Intro To Sociology Flashcards
What is anthropology?
The study of different cultures eg. Tribes
What is socialisation?
The way in which we learn our norms and values in society.
What is primary socialisation?
Socialisation that happens to us as a young child from our parents/family
Secondary socialisation + 5 agents
Socialisation that happens throughout the rest of our lives. (School, work, religion, media, peers)
Formal socialisation
When people deliberately try to change the way you act/try to socialise you. Eg. Teachers try to make you work hard in school
Informal socialisation
Learning how to behave as you live your life. This could be socialisation that happens by chance. Eg. Learning to be tidy from Your family
Processes of socialisation definition
The WAY in which we are taught our norms and values BY agents
Examples of processes of socialisation
Manipulation Canalisation Social activities Language Modelling Toys and games
Processes: manipulation
Children are controlled into certain behaviour through praise and punishment
Processes: Canalisation
Children directed into certain interests. For example being taken to certain sporting activities based on gender or reading specific books to them.
Processes: Social activities
Children might be taken to play groups before they attend nursery. They will learn to play with other children, share toys and take turns. Boys will be encouraged to participate in team games
Processes: Modelling
Children will imitate their parents and act as they do. Adults are role models for children to copy. Albert Bandura said children copy from TV and children learn violence
Processes: Toys and games
Children are given gendered objects to play with. Girls offered pink toys that encourage them to care like barbie dolls whereas boys are given violent and practical toys such as swords and hammers.
Processes: Language
Adults speak to boys and girls in different ways. Phrases such as boys don’t cry are used. As well as calling girls princess or calling boys champ.
What is gender?
Gender is how masculine or feminine we feel we are-NOT BIOLOGICAL
What’s an Ethnic group?
An ethnic group is a group that shares a culture.
What is ethnicity? How are we socialised into our ethnicity?
Our ethnicity is the ethnic group we feel we belong too. Not the same as race.
We are socialised into our ethnic group through socialisation. For example in schools we are taught British values through an ethnocentric curriculum