Introduction Flashcards
advanced democracies
Well established democratic governments and a high level of economic development.
ex. Great Britain
authoritarian regime
Decisions are made by political elites without much input from citizens.
bicameral, unicameral legislatures
Legislatures are a branch of government that are in charge of making laws. Bicameral is two houses, unicameral is one house.
bureaucratic authoritarian regimes
One ruler or a small group of leaders have the real power in authoritarian political systems. Citizens do not have any voice in how they are ruled.
Consists of agencies that put government policy into place. Is part of the executive branch.
cabinet coalition
If the country has a multi-party system with no clear majority party, a cabinet coalition will form (when several parties join forces and are represented in different cabinet posts).
The idea that one variable causes or influences another.
checks and balance
The system of checks and balances is used to keep the government from getting too powerful in one branch.
civil liberties
Promotion of freedom.
civil society
Voluntary organizations outside of the state that help people define and advance their own interests.
coinciding/crosscutting cleavages
Coinciding means the same against each other- more explosive.
Crosscutting means different groups against each other.
command economics
The government owns almost all industrial enterprises and retail sales.
common law/code law
Common law- based on tradition, past practices, and legal precedents.
Code law- based on a comprehensive system of written rules of law divided into commercial, civil, and criminal codes.
Values equality over freedom. The central government takes over all resources to distribute equally among people. There is no private ownership or property.
competitive elections
They are regular, free, and fair. The election offers a real possibility that the incumbent government may be defeated.
confederal system
Spreads government to sub-units (states), has a weaker central government.
conflictual political culture
Citizens are sharply divided. Different groups clash with opposing beliefs and values.
consensual political culture
Citizens tend to agree on the appropriate means of making political decisions and to agree on the major problems facing the society and how to solve them.
Much less supportive of change, sees it as disruptive. Favors tradition.
constitutional courts
A high court that deals primarily with constitutional law. Its main authority is to rule on whether laws that are challenged are in fact unconstitutional.
To assimilate, take, or win over into a larger or established group.
A method through which business, labor, and/or other interest groups bargain with the state over economic policy. Gives the public a limited influence on policy making.
When a change in one variable coincides with a change in another variable.
A universal political order that draws its identity and values from everywhere. A world view.
coup d’état
The removal of a leader.
democratic consolidation
Creates a stable political system that is supposed by all parts of the society. The process by which a new democracy matures, in a way that means it is unlikely to revert to authoritarianism.
democratic corporatism
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Democracy Index
‘The Economic’ Intelligence unit began publishing a “democracy index” in 2007, in which the organization ranks countries around the globe in terms of democratic practices.
direct democracy
A form of government in which all laws are created by a general vote of society. Individuals have immediate say.
economic liberalization
The process of limiting the power of the state over private property and market forces.
electoral system
The rules that decide how votes are cast, counted, and translated into seats in a legislature.
People who hold political power.
empirical data
Based on factual statements and statistics.
Not about freedom or equality, believes that people exist in groups of inferiority (low status) and superiority (hight status).
federal system
Power spread among local authorities, but still has a central force.
Ex. US
first-past-the-post (plurality, winner-take-all)
US, India, and Great Britain use a system called ‘first-past-the-post’, they divide their constituencies into single-member-districts where candidates compete for a single representative’s seat. It is also called the ‘plurality system’ or the ‘winner-takes-all’ system, because the winner does not need majority to win, but simply must get more votes then anyone else.
foreign direct investment
Purchase of assets in a country by a foreign firm.
Divisions based on ethnic or cultural identity. Tears people of the world apart.
Freedom House ratings
An organization that studies democracy around the world, ranks countries on a 1 to 7 freedom scale.
1 = most free
7 = least free
Gini Index
A mathematical formula that measures the amount of economic inequality in a society.
centripetal forces
Bind together people of a state. Pulls together: whirlpool.
Ex. nationalism, schools
centrifugal forces
Destabilize the government, makes country fall apart. Pulls apart: tornado.
The integration of social, environmental, economic, and cultural activities of nations. Deepens and widens international connections.
head of government
In charge of everyday tasks and running the state.
Ex. prime minister
head of state
Symbolizes and represents the people.
Ex. the queen
A speculative statement about the relationship between two or more factors known as variables.
illiberal democracies
Countries that have democratic procedures in place but have significant restrictions on them.
independent variable
Does not rely on anything.
dependent variable
Relies on something and is effected.
indications of democratization
indirect democracy
Elected officials represent the people.
informal polotics
Takes into consideration not only the way that politicians operate outside their formal powers, but also the impact that beliefs, values, and actions of ordinary citizens have on policymaking.
A vote on a policy that is initiated by the people.
institutions, institutionalized
Stable, long lasting organizations that help to turn political ideas into policy.
an act or instance of integrating an organization, place of business, school. HELP!!!!!
interest group pluralism
Autonomous groups compete with each other and with the government for influence over state policies.
judicial review
The mechanism that allows courts to review laws and executive actions for their constitutionality.
legitimacy (traditional, charismatic, rational-legal)
Traditional: the belief the tradition should determine who rules and how.
Charismatic: based on the dynamic personality of an individual leader or small group.
Rational-legal: based on a system of well established laws and procedures.
liberal democracies
Display other democratic characteristics beyond having competitive elections.
liberalism as a political ideology
Places emphasis on individual and economic freedom.
liberalism as an approach to economic and political change.
Thinks change is good, should try new ideas.
No violence.
linkage institutions
Links the government and citizens together.
Ex. political parties, interest groups.
market economies
An economy in which decisions regarding investment, production, and distribution are based on supply and demand, and prices of goods and services are determined in a free price system.
Describes the state’s re-creation of a market in which property, labor, goods, and services can all function in a competitive environment to determine their value.
military rule
In states where legitimacy and stability are in question.
mixed economy
Where elements of both command and market economies are present.
mixed electoral system
Combines both the plurality system and the proportional system.
multi-member district, single-member districts
Multi-memebr: more then one legislative seat is contested in each district.
Single-member: candidates compete for a single representative’s seat.
multi-party system
A system in which multiple political parties have the capacity to gain control of government separately or in coalition. HELP!!!!!
A group of people that are bound together by a common political identity.
The sense of belonging and identity that distinguishes one nation from another. Identities based on nationhood.
normative questions
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state of nature
State of humans without government.
Independence or freedom.
The power to determine or adjudicate (decide).
Popular expectance of authority.