Intro to Health - Week 1 Flashcards
What are the 9 principals of screening?
- important
- treatment option
- dx and tx facilities available
- latent stage of dz
- test or exam for this condition
- society access testing means
- natural hx understood
- Policy on who to treat
- balance of cost to all medical cost
What is a grade A for USPSTF?
OFFER, substantial benefit
What is a grade B for USPSTF?
OFFER, moderate to substantial benefit
What is grade C for USPSTF?
offer to select pts (high risk), small benefit
What is grade D for USPSTF?
NO NOT OFFER, no benefit, possible harm, lack of statistics for helping dz, false +/- high, low number of individuals with dz
What are examples of grade D USPSTF?
breast exams, ovarian cancer, genital herpes, hemochromatosis, testicular cancer
What is a grade I for USPSTF?
no evidence for benefit vs harm, talk to pt
What is the ultimate goal of healthy people 2020?
improve quality and quantitiy of life in US
What is primary prevention?
eliminate risk factor
What are examples of primary prevention?
stop smoking, get vaccinated, increase exercise
What is secondary prevention?
detect disease early
Waht are examples of secondary prevention?
pap smear, mammogram
What is tertiary prevention?
limit or soften disease impact?
What are tertiary prevention examples?
cardiac rehab, depression support
“the process of enabling people to increase control over, and to improve, their health. It moves beyond a focus on individual behavior towards a wide range of social and environmental interventions” and “as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being.”
Health promotion
What is the stages of change called?
transtheoretical model
What are the stages of change?
pre-contemplation –> contemplation –> preparation –> action –> maintenance –> relapse
active modification of behavior
fall back to old patterns and behaviors
no intention on changing behavior
intent on taking action to address theh problem
sustained change, new behavior replaces old
aware of problem exists but with no committment to action
each time a person goes through cycle, they learn and grow stronger
upward spiral
How do you help a pt in precontemplation?
give simple piece of advice to quit avoid arguing or trying to convince pt avoid judgement and condemnation show compassion motivational interviewing
How do you help a pt that is in preparation stage?
previous attempts?
positive reinforcement of changes
discuss and address barriers
heap on praise
How do you help pt in relapse stage?
how did they maintain
give encouragement
realistic goals to meet
be positive and supportive