introduction and osteology Flashcards
posterior triangle (all of the regions before this and bone do from book)
present between the sternocleidomastoid, the neck and chin turning muscle, trapezius the shrugging muscle and middle one third of clavicle
it has brachial plexus, subclavian vessels with its branches and tributaries.
anterior triangle of neck
present between the anterior median line and anterior aspect of sternocleidomastoid muscle.
its apex is at the end of the neck
contains carotid artery and its branches
and isthmus of thyroid gland.
bone of the head and neck include
the skull with the mandible , 7 cervical vertebrae, hyoid bone and 6 ear ossicles.
what is made by intramembranous ossification
cap of the skull made by frontal, parietal, squamous temporal and a part of occipital
what is made by endochondral ossification
the base of the skull
2 main parts of skull
calvaria or brain box which is the upper part of the cranium
facial bones which makes the rest of the face
total bones in skull
calvaria bones paired
parietal temporal malleus (ear) incus (ear) stapes (ear)
calvaria bones unpaired
facial bones paired
zygomatic maxilla nasal lacrimal inferior nasal concha
facial bone unpaired
the skull can be placed in proper orientation by what 2 lines
Reid’s base line obtained by joining infraorbital margin to the center of external acoustic meatus
Frankfurt’s by joining infraorbital margin with upper margin of external acoustic meatus
muscle attachments of Norma occipitalis
- upper part of extrernal occipital protuberance gives origin to trapezius and the lower part to ligmentum nuchae
- middle third of superior nuchal line give rises to trapezius and the lateral part provides for sternocleidomastoid above and splenius capitis below
- if highest nuchal lines are present it medially gives origin to epicranial aponeuroses and laterally to occipitalis have occipitofrotalis muscle
bones of norma frontalis
- frontal bone
- maxilla ( right and left)
- mandible
- right and left nasal bone
- zygomatic bone
what is seen in the frontal region of norma frontalis
supercilliary arch- overlies frontal sinus
glabella- connecting 2 supper cilliary arch and is continued with the frontonasal process
nasion- meeting point of internasal suture and frontonasal suture
frontal tuber or eminence- rounded elevation above the super ciliary arch