The name Africa came into Western use through the Romans, who used the name Africa terra which means?
land of the Afri
It is the second largest continent, covering about one-fifth of the total land surface of Earth.
It is originally a name for the east bank of Aegean Sea
Asia is an area known to the Hittites as ____?
He is one of the best African authors who have contributed a lot in the field of African literature. He was born in 1930, and schooled at the University of Ibadan, Nigeria.
Chinua Achebe
What was Chinua Achebe’s groundbreaking novel which had been translated into over 50 languages due to its high demand?
Things Fall Apart (1958)
He was born in 1934 in Nigeria and became the first African author to be awarded the Nobel Prize award in literature.
Wole Soyinka
A play by Wole Soyinka that satirizes a fledging nation by highlighting that the present days were no longer as golden as past.
A Dance of the Forests (1950)
He was born in 1920 in Western Nigeria and died in 1997.
Amos Tutuola
He was a self-taught African author who usually focused his literature on the Yoruba folk tales.
Amos Tutuola
What was the story that made Amos Tutuola popular?
The Palm-Wine Drunkard (1946)
He was born in 1928 in Kouroussa, Upper Guinea and died in 1980.
Camera Laye
He was the first African author from a French-speaking African country.
Camera Laye
What was Camera Laye’s first novel written in French?
L’Enfant Noir (The African Child)
He was born in 1978 in Addis Ababa, the capital city of Ethiopia and graduated from Georgetown University.
Dinaw Mengestu
What were the two novels written by Dinaw Mengestu?
• The Beautiful Things That Heaven Bears (2007)
• How to Read the Air (2020)
Dinaw Mengestu recently received a *MacArthur Foundation** usually known as ___?
genius grant
An African author who is born in 1929 in Dakar, Senegal.
Mariama Ba
Her works and life were usually preoccupied with several issues such as power, gender relations, and inequality.
Mariama Ba
Mariama Ba focused on the ways in which these issues were affected and framed by ___?
Islamic and African cultural beliefs