Introduction and History Flashcards
What does being different means historically?
- Destroyed
- Tortured
- Exorcised
- Sterilized
- Ignored
- Exiled
Double standard?
Physical vs mental impairment (MR vs MI)
What group received the worst treatment throughout most of history?
Mental illness
Survival and Superstition
- 3000 to 500 B.C.
- Concept of survival of the fittest (need to be physically fit for providing for the clan (food/protection))
- Superstition guided social responses (if you had a deformity it was seen as a bad omen)
Humanitarian Reform
- 500 B.C to 400 A.D.
- Doctrine of the survival of the fittest
- Double standard : born with disability = bad, disability cause by war = hero.
- Treatment for MI: purification, exorcism
- Hippocrate: recognize MI as a disease of natural cause
- Plato: recognize MI as curable through physical activity, massage and hydrotherapy
- PA does help with MI
- Better if you combine PA medication
Judeo-Christian Influence
- 400 to 1500 A.D.
- Religious influence increase the level of acceptance and understanding = better humanitarian treatment
- Concept that taking a life was a sinful act
- Protective environment of monasteries and royal courts
- MR = child of God, MI = possessed by Devil
Influence of Science and Medicine
- 16th to 17th centuries
- MI are still persecuted
- Deaf of noble birth = education
- MR = good treatment but perceived as a burden
Initial Acceptance
- 18th century
- Influence of French Revolution: more compassion and education (schools for blind and deaf children), more individual responsibility and better treatment for MI.
- Disability no longer due to Satan
Beginnings of Educational Treatment
- 19th century
- Jean-Marc Itard: children with severe MR can be taught and improved functioning
- Edouard Seguin: developed educational system focusing on physical intellectual and more development.
- Influence of European: residential institutions for MR, Deaf and blind people in USA
Social Reform
- 20th century
- Concern about disability from education, psychology (Freud & Pavlov) and medecine
- IQ tests developed
- Quest for quantification of disability and individuals
- Positives effect of WWs on attitude toward persons with a disability.
- Concept of true inclusion (choice of friends, work ,etc and be able to say yes or no without penalty)
- progressive inclusion and acceptance of disability in sport (ex. commonwealth)
- Individuals with disability are individuals who can contribute to the betterment of society.
Disablement Model
Trauma / disease - Impairment - Disability - Handicap
Disablement Model - Trauma
- Injury of living tissues caused by extrinsic agent
- Ex: TBI (traumatic brain injury) , amputation, SCI (spinal cord injury)
Disablement Model - Disease (active pathology)
- Interruption of normal cellular processes
- Top 2 in CAN: Cancer and heart disease
- Other ex: Parkinson’s, ALS, diabetes, stroke
Disablement Model - Impairment
- Loss or abnormality at the tissues, organ or body system level
3 categories of psychologic impairments
- Musculoskeletal system (ex: muscular atrophy, inflammation)
- Pulmonary system (ex: loss of a lung, shortness of breathing)
- Neuromuscular system (ex: demyelination, decreased in proprioception)
Disablement Model - Disability
Any restriction or lack of ability to perform a task or an activity in the manner or within the range considered normal for a human being
If someone is in a wheelchair can you say he/she is handicapped ?
Disablement Model - Handicap
- Disadvantage resulting from an impairment or disability that limits or prevents fulfillment of an individual’s role.
- Classification of a circumstances or situations
Mental Retardation
Issues with adaptation and critical thinking
- seen around grade 4-6
- can continue education but will not be passing in most cases
Mental Illness
Lose sense with reality
- schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, depression
- Mental processes are not slower like MR
Arthritis - Disease
Arthritis in hips and knee
Arthritis - Impairment
Decreased in ROM
- loss of muscle strength and endurance
- inflammation in the affected hip and knee
Arthritis - Disability
Decreased in walking capacities
Arthritis - Handicap
Can no longer play his role as a volunteer in hospital because the person needed to walk for a while
Number 1 parasport in the world
Wheelchair basketball
Effect of world wars
- increase number of people with a disability
2. increase health services
Significant Events in Parasport (12)
- First Sports Club for Deaf (berlin)
- First International Silent Games (Paris)
- Sir Ludwig Gutman established the Spinal Injuries Center of the Stoke Mandeville Hospital (England = war vets)
- First wheelchair basketball game played by war vets (USA)
- First Stoke Mandeville Games for the Paralyzed (England)
- International Stoke Mandeville Wheelchair Sports Federation (ISMWSF)
- International Sport Organization for Disabled (ISOD)
- First male wheelchair entrant in Boston Marathon
- First female wheelchair entrant in Boston Marathon
- Cerebral Palsy-International Sport and Recreation Association (CP-ISRA)
- International Blind Sports Association (IBSA)
- Creation of the International Paralympic Committee (IPC)
International Paralympic Committee (IPC) Mandates
- To promote elite sports for athletes with disabilities
2. To integrate these athletes to the Olympics
Who is allowed to participate in the Paralympics?
- BSA : International Blind Sport Association
- ISOD : International Sport Organisation for Disabled
- ISMWSF : International Stoke Mandeville Wheelchair Sports Federation
- CP-ISRA : Cerebral Palsy-International Sport and Recreation Association
- INAS-FMH : International Sport Federation for Persons with Mental Handicap wasn’t part of it before so they also have World Championship
- CISS can compete but they prefer the world games instead*
Before being called Paralympics, what was the name of the game?
Olympics for the disabled
Significant Dates in Paralympics (6)
- First game in 1960 with 400 athletes: for wheelchair sports (Spinal cord injury)
- In 1980, they added Amputee, Blind and Cerebral palsy
- In 1988, rename it to Paralympics and added les autres
- in 1992, two differents paralympics game one for visual and physical impairment and one for mentral impairments.
- From 1994 to 2004, only for physical and visual impairments.
- In 2004, 3200 athletes participated.
Key points of the Chronology of Paralympics Games (2)
- Negotiation between IPC and IOC in 1985
2. Paralympics means attached to the Olympics