the boundary between the Soviet-controlled countries of Eastern Europe and the democratic nations of Western Europe
the goal is to influence the choices of the apponance without having to use actual violence
what is the five assumptions of realism?
- the international system is anarchic
- great powers inherently possess some offensive military capability
- states can never be certain about other states intentions
- survival is the primary goal of great powers
- great powers are rational actors
security dilemma
the measures a state takes to increase its own security usually which usually decreases the security of other states
potential power
based on a states level of its wealth
actual power
embedded in a states army and naval forces that directly supports it
democratic peace theory
democracies don’t fight with each other
potential power, wealth
buck passing
Buck-passing is when the endangered power tries to shoulder the deterring or defeating of the threatening power
unbalanced multipolarity
a multipolar system with a potential hegemon
balanced multipolarity
a multipolar system without a potential hegemon
preventive war
when you want to cut of a state because it is becoming more powerful
war of opportunity: an opportunity to acquire more power
preemptive war
when one part initiates the war and the other part takes the first shot
Standard Operating Procedures
bargaining power
the power to hurt
brutal force
direct action to overcome strength
threat of pain to influence behavior
Prisoners of war
who says war is an instrument of policy?
the trinity of war
the people
commander and his army
the government
loving your contry
thinking your country is better than others
Intercontinental balistic missile
mutually asserted destruction
stability - instability paradox
the presence of nuclear weapons can create stability at a strategic level but lead to instability at a lower level of conflict
offensive - defensive balance
when the offense side has the advantage over the defense states are more prone to go to war