Intro to liver Flashcards
What are major aspects of liver structure which influence function?
vascular system
biliary tree
3D arrangement of liver cells with vascular or biliary systems
Describe the blood supply to liver?
~75% of blood supply from portal vein i.e. blood returning from GI tract
~25% from hepatic artery
What are 2 primary cells of liver?
Hepatocytes(60%) - perform most metabolic functions Kupffer cells (30%)- type of tissue macrophage
What is functional unit of liver?
Hepatic lobule
Describe the structure of functional unit of liver?
Hexagonal plates of hepatocytes around central hepatic vein -> at each of 6 corners is triad of branches of portal vein, hepatic artery and bile duct
Describe the biliary system?
Bile secreted by hepatocytes -> series of channels between cells (canalinculi) -> small ducts -> large ducts -> anastomose onto common bile duct
How does liver’s microstructure support its roles?
Massive SA for exchange of molecules
sophisticated seperation of blood from bile
specific positioning of pumps to achieve specific localisation of materials
What are kupffer cells?
phagocytic macrophages
What is function of kupffer cells?
protective barrier
removes senescent cells and gut bacteria/antigens
Where do Kupffer reside?
reside in sinusoid
What is bile?
complex fluid= water, electrolytes + mix of organic molecules e.g. bile acids, cholesterol, bilirubin and phospholipids
What is function of bile?
essential for fat digestion + absorption via emulsification
elimination of waste products from blood in particular bilirubin + cholesterol
How is bile concentrated and stored?
Bile from hepatic ducts -> common bile ducts -> duodenum or diverted via cystic duct -> gall bladder -> concentrated + stored
What is bilirubin?
Yellow pigment formed from breakdown of haemoglobin
useless + toxic but made in large quantities -> must be eliminated
What happens to aged red blood cells?
remain in circulation for about 120 days
end of lifespan,dead/damaged RBC digested by macrophages throughout body primarily in spleen but also in liver of red bone marrow
Fe is recycled -> Fe goes into iron stores + can be recycled to be made into new RBCs + other aspects
Globin chains are protein ->catabolised down into various aas + can be reused
Haem(porphyrin) -> elimiated by broken down into biliverdin converted into biliruibin ->then taken into liver incorporated into bile -> then removed