Introduction Flashcards
Define norm
The appropriate and expected behaviour in particular social contexts.
Define values
Beliefs or ideas about what is desirable or worth striving for which provides general guidelines for conduct.
Define socialisation
The process of learning the culture and appropriate behaviour (norms and values) of the society we are born into so that we are prepared for the roles we play in society.
Define culture
The whole way of life of a particular society or social group including their norms, values, customs and beliefs.
Define identity
How we see ourselves and how other people see us. Sources of identity includes age, gender, ethnicity and social class.
Define informal social control
Control of people’s behaviour based on social processes such as the approval and disapproval of others and therefore enforced via social pressure.
Define formal social control
Control of people’s behaviour based on written laws and rules and is associated with how the state regulates and controls our behaviour.
Define sanctions
Sanctions are mechanisms of social control. They can be positive or negative and can arise from either formal or informal social control.
Define deviance
Behaviour that doesn’t conform to society’s norms and values. If detected can lead to negative sanctions. Deviancy can be, but not always illegal.
Define roles
The latter of expected and acceptable behaviour of people who occupy a particular social position.
Define inequality
The unequal distribution of resources and opportunities.
What is consensus theory?
A sociological approach that sees society’s systems are fair and that social change should take place within the social institutions. Consensus theory is concerned with the maintenance of social order in society
What is conflict theory?
A sociological approach which sees society as based on conflicts tensions, and divisions between social groups
Define stratification
The way in which society is structured or divided into hierarchical strata with the most powerful at the top and the least favoured at the bottom.
Define power
The ability of an individual or group to dominate and control other individuals or groups.
Define social order
Patterns of shared and predictable behaviour
Define social institutions
A part of society such as the family or education
Define social solidarity
A sense of community
Define Social integration
A sense of belonging to society
Define value consensus
The majority of members of a society are in general agreement in what are considered to be important values and standards of behaviour.
Define ideology
The norms and values that justify the capitalist system.
Define Capitalism
An economic system associated with modern societies, based on the private ownership of businesses
Define false class consciousness
The state of not being aware of our true identity as exploited workers
Define bourgeoise
The owners of the means of production and the ruling class in capitalist societies
Define proletariat
The working class and oppressed in capitalist societies
Define means of production
The land, factories, machines, science and technology, and labour power required to produce goods
Define meritocratic
A system based on ability and effort.
Define legitimate
Making something appear fair and reasonable
Define patriarchal
A system dominated by males
Define hierarchy
The way in which society is stratified where people on the top have more power than the people below them.
Define Oppression
The prolonged unjust treatment or control of people by others.
Define exploitation
The act of treating an individual or group in a cruel manner for ones benefit.
Define private sphere
A sector in societal life where an individual within it can enjoy a degree of nonintervention by other institutions such as the family
Define public sphere
A sector in societal life in which individuals can freely come together to discuss and identify social problems
Define ideological state apparatus
The ways in which the dominant ideological group maintains their position of power through social institutions such as education.
Define repressive state apparatus
The way in which the main ideological group maintains their powers usually through the army when the ideological state apparatus fails.
Define self-concept
An idea of the self constructed from the beliefs one holds about oneself and the responses of others.
Define master status
The social position that is the primary identifying characteristic of an individual
What is social action theory?
A micro approach that investigates small scale interactions and see humans as having an active role in changing social values and attitudes
What is labelling theory?
The process of attaching a label to individuals or groups which can often lead to self-fulfilling prophecy which affects their self-concept and leading to marginalisation, social exclusion and the deviant career