How is mental health conceptualized by the World Health Organization?
The state of well being in which the individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with life’s normal stressors, can work productively and can make a contribution to society
Mental health is the successful performance of mental functions resulting in…
results in productivity
fulfilling relationships
ability to adapt to change
ability to cope with adversity, life’s events
what does mental health provide the capacity for?
for rational thinking, learning, emotional growth, resilience and self-esteem
7 elements of mental health
Self-governance ability to act independently, dependently or interdependently without losing autonomy
Progress toward growth or self-realization
Tolerance of the unknown
Reality orientation
Mastery of environment
Stress management
Areas that influence mental health
biological influences
psychological influences
sociocultural influences
biological influences
prenatal, perinatal and neonatal events physical health status nutrition history of injuries neuroanatomy physiology
psychological influences
interactions intelligence quotient self concept skills creativity emotional developmental level
sociocultural influences
family stability ethnicity housing child-rearing patterns economic level religion values and beliefs
Mental Disorders
significant disturbances in cognition, emotional regulation or behavior that reflects a dysfunction in the physiological, biological, or developmental processes underlying mental dysfunction.
what are mental health disorders usually associated with?
distress or impaired functioning
mental health/illness continuum
physical level, personal level, interpersonal level, societal level
mental health and illness cannot be defined completely in terms of one another. individuals and families are complex
Incidence and prevalence
At any given time 57.7 million Americans could be diagnosed with a mental illness; about 26% 18 years or older– 1 in 4 adults
½ of those never seek treatment
15% adults with M.I. have co-occurring substance abuse problems – DUAL DIAGNOSIS.
25% homeless people have schizophrenia or bipolar disorder
Depression most often mis & under diagnosed esp. older pop. 65 or older highest suicide rate.
Causes of Mental Illness largely unidentified.
Complex interactions among genetics and environmental influences
Combination of biological and environmental factors
Precise definitions of mental illness are elusive
The experience and consequences of mental illness are much more complicated than a list of symptoms
Stress in and of itself is not sufficient to produce a mental illness
Two main diagnostic tools
ICD - WHO classification of mental and behavioral disorders
APA developed Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM)
WHO’s Classification of Mental and Behavioral Disorders, ICD-10 international diagnostic standard for general epidemiological and many health management purposes monitoring and analysis of the general health of a population and the incidence and prevalence of diseases.
developed Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders ( DSM ) multi-axial classification system groups disorders by symptom clusters and differentiates between normality and psychopathology based on duration and severity of symptoms. In 2013, DSM V moved away from the multi-axial system to a more unified approach aimed at improving diagnosis & care.
Five AXES of DSM
Axis I- Clinical Disorder
Axis II- Personality Disorders and Mental Retardation
Axis III- General Medical Conditions
Axis IV- Psychosocial and Environmental Problems
Axis V- GAF- Global Assessment Scale # system meaning current functioning/ highest level of functioning in the past year.
Each disorder has criteria that describes behaviors, symptoms, or signs; duration and other qualifiers, the criteria does NOT determine diagnosis. Many clients have more than one dx on the first 3 axes
does criteria determine diagnosis?
many clients have more than one dx on the first 3 axes
AXIS 1 criteria
Includes most of the psychiatric disorders except for personality disorders and issues of developmental disorders
If person has more than one axis I disorder, list them all with the chief complaint listed first
AXIS 2 criteria
Personality disorders
Intellectual development disorder
Other prominent maladaptive and defense mechanisms
AXIS 3 criteria
General medical conditions that may be relevant to understanding and/or managing the mental disorder.
Does not include medical disorders that are thought to be a direct cause for a mental disorder—these are coded on axis 1
AXIS 4 criteria
Problems with primary support group
Problems related to social environment
Educational, Occupational, Housing or Economic problems
Problems with access to health care services
Problems with legal system
AXIS 5 criteria
Clinician makes a judgment about person’s overall level of functioning
GAF Scale: 0-100
The lower the number, the lower the level of function
Limits of DSM system
Categories are descriptions not explanations & labeling
Nurses must avoid expecting a person’s behavior based on a diagnostic label –tautology
Divides normal and abnormal
Clients can suffer from the same disorder and manifestations and personal experience differ for each client
Inflexibility of duration
Criterion utilized for adults and children
Cultural discrepancies