Intro to the Circulatory System (lesson 1) Flashcards
How much blood does the body contain? (litres)
5 litres
What parts in the body work together for the circulatory system, and what part of the body forces blood through the body?
Heart, lungs, and blood vessels
Pumping of the heart forces blood through the body
Functions of the circulatory system
1) Nutrients and oxygen to cells
2) Wastes from cells
3) Hormones
~Delivers and manages heat
~Defends against infections
~Manages pH
How many parts does the circulatory system have and names?
Three parts which are -> Pulmonary Circulation, Coronary Circulation, Systemic Circulation
What does the each part of the circulatory system do? (on unit review)
Pulmonary: Movement of blood between the heart and lungs, where carbon dioxide diffuses out of the blood into the lungs, and oxygen diffuses from the lungs into the blood
Coronary: Movement of blood through and around the heart
Systemic: Movement of blood through the rest of the body, where oxygen leaves the blood to supply body cells, and carbon dioxide enters the blood from the cells
Three types of blood vessels
1) Artries and Arterioles
2) Capillaires
3) Veins and Venules
Describe each layer and structure of arteries and arterioles? (on unit review)
What is the function of arteries and arterioles?
Structure: Thick, elastic, and layer tubes
Inner layer: Endothelium covered by thin membrane and prevents blood from leaking out
Middle layer: Elastic fibres and smooth muscle
Outer layer: Connective tissue
Function: Transport blood from the heart to the tissues, expanding within a heartbeat to manage blood flow and sustain the highest pressure of all blood vessels
What is it called when arteries branch out into?
Arteries are large blood vessels that branch out into smaller vessels called arterioles
What is the structure and function of capillaries? (on unit review)
Structure: Capillary walls are one cell thick, slowing blood flow and allowing single-file movement of blood cells for material exchange with body cells
Function: Sorrounds organs, enabling nutrients and gas exchange between blood and cells
What was arterioles branch out into?
Capillaries, that are thin- walled blood vessels
What is the structure and function of veins and venules? (on unit review)
Structure: Like arteries , veins are thinner and weaker, with less smooth muscle and elastic fibers. Valves ensure one-way blood flow and pervent backflow
Function: Return blood to the heart, helped by skeletal muscle contractions
Whats the BP in arteries and arterioles, veins and venules, and capillaries? (on unit review)
Highest, lowest, low
What are similar to arteries?
Veins and venules