries. This, according to the article, is unfair and results in developing countries losing out on potential trade opportunities and economic growth.
The protectionism of the North costs the South economies due to transfers to protected sectors of the OECD amounting to $500 billion. The article also discusses the impact of quotas and anti-competitive practices, particularly in sensitive sectors such as textiles, leather, and fishing, on the exports of developing countries.
Discuss the competitiveness of the French Economy
The competitiveness of French exports has been declining, and the country’s share in global trade has fallen from 6.3% in 1973 to 3.2% in 2014 due to factors such as decreased competitiveness, emerging economies, and poor geographical specialization.
The article also notes that France’s traditional “Keynesian” approach to foreign trade, in which the trade balance worsens with economic growth, has been overturned since 2004, with persistent deficits indicating a structural competitiveness problem.
The article also highlights the variable performance of the French trade balance from 2015 to 2018, with the deficit decreasing in 2015-2016 due to a reduction in the energy bill but increasing again in 2017-2018 due to the rise of the dollar.
Subsidies provided by developed countries to their domestic companies are a problem for developing countries for what reasons?
Unfair competition: Subsidies allow companies in developed countries to sell their products at lower prices than those of their competitors from developing countries. This results in an unfair competition that can hurt the sales and profits of companies from developing countries.
Distorted markets: Subsidies also distort the global market by artificially reducing the cost of production for companies in developed countries. This, in turn, affects the prices of goods and services worldwide, making it difficult for developing countries to compete in global markets.
Loss of trade opportunities: The article argues that subsidies provided by developed countries to their domestic companies result in developing countries losing out on potential trade opportunities. When developed countries protect their own industries with subsidies, they are essentially closing off their markets to companies from developing countries, preventing them from entering and competing fairly.
Economic growth: The article suggests that subsidies given to companies in developed countries, which are worth more than half the value of goods imported from developing countries, is preventing developing countries from achieving their full economic potential. Developing countries are often dependent on exports to fuel their economic growth, but with developed countries using subsidies to protect their own industries, the playing field is not level, and developing countries may find it difficult to compete and grow.