China Flashcards
Dynastic circle
Long periods of rule by a family punctuated by “chaos”, when the lost its power and was challenged by a new, and ultimately successful, ruling dynasty. Repeat.
Mandate of heaven
Heaven granted emperors the right to rule based on their ability to govern well and fairly.
China legitimacy
Legitimacy was established through the mandate of heaven and power passed from one emperor to the next through heredity connections within the ruling family.
Sun Yat-sen
The first president of the Chinese Republic after 1911. His new regime was suppose to be democratic, with legitimacy resting on popular government, but warlords challenged his plan.
Mao Zedong
Emerging from the chaos of Sun Yet-sen.
Leader of Maoism.
Maoism shares Marx’s vision of of equality and corporation.
Idealist and egalitarian (believing in the principle that all people are equal and deserve equal rights and opportunities).
Endorsed centralized power exercised through the top leaders of the party.
Stressed the importance of staying connected to the peasants through a process called mass line.
Democratic centralism.
People’s Republic of China
Established in 1949 and Mao led the Communist Party as the new wielder of power until his death in 1976.
Mass line
Requires leaders to listen to and communicate with ordinary folk, and without it, the legitimacy of the rulers would be questionable.
Central Military Commission
How the military is represented int he government.
Huge source of power.
Played an important role in the rise of the Communist Party.
Historical traditions:
Authoritarian powers
China as always been a huge, land-based empire ruled from a central place by an emperor or a small group of people. Citizens are have traditionally been subjects of, not participants in, their political system.
Historical traditions:
Emphasizes the importance of order an harmony, encourages Chinese citizens to submit to the emperor’s power, and reinforced the emperor’s responsibility to fulfill his duties conscientiously.
Connected to “democratic centralism.”
Encourages respect among family.
Historical traditions:
Bureaucratic hierarchy based on scholarship
Emperor’s surrounded themselves with highly organized bureaucrats. Government jobs were extremely commutative, with only a few mastering the examination system. The exams were knowledge-based.
Historical traditions:
The “Middle Kingdom”
Chinese have referred to their county as “Middle Kingdom”, or a place centered in civilization.
Foreigners were seen as “barbarians” whose civilizations where far inferior to China’s, not just in terms of power, but also ethics and quality of life.
Historical traditions:
Communist ideologies
The 20th century brought Maoism that emphasized the “right thinking” and Confucianism.
The late 20th century brought Den Xiaoping Theory, a practical mix of authoritarian political control and economic privatization.
Geographical influences
- Access to oceans/ice free ports
- Large navigable rivers
- Geographical/climate split between north and south
- Isolation of the western part of the country
- Mountains, desserts, and oceans that separate China from other countries.
Historical eras:
Dynastic rule
“superior” and “subservient” positions. China values education as a way to establish superiority. China’s early relative isolation from other countries contributes to a strong sense of cultural identity. This also leads to ethnocentrism (“middle kingdom”).
Confucian values
Order, harmony, a strong sense of hierarchy
Historical eras:
Resistance to imperialism
China’s strong sense of national identity blossomed into nationalism as it resisted persistent attempts by imperialist –England, France, Germany, and Japan– countries to exploit China’s natural resources and people.
“foreign devils”
Imperialist countries– England, France, Germany, and Japan.
Historical eras:
Based on the values:
- Collectivism
- Struggle and activism
- Mass line
- Egalitarianism
- Self-relience
Valuing the good of the community above that of the individual suited the peasant based communities.
Struggle and activism
Mao encouraged the people to actively pursue the values of socialism, something he new would require struggle.
That all humans are equal in fundamental worth or social status.
Instead of relying on the elite to give directions, people under Moaist rule were encouraged to rely on their own talents to contribute to their communities.
Historical eras:
Deng Xiaoping Theory
“It doesn’t matter whether a cat is black or white, as long as it catches mice”. Dang didn’t worry too much about whether a policy was capitalist or socialist as long as it improved the economy.
Long March
A 1934-1936 cross-country trek lead my Moa as Chiang Kai-shrek’s nationalist army pursued his communist followers.
A mutual arrangement between a person that has authority, social status, wealth, or some other personal resource (patron) and another who benefits from their support or influence.
