why should we care about this class?
MPRE is required for admission to the bar.
Getting sued for legal malpractice/disciplined by the bar is not fun. Learn how to avoid that.
You can make a career out of it.
what are the two ways a relationship with a client and lawyer are formed
via rst section 14 and
via 6.2 – when a tribunal with power to do so appoints the lawyer to provide the services
when you have a fact pattern dealing with accepting appointments by a tribunal, what rule do you look to?
in summary, what does it say?
6.2 – accepting appointments
An attorney SHALL not seek to avoid appointments by a tribunal to represent a person EXCEPT for good cause.
6.2 accepting appointments tells us that an attorney cant avoid appointment to rep a person except for good cause. how does 6.2 define good cause? (3 in all)
a) rep of client will likely result in violation of rules or other law
b) repping the client will likely result in unreasonable financial burden
c) the client/cause is so repugnant that it would impair ac relationship or lawyer ability to rep
why do we have rule 6.2 accepting appointments
Its because we have an adversarial system of law, and in order to serve it, we need good attorneys on both sides
board of PR of the supreme court of TN (dealing with a 6.2 accepting appointment issue)
The attorney asking the question practices in Juvenile court and has been appointed to represent minors who have elected to petition the juvenile court for waivers of the parental consent requirement to obtain abortions
Attorney argued 1st amendment violation arguments; as a well as personal malpractice
Feared he would get sued for not doing well enough because he thought the cause so repugnant
issue – via the TN version of the MR. is this good cause enough to avoid accepting appointment?
TN; the standard is a compelling reason NOT good cause! So a bit stricter than Model rules
Under the TN rules, repugnance is not a compelling reason!
Attorney needs to have a compelling reason which is a higher burden than the model rules standard of good cause
Duty of zealous advocacy (preamble paragraph 2)/ competency (rule 1.1) vs duty to accept court appointment (rule 6.2)
Which duty prevails in the MR? how mighy it have impacted the outcome in the TN case with the lawyer not wanting to take on the child abortion case
MR favors duty of zealous advocacy over the duty to accept court appointments!
so the tn case might have come out the other way since the lawyer argued he would not have been able to zelously advofcate for the client because of his views on abortion
what the pros and cons of the MR favoring duty of zealous advocacy over the duty to accept court appointments
Pros – ensures protection of attorney ability to advocate
Con- if taken too far, super unpopular clients won’t be represented
pros/cons of TN stricter standard of compelling reason for an attorney not to take a client
Pros – ensures that everyone has a lawyer
Cons - goes against protection of attorney’s ability to advocate
but wait – i thought that lawyers have discrecftion in who they get to rep? how does 6.2 fit into this?
For the most part, lawyers have DISCRETION about who they rep, these just show the very narrow exception of court appointment
in short, what does preamble 9 say?
Virtually all difficult ethical problems arise from conflict between a lawyer’s responsibilities to clients, to the legal system and to the lawyer’s own interest in remaining an ethical person while earning a satisfactory living…
what does rule 1.2(b) say
ie non endorsement principle
A lawyer’s representation of a client, including representation by appointment, does not constitute an endorsement of the client’s political, economic, social or moral views or activities.
why is it important that we have the 1.2 no endorsment rule
because lawyers ususally have discretion to choose who they rep and the gen public may assofciate who we choose to rep with the fact that we think the same things our clients do
what is the second way an atty client relationship is created (ie outside the scope of court appointment)
via rst 14! its also the most common way for a lawyer client relationship to form
how is a client lawyer relationship formed via the restatment 14
1) a person manifests to a lawyer the person’s intent that the lawyer provide legal services for the person; AND EITHER
(a) the lawyer manifests to the person consent to do so; OR
(b) the lawyer fails to manifest lack of consent to do so, and the lawyer knows or reasonably should know that the person reasonably relies on the lawyer to provide the services.
draw flow chart for rst 14 forming cient lawyer relationship
create flow chart/checklist for 6.2 accepting appointments
morris - rst 14 1(b) the lawyer fails to manifest lack of consent to do so, and the lawyer knows
or reasonably should know that the person reasonably relies on the lawyer to provide the services.
Morris alleges an attorney client relationship existed between himself and the d lawyers in the current bank action; there was an existing ACR between the parties on personal matters like estate planning
Issue of whether ACR existed as to the bank matters even though the other rep was limited to personal matters and they formally declined to rep when asked
even if the attorney said no to creation of attorney client privilege, if the ACTIONS give client REASONABLE BELIEF that there is ACR, ACR may exist
creation HINGES ON THE CLIENT’S BELIEF that he is consulting a lawyer in that capacity – THIS IS REGARDLESS OF THE ATTORNEY’S INTENT
via morris, is it reasonable to believe, as a client, that you have an ACR when the lawyer is repping them in another matter
in morris, what does the phrase DEEDS NOT WORDS mean in the context of creating an acr via rst 14
the lawyer admitted that they met with morris and discussed the bank problem and he asked to rep him
This led morris to REASONABLY BELIEVE that there was an ACR
doest matter that he declined to rep in that matter, he deeds did not match his words
whats the best way to make sure that acr doesn’t exist under rst 14 1(b)
If you want to make sure ACR isn’t there under RST 14 1(b) then you need to make their potential reliance UNREASONABLE
Via disclaimers – ‘this is not legal advice’
via rst 14 (1)(b) how is reasonableness determined
its fact dependent!
how does section (a) of 1.18 duties to prospective clients tie into the creation of the attorney client privilege
person who consults with a lawyer about the POSSIBILITY of forming a client-lawyer relationship with respect to a matter is a prospective client.
why are we studying 1.18(a) duties to prospective clients with the unit of creting the acr?
Some, but not all duties attach with respect to PCs
via comment two of 1.18, how does someone become a prospective client. what ISNT counted as creating a prospective client
IS – if a lawyer, either in person or throigh the lawyers advertisig SPECFICALLY REQUESTS OR INVITES INFO FROM THE PERSON W/OUT LIMTITNG THE LAWYER’S OBLIGATIONS
IS NOT – People who emails you/contacts you UNILATERALLY= no PC; contact in response to an ad
in the creation of an acr/pcr why is it a releavnt fact if the other person is an attorney?
What is reasonable for an attorney to know/think is different from the average person