Intro to CLI Flashcards
Rollover cable
8 pins. 1pin connects to 8 on the other end 2 to 7 and so on.
Once connect to you laptop what do you use to connect?
Putty. A terminal emulator.
Default cisco configuration in putty ?
Speed (baud rate) 9600 bits per second Data Bits are 8 Stop bits are 1. No Parity (error detector) No Flow control:
user EXEC mode
> Least privileged and most restricted mode of the CLI
Users can look at some things but cant make changes.
Privileged EXEC mode.
# Can view device config, restart device.
How do I know what commands are available
question mark
how to see what commands are available with just one letter
e ?
Globe mode?
how to add a password
enable password **
how many conifg files on device
two. Running-config
how to save run config
- write
- write memory
- copy running-config startup-config
how to save password to encrypt
service password-encryption
will use a 7
are there type 7 password hackers?
more secure password
enable secret
how to run commands when not in the correct config level
what is MD5
more secure then service password command
if bot enable secret and enable password config.
only enable secret is used.
Is enabled secret always ecrypted?
what happens to current and future passwords when you enable service password-encryption
and is it secure
All current passwords will be encrypted
future passwords will be encrypted.
not secure
What happens if you put a no in front of a command
removes the command
What happens to passwords when you disable service password-encryption
Current passwords will not be decrypted. future passwords will not be encrypted.
enable secret will not be effected.
what kind of cable is used to connect to a ciso device via the RJ-45 console port
rollover cable/console cable
type enable to enter # mode but password entered not accepted. whats the issue
if you’re seeing a password prompt, then service-password encryption is enabled. caps lock might be on.
what is the most secure method to protect your system?
enable secret command.
what does enable password do
configures a plain-text password which is not secure as it can be read.
enable secret
configures a password that automatically encrypted. Uses MD5 more secure then service password-encryption
if both enable passwords and enabled secret command are configured what will happen when you use enable to enter privileged exec mode?
must enter enable secret only
enable secret takes precedent over enable passwords
what two modes can you type show mac address-table and expect to get a responce
enable mode
global condfig mode
which of the following modes of the CLI could you type the command reload and expct the switch to reboot
enable mode
what is the difference between telnet and SSH
SSH encrypts all data including password, telnet encrypts nothing
what type of switch memory is used to store the configuration used nu the switch when it’s up and running.
what command copies configuration from RAM into NVRAM.
copy startup-config running-config
how does a user drops down a mode
moves to beginning of the line
deletes the whole line
piped commands
sh run-config | being
| include
| exclude
| section
what config is changed when you enter commands
running config
is running config automatically saved?
How to configure a hostname?
config t
No Shutdown
enables an interface
sends ICMP echo request to specified address
How to set a clock?
clock set: sets system clock
How do you show flash?
In privilege EXEC mode: Show Flash