Introduction Flashcards
Who was Phillip Ares?
Ares was the first person to talk about ancient children and created the ‘L’enfant fet la vie familiale sous L’Ancien Régime’. He analyzed ancient roman and Greek society .
What was Phillip Ares conclusion about children in the Ancient Rome and Greece?
Ares analysed Roman and Greek art and concluded that children were viewed as mini-adults. He used ancient paintings that depicted children drawn as adults.
How was Ares wrong?
He didn’t take into consideration the cultural contexts in regards to the portrayal of children. This caused him to take the paintings quite literally. He also didn’t analyze later art where children were drawn in a more realistic fashion
What is the nature of the child?
what determines childhood in the context of the culture that’s being analyzed.
Do we have any writings or transcipts written by children regarding childhood?
Nope. Most writings are authored by white males