Introduction Flashcards
Intro + Starting points
What is a market?
Could be a public space, where people buy and sell goods, a building, online. A mechanism for meeting induvidual and organizational needs
What is a “Business market” (B2B - market)
The customer is an organization rather then an individual.
Business purchasing, all sales in of business products equals a purchase. Why is business purchasing and buying behaviour importantto understand?
- To understand the needs of the customers
- To make the most out of its own purchasing activities
What are the purchasing trends?
- Outsourcing and specialisation, and insourcing again
- Reduction of the supplier base
- Changing content in the supplier relationships
What are some common B2B market products?
Selling firm perspective: Installations, accessory equipment, raw materials, manufactured materials, business services
Buying firm perspective: Convenience products, preference products, shopping products and specialty products
Both business marketers and purchasers in B2B needs to handle..
- Variety in terms of business transactions
- From quick decisions to long sales processes with many involved in purchasing decisions
- Individual business partners and financially significant
- Derived demand and accelerator effects
- Technology important, and increasingly so
- Sustainability as a driving force for change in business
- An internal context
- Working relationships and business networks.
Two approaches for B2B selling companies
- The marketing mix
- The interaction approach
What is the basis for success?
- Engineering and manufacturing competence
- Customer service knowledge
- Building partnerships
Explain CVP (Customer value proposition)
Captures the particular set of benefits that a supplier offers to advance the performance of the customer organization
Relationship value
There is a value in the relationship that goes beyond the direct product value.
Explain the marketing mix approach
It´s a strategic framework that businesses can use to plan out their marketing approach. It consists of
That are key elements that companies can control in order to influence the consumer behavior
What are the main takeaways from the paradigm shift in the 80ies?
- Companies develop long term business relationships. Close collaboration led to huge impact on both technology and economical development
- Understanding business relationships as a phenomena
- Changed view of rational market behaviour and on the structure of markets (industrial networks)
Explain the interaction approach
This approach recognizes that communication is not just about the transmission of messages but involves a complex exchange of meanings between individuals or groups. What happens in a relationship between two companies depends on the environment. In the course we will refer to this industrial system as a network. The interaction between two companies affect, and is affected, by other relations in the network.
What is the main differences between the two views on business marketing?
Marketing mix
- Average behaviour
- Many buyers
- Skew relation
- Low degree of returning customers
Interaction approach
- Unique customers
- Few buyers
- Symmetric relation
- High degree of returning customers
The difference between business markets and customer markets
Market structure difference
- Derived demand rather than direct demand
- Accelerator effect
- Higher concentration ratios
Buying behavior differences
- Professional buyers
Marketing practise differences
- Relational marketing strategies