Intro to animals Flashcards
what are the three traits that animals (eukaryotes) which are monophletic share?
heterotrophy - they ingest their food
they move under their own power at some point during their life cycle
what are the characteristics that seperate the animal kingdom from the other kingdoms and subgroups
nutritional modes
cell structure and specialisation
reproduction and development
similarities in their body parts
how do animals differ from plants and fungi in their modes of nutrition
Plants are Autotrophic in that they produce their own food
through Photosynthesis.
Fungi, though Heterotrophic, digest their food externally and
then absorb it and are referred to as Saprophytic.
what are the feeding tactics observed in animals
suspension feeders
deposit feeders
fluid feeders
mass feeders
what are suspension feeders? list an example
Suspension Feeders employ a wide array of structures to trap suspended particles and bring them to their mouths.
what are deposit feeders? list an example
Deposit Feeders eat their way through a substrate digesting organic matter in the soil or on the seafloor
sea cucumber
what are fluid feeders? list an example
Fluid Feeders suck or mop up liquids like nectar, plant sap, blood, or fruit juice. They often have mouthparts that allow them to pierce a structure to withdraw the fluids inside.
what are mass feeders? list an example
Mass Feeders take chunks of food into their mouths and the mouthparts correlates with the type of food pieces eaten.
what are three sources of food for animals
plants and algae
other animals
where do endoparasites live? give an example
endoparasites live inside the body of their host
where do ectoparasites live? give an example
ectoparasites live outside of their host
hair lice
what are the two types of parasites
endoparasites and ectoparasites
what is collagen
collagen is the most abundant of protiens used in structural support and to connect animal cells
what are the three examples of animal specialisation?
magnetism eg. birds and turtles
electric fields eg. sharks and rays
barometric pressure eg. animals are known to act differently prior to storms
what are the three functions in adult animal movement
finding food
finding mates
escaping from predators
what are the two types of animal limbs?
unjointed eg. velvet worm
jointed eg. crabs
what are the four phases of embryonic development found in all animal groups
growth to adult
what is cleavage
Cleavage is the set of rapid cell divisions that take
place in animal zygotes immediately after
what are the three stages of cleavage
zygote > morula > bastula
lecture 5 page 4 slide 4
what are the two different patterns of cleavage determined by the division to the long axis of the embryo
spiral cleavage
radial cleavage
what are the two different patterns of cleavage determined by resulting data
equal cleavage
unequal cleavage
what are the two different patterns of cleavage determined by the amount of yolk in the embryo
complete cleavage
incomplete cleavage
what are the five germ layers
ectoderm endoderm blastopore archenteron mesoderm
list three examples of ectoderm
glands of the skin
hair and nails
list three examples of endoderm
lining of digestive system
respiratory system
list three examples of mesoderm
bones and cartilage
circulatory system
what is organogenesis
Organogenesis is the process of tissue and organ
formation that begins once gastrulation is complete
and the embryonic germ layers are in place
what are some factors which are responsible for cellular differentiation
The eggs cytoplasm influences the course of early development
Original position of cells during Gasturalation.
Position of cells in regards to other cells.
Receives chemical signals form other tissues or structures.
Hormones that cause specific cells to react in specific ways.
what are the chromosome levels for males and females
males have one x and one y chromosome
females have two x chromosomes