Intro to Herpes Flashcards
4 components of the herpesviridae viruses
Core (linear dsDNA)
3 viruses in the alphaherpesviridae family
HSV 1 (HHV1) HSV 2 (HHV2) VZV (HHV3)
Infection of the lips and oral mucosa
Possible genitalia, liver and lung infections
Latency established in the trigeminal sensory ganglion
Person to person transmission (contact with lesion or oral/genital secretions)
Primary infection can be asymptomatic, mild, or worst episode
Reactivation typically at lower vermillion border
The #1 cause of fatal sporadic encephalitis is…
Symptoms of HSV encephalitis and how is it diagnosed
Fever Headache Seizures Neurologic deficits Decreases consciousness Diagnosed with PCR
Inhibits HSV 1/2, VZV, and some EBV Nucleoside analog to dGTP Results in early DNA chain termination Gets phosphorylated by thymidine kinase enzyme (viral), which allows it to be specific but also allows for resistance Can be given IV or PO Main problem is renal toxicicity
Infection of the genitalia
Latency established in the sacral ganglia
Transmitted person to person (contact with lesion or oral/genital secretions)
Transmission more likely when asymptomatic
Symptoms of primary HSV 1 infection
Most asymptomatic or mildly symptomatic, can also be worst episode
Constitutional symptoms (fever)
Longer lesion duration and longer shedding
Symptoms of primary HSV 2 infection
Most asymptomatic or mildly symptomatic, can also be worst episode Painful ulcers Fever Dysuria (urinary retention) Lymphadenopathy Headache
Neonatal HSV disease
Major morbidity and mortality
Usually HSV 2
Can be acquired intrauterine, perinatal, or postnatal
Presentations include skin/eyes/mouth vs CNS (encephalitis) vs disseminated disease
Primary (varicella - chicken pox) and secondary (herpes zoster - shingles) syndrome Airborne transmission (highly contagious) or contact with vesicular fluid
Herpes zoster
Prodromal neuritis (severe pain)
Then you get the rask
Erythematous papules to grouped vesicles
Limited to 1/2 dermatomes
Complications of herpes zoster
1. Post herpetic neuralgia Pain beyond 4 months of rash Dysesthesias, allodynia, numbness also possible More likely if older or immuocompromised 2. Herpes zoster opthalmicus 3. Herpes zoster oticus
Treatment of VZV
No treatment for young with uncomplicated varicella
Need higher doses than with HSV when you do use acyclovir, etc
For immunocompromised, >50 yo, or severe presentations
2 Zoster vaccines
Zostavax (live virus)
Shingrex (inactive subunit vaccine)
Infection of lymphocytes but can effect other cells
Latency in monocytes, macrophages, DCs
Shed in urine, blood, throat, cervix, semen, stool, tears, breast milk
Transmitted via contact with secretions, blood or tissue transmission, or neonatal
Treatment for CMV
Ganciclovir or valganciclovir
Infection of B and T cells primarily (latency in these cells too)
Primary infection causes malaise, headache, fever, can get tonsillitis, etc
Morbilliform rash with amoxicillin
Can get splenic rupture