located in protected and flat sandy coastal areas with clean water and free from heavy waves and strong current
Seaweed farming/seaweed farm
located in protected and flat coastal areas with clean water and free from heavy waves
Mussel farming/Mussel farm
located in shallow protected and flat coastal areas with ckean water and free from heavy waves
Oyster farm
The spices used Nile tilapia. New hybrids are recently introduced for bigger and faster production.
Tilapia Culture
Capital intensive but highly profitable
Prawn farming
cultured mostly in brackishwater ponds under semi-intensive system
Sugpo/Black Tiger Prawn
The usual production method is extensive and semi-intensive; Stock fry comes from dry collectors; Usually, it takes 3-4 mos of culture in RP to grow them into the market size
Milkfish culture
This pond is tide-dependent.
Brackishwater pond
Give 3 fish pens in lakes.
Laguna Lake
Taal Lake
Lake Buluan (in Mindanao)
can grow in either salt or freshwater and is cultured mainly in brackish water ponds
cloudy condition of water that is usually caused by impurities
the measure of the amt. of salt in the water
Green filamentous algae that serves as food of milkfish
algae, bacteria, protozoans, diatoms
These are tiny plants and animals which drift with the current.
The raising of two or more species of fish in the same pond which are usually compatible or do not harm each other nor compete for food and space.
The raising of only one specie of organism in the same pond.
Raising a single-sex organism in a pond ti prevent breeding.
Monosex Culture
Gravid female fish that is ready to lay eggs.
Pregnant or ripe fish or ready to spawn.
Matured fish that is kept for use as parent stock in the production of fry and fingerling
offspring of fishes with two different species
Hybrid fish
Fish species that are introduced from other areas and not indigenous to a given region.
exotic fish
Species of fish that are peculiar to an area.
Organic debris from decomposing plants and animals.
Organisms that live on or in the bottom of the ocean or bodies of freshwater from the water’s edge down to the greatest depth.
The process by which air and other gases in a medium are renewed or exchanged.
The rearing of organisms with high stocking density, using artificial feed and high water exchange rate, and maximum aeration system.
Intensive Method
The rearing of organisms at moderate stocking density, giving supplemental feed with fertilizer and with partial water exchange.
Semi-intensive method
The rearing of organisms with minimal stocking density using natural feed and minimal water exchange.
Extensive method
It is also a type of mariculture.
Pearl farming
It is usually located in protected areas and uses only seawater.
Mariculture is also called____.
Sea farming
Milkfish, black tiger prawn, crab, tilapia, and other species are widely cultured in this type of water.
Brackish water aquaculture
The species cultured in this type of water used in aquaculture are tilapia, carp, catfish, mudfish, and giant freshwater shrimp.
Freshwater aquaculture
It uses freshwater supplied by spring, rain, stream or river, deep well or lake.
Freshwater Aquaculture
Oyster and mussel
Prawn, crab, giant freshwater shrimp
Milkfish, tilapia, carp, catfish
Defined as the rearing and breeding of aquatic organisms in a confined condition which is more or less controllable by man.
The type of rainfall, occurrences of typhoons, and prevailing tidal characteristics in the fishpond location can influence the nature of the construction of fishponds in such areas.
Problems due to climate and hydrology
The factors of the environment that influence the engineering of fishponds include the following: nature of the soil, vegetation, the elevation of the site, topographic characteristics, availability of freshwater supply and occurrences of pollution.
Environmental influences
These are the site-specific problems that are encountered during actual construction or after the construction of the fishpond. These may include the following: a) Shifting of management system from one species to another or from monoculture to polyculture, b) Imbalanced cut and fill, c) Design of water control structure, and d) Leakages and seepages.
Engineering specific problems
Give the three engineering-specific problems
a) Shifting of management system from one species to another or from monoculture to polyculture; b) Imbalanced cut and fill; c) Design of water
control structure; and d) Leakages and seepages.
Give the criteria or factors to be considered in the selection of the fishpond site.
Water Supply and Quality Type of Soil Vegetation Natural Fertility Topography and Drainage Natural Protection/Exposure Economic and other Considerations
The critical spring tides usually occur in the Philippines during the months of ____
February, March and April
The periodic rising and falling of the water surface of the oceans, seas, bays, mouths of rivers, etc. as a result of the gravitational attraction of the moon and sun on the earth is known as the tide or astronomical tide.
The Tidal Phenomenon
It has a cycle of about one-half a tidal day.
Semi-diurnal tide
It has only one high water and one low water per tidal day.
Diurnal tide
Characterized by having a large inequality of either the high or low water
heights, with two high waters and two low waters usually occurring each tidal day.
Mixed tides
Published by the government through the Bureau of Coast and Geodetic Survey, this contains the compilation of tables of predicted time and height of high and low waters each day of the year for the tide stations of the country.