Control of surrounding countries.
“Spheres of influence”
Areas in China under control by imperialist nations.
Nationalism after imperialist nations dominated
The revolution of 1911– lead by Sun Yet-sen –was a successful attempt to reestablish China as an independent country.
Who was the founder of the Chinese Nationalist Party?
Chiang Kai-shek
Who was the founder of the Chinese Communist Party?
Mao Zedong
"Two Chinas" #1
The Soviet model
- Land reform
- Civil reform
- Five-year plan
"Two Chinas" #2
The Great Leap Forward
- All around development
- Mass mobilization
- Political unanimity and zeal
- Decentralization
The Cultural Revolution
- Political, social, and economic change.
- Purify the part and county through radical transformation:
- the ethic struggle
- mass line
- collectivism
- egalitarianism
- unstinting service to society
When Mao died he left his followers divided into what factions?
1) Radicals
- lead by Mao’s wife
- supported radical goals of the Cultural Revolution
2) Military
- lead by Lin Biao
- a powerful group due to long lasting struggles
3) Moderates
- lead by Zhou Enlai
- emphasized economic modernization
- limited contact with other countries
“Four modernization”
- Industry
- Agriculture
- Science
- Military
“Open door” trade policy
Trade with everyone, including capitalist nations like the U.S., that would boost China’s economy.
Reforms in education
Higher academic standards, expansion of higher education and research.
Industrialization of the Revolution
Restoring the legal system and bureaucracy of Old China, decentralizing the government, modifying elections, and infusing capitalism.
Han Chinese
The people that historically formed the basis of China’s identity, first as an empire, than as a country/
The five autonomous regions
Guangxi Inner Mongolia Ningxia Tibet Xinjiang
- Separate ethnic identity
- Many Tibetans today campaign for independence
- Others demand more from Chinese sovereignty
- Small population
- Shown increasing unrest
- Muslims of Turkish decent living in Xinjiang
- Violent
- Chinese have become concerned with them
A person who opposes official policy, especially that of an authoritarian state.
Linguistic Diversity
- Shared a witten language with China for a long time
- Language and schooling
Urban-Rural Cleavages
- Cities have the wealth
- New “two Chinas”: Urban vs. Rural
- 47% of people living in the country
- Divide includes economy and social lifestyle
- Poor rural people have problems then urban residents
“A new socialist countryside”
A program to lift the lagging rural economy.
Political Participation
Before 1949, citizens are subjects of government, not participants in a political system.
Recently popular social movements that support democracy, religious beliefs, and community rather than nationalism have influenced Chinese politics and helped to keep China connected to other countries.
Party and Participation
The CCP is the largest political party in the world in terms of formal membership, with about 85 million members in 2013.
CCP’s Youth League, almost 75 million youths.
People with technical training who climbed the ladder of the party bureaucracy.
A small group of people specially trained for a particular purpose or profession. Hold the lower level positions.
- Careers depended on party loyalty and ideological purity
- Most were peasants or factory workers
What is China’s official news media?
China’s traditional household registration system that makes it difficult to move from one place to another.
Devolution of power to subnational governments.
China Communist Party (CCP)
- Heart of the political system
- Based on legitimacy
- Organized hierarchically by levels:
- village town people
- country
- province
- nation - The head is called the “general secretary”
- It is the ruling party for the people’s republic of China.
National Party Congress
Consists of more than 2000 delegates chosen primarily from congresses on lower levels.
Meets every five years, so it is not important in policy making.
Its main importance in to elect members of the Central Committee.
Central Committee
Consists of about 350 members that meet for about a week every year (this limits their power).
Meetings are called “plenums”, gatherings of political elites.
They chose the Politburo and the Standing Committee.
Politburo/Standing Committee.
The most powerful organizations at the very top of the CCP structure.
They are chosen by the Central Committee.
Their decisions dictate government politics.
Politburo has 25 members.
Standing Committee (chosen from the Politburo membership) has 7.
Meet in secret, and their membership reflects the balance of power among factions and the relative influence of different groups of policymaking.
Chin has a one-party system or two-party system?
One-party system, but the CCP does allow the existence of eight “democratic” parties.
The PRC holds elections in order to legitimize the government and the CCP.
