changes polarity of axon?
conduction velocity eqn?
distance/proximal latency-distal latency
*due to paranormal demyelination
loss of saltatory conduction in 1 segment
slowing does not cause symptoms
focal slowing
*due to intermodal demyelination
with a conduction block, the amplitude drops form distal to proximal
conduction block
focal slowing
conduction block
this is an electrodiagnostic manifestations of the single axon model?
segmental demyelination
conduction block
conduction failure
this is an electrodiagnostic manifestations of the single axon model?
prior/after wallerian degeneration?
axon loss
conduction block
conduction failure
sensory conduction studies
motor conduction studies
late responses (H reflex and F wave)
what is this elector diagnostic study?
nerve conduction studies
fibrillation potentials
motor unit action potentials
-recruitment and morphology
needle EMG
what is this sensory conduction study?
studies are performed by recording potentials directed toward the sensory receptors
increase AMP
antidromic study
what is this sensory conduction study?
studies are obtained by recording potentials directed away from these receptors.
orthodromic study
– Spontaneous action potential of a DENERVATED single muscle action potential
fibrillation potential
– Summated muscle fibers action potentials actiivated voluntarily and innervated by a SINGLE MOTOR UNIT
Motor unit action potential (MUAP)
– Spontaneous discharge of MUAP
Fasciculation potential