Tide Table
The principal equipment for field survey work are composed of ????????????????????????
engineer’s transit, levels, magnetic compass, surveying tape, leveling rod, and range poles
are measured in either vertical or horizontal plane
Distances in survey work
are usually determined by the use of level instruments
and level rods
Vertical distances
are determined in various ways depending on the accuracy desired
Horizontal distances
It is the normal length of a step or stride of an individual.
defined as the ratio of the measured distance
and the number of paces made by an individual to cover the measured distance
Pace Ratio
are used for direct measurements of horizontal distances
the quick way of measuring distance
stadia method
is the angle that is referred
from the North and South, whichever applies
a clockwise angle measured from a reference direction usually north.
boundaries of
the farm are plotted to scale and area is determined by the use of planimeter
planimeter method
area is calculated from the coordinates of the farm
double-meridian-distance method
are conducted on the farm site to determine the nature of the ground relief or its characteristics, such as differences in elevation, location, and measurement of boundaries, physical facilities and others
Topographic Survey
The establishment and structure should create an environment
in which the production of aquatic organisms can be improved in quantity and quality.
Planned management method
The environmental conditions best suited to the growth of the
cultured species should be clarified.
Biological considerations
Flood, typhoon hazards, area contours, and other geographical
features must be considered.
General features of the area
The economic and administrative requirements
should be given due consideration from the engineering point of view.
Economic and administrative requirements
Important principles of pond designing
Quantifying the water requirement
Providing adequate drainage facilities
Creating suitable environment for fish and its food organisms
It is a complex of establishments consisting of ponds of various kinds,
water control structures and supporting facilities.
fish farm
It is a section of fairly shallow water, used for the controlled farming of fish and other aquatic organisms and laid out in such a way that is may be easily and completely drained.
Pond supplied by a bottom spring or ground water or a nearby spring.
Spring water pond
Ponds supplied with rain water or by run-off water.
Rain water pond
Ponds supplied by a water course or stream.
Stream pond
All the water course crosses the ponds.
Barrage or terrace pond
Only a part of the water course crosses the ponds.
Diversion ponds
The allowed water flow crosses all the ponds.
Linked ponds
Each pond has its own individual water supply and outlet.
parallel ponds
About 2 ft (.5 - .75 .) deep. This must be a series of small ponds whose area and number shall be determined by the number of rearing ponds and the frequency of breeding of the species cultured.
Nursery ponds
The size and layout of the rearing ponds depends on the fish population
management system to be adopted, as a one stage production process or a two or more stages production process. It has a depth of about .75 – 1.25 m.
Rearing ponds
An _____ is the arrangement of all the fish farm facilities and structures in a proposed
site based on the physical features of the area as well as the requirements of farm management.
effective farm layout
It serves as the foundation of the structure and its elevation for main gates must be lower than the pond bottom elevation and as low or slightly lower than the lowest tide in the site, hence, the main gate which rests on prepared foundation support will not be exposed even during extreme
low tides.
This is the broadened and extended part of the floor and also generally rests on the foundation piles, which are made of seasoned bamboo or wood driven at 0.3 m. intervals into the soft soil with the butt end up. This serves as the protection to scouring and future seepage of water at the
gate’s sides.
They are provided at both ends of the gate floor to prevent seepage and
undercutting of water within the gate’s foundation.
cut-off walls
It define the water way in addition to their being retaining wall.
Grooves for flashboards and screens are built on these walls.
side walls
This is built against the side walls to support or reinforce it. It also helps in reducing
seepage flow along the side walls.
provide the transition from the water way into the main canal in addition to retaining the earth at both sides of the gate
wing walls
These are reinforced concrete slabs or thick wooden planks that connect the
side walls.
They are used to control the amount of water flowing through the gate.
are used to prevent the exit of the cultured fish and the entry of predators into the ponds
In wooden gates, these are vertical supports where wooden walls are nailed. They are placed
at regular intervals so that they form a framework for the gate itself.
In wooden gates, these wooden members held or fasten two or more pillars together or in
place. They keep the opening of a gate rigid.
The ______ links the pond system to the source of water. It regulates the exchange of water between the pond system and the tidal stream or sea.
main gate
These provide the control of water to and from the main canal and into the different pond components such as catching ponds, rearing ponds and nursery ponds.
secondary and tertiary gate
These structures convey water across dikes, roads, and similar embankments.
The function of _____ is to retain water for use in the fish farming operation as well as to protect the farm ponds, fish crops and other farm facilities from destruction by floods and tidal
perimeter dikes
TRUE OF FALSE. The height of the dike should be above the highest tide and flood that occur in the site.
are usually provided on both sides of the canals and should be able to contain the mean high water springs
secondary dikes
are partition dikes that separate the ponds and should be able to contain the desired water levels in the ponds
tertiary dikes :))
This starts from the main gate and usually traverses the central
portion of the fish farm.
Main water supply canal
This serves the portions where main canal cannot reach. It
starts from the main canal and traverses the inner portion of the fishpond. It is usually constructed in
large fishpond areas and is smaller than the main canal.
Secondary water supply canal
This is the canal that usually supply water in the nursery and transition ponds.
Because of the small size, it is sometimes said to be a part of the nursery pond system.
tertiary canaaaal
The purpose of this canal is to protect the farm from being flooded with runoff water coming from the watershed
diversion canal