The only direct elections are held at the local level, with voters choosing to serve as deputies on the country people’s congress.
The Political Elite
“Old Guard”
The people that followed Mao Zenong on his Long March.
A group of friends that networked with one another for many years through guanxi.
a Chinese term meaning “connections” or “relationships” and describes personal ties between individuals based on such things as common birthplace or mutual acquaintances; important factor in China’s political and economic life.
A system of choosing cadres from lower levels of the party hierarchy for advancement based on their loyalty and contributions to the well being of the party.
Patron-client network
The system through which Chinese leaders communicate with one another through guanxi.
A political faction is a group of individuals. Before Mao’s death in 1976 the factions were the radicals, the military, and the reformers.
The factions split into ways in 1989:
Conservatives and Liberals.
Main leader was Li Peng.
Worried that the power of the party and the government was eroding too much.
Concerned about any movement towards democracy.
Famous leader were Hu Young and Zhao Ziyang.
More accepting of political liberties and democratic movements.
Supported economic and political reform.
“Shanghai Gang”
Jiang Zemin had a gang made up of his associates from his time as mayor of Shanghai.
An aristocracy of families with revolutionary credentials from the days of Mao.
Some have been big beneficiaries of China’s economic reforms.
Others princelings call for a reform to socialist principles.
A letting-go, tightening up cycle in the Chinese political and economic system.
The mejor state television broadcaster.
The three parallel hierarchies
- The Communist Party
- The state or government
- The People’s Liberation Army
Dual Role
Vertical supervision by the next higher level of government and horizontal supervision of the Communist Party at the same level.
Supervision from higher bodies in the government and by comparable bodies in the CCP.
National People’s Congress
They are the people’s legislature.
Choses the president and vice president.
President and vice president
Serve five-year terms.
Limited to two terms.
Must be at least 45 years old.
President controls both the Army and the Party.
The premier
The head of government, formally appointed by the president.
(The Premier is number two in the Party hierarchy) ????
Rule of law
Law binds behavior and all are equally subject to them.
Based on the belief that rulers should not have absolute power over their subjects, and their actions should be constrained by the same principles that control ordinary citizens.
The People’s Liberation Army (PLA)
The military grew with communism.
Encompass the air, ground, and naval armed services.
Very huge and powerful, about 2.3 active personnel.
Important influence on politics and policy.
Policy issues
1) Democracy and human rights issues.
2) Population issues.
3) Economic issues.
4) Foreign policy and international trade issues.
Democratic reforms:
- Some input from National People’s Congress in accepted by the Politburo.
- More emphasis is placed on laws and legal procedures.
- Village elections are now semi-competitive, with choices of candidates and some freedom from the party’s control.
Officials who investigate and prosecute official crimes.
12,000 in 2002 to 3,000 in 2012.
The 2012 rate is still almost four times more than the rest of the world put together.
Population Policy
1976- 850 million people, birthrate of 25. "Two-child family" 1978- birthrate of 19.5. 1979- "Two child policy" 1986- birthrate of 18 2010- China's population is aging. 2011- "two child policy"
Democratic centralism
“Iron rice bowl”
Cradle-to-grave health care, work, and retirement security.
Socialist market economy
Gradual infusion of capitalism while still remaining state control.
People’s communes
During the Great Leap Forward, farms merged into gigantic people’s communes with several thousand families. They were poorly managed and peasants didn’t see the need to work hard.
Household responsibility system
Replaced the communes. In these systems individual families take full charge of the production and marketing of crops. After paying government taxes, families may consume or sell what they produce.
“Private business”
Include urban co-ops, service organizations, and rural industries that largely operate as capitalist enterprises.
Township and village enterprises
Rural factories and businesses that very greatly in size, and are run by local government and private entrepreneurs.
Reforms have brought several economic problems.
1) Unemployment and inequality
2) Inefficiency of the state sector.
3) Pollution
4) Product safety
Floating population
Rural immigrants seeking job opportunities in the cities.
Based on Keynesian economic theory that a flattering capitalistic economy can be rescued by government spending.
Special Economic Zones (SEZs)
Regions where foreign investors were given special tax rates and other incentives.
“one country, two systems”