Intro to EvPsych Flashcards
Three assumptions of Natural Selection (Darwin)
- Variation between individuals
- Variation is heritable
- Variation produces differential reproductive success
Social Darwinism
Francis Galton
founder of the Eugenics Society
- “genius and talent are inherited”
- heredity should be a moral decision to avoid “inferiors” reproducing (poor & low-paid, criminals, paupers…)
Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.
- compulsory sterilisation - 1927 Supreme Court Rule
John Watson
- nurture
- “there are no instincts… [they are] a result of training…”
The birth of sociobiology
Edward Owen Wilson
- social behaviours in the animal world
- altruism
- parental care
- aggression
- mate choice
- communication
- societal structure
- short lifespan = easy to study heritability
Opposition to sociobiology
Gould et al. (1975)
- There is biological influence on behaviours (eating, sleeping) but not complex social behaviours (warfare, currency, sexual exploitation)
The birth of ‘evolutionary psychology’
Cosmides & Tooby (1987)
- reaction to standard social science model
- biology unimportant for behaviour
- blank slate
- brain is a ‘general-purpose’ computer
- culture = behaviour
- culture can vary in any direction on any trait
5 principles of evolutionary psychology
- brain is a computer
- generates environment-appropriate behav.
- needed for social behav.
- neural circuits designed by natural selection
- “appropriate” bc of ancestoral problem solving
- trivial behaviours reflect functioning of complex circuitry
- e.g. attraction = contrast, colour, face processing, face referencing…
- different neural circuits specialised for solving different adaptive problems (modularity)
- mind adapted to deal with hunter-gatherer ancestors’ problems in upper Pleistocene period
- ‘stone age minds in modern skulls’
- environment of evolutionary adaptiveness e.g. paternal parental care ~2mil yrs ago for humans
Difference between cognitive psych and evolutionary psych
Cognitive = where, how & what of info processing and storage (proximate causes of behav.)
Evolutionary = how does that promote evolutionary success? Purposes of functions (ultimate causes of behav.)
Philosophy of science - Tinbgergen’s 4 questions
Mechanism (cause)
Ontonegy (development)
Adaptive value (function)
Phylogeny (evolution)
Generation of testable predictions
General evolutionary theory
- selection for max. reproductive fitness
Theories on evolutionary mechanism
Evolutionary hypothesis
- males favour ST encounters w/ available fertile partners
Psych prediction
- men attracted to women who display cues to fertility e.g. youth, WHR, & look for signals of sexual interest
Misconceptions of evolutionary psych
Genetic determinism….
EP is an interactionist framework
Genes bias but don’t determine behaviour