5 main islands of Indonesia.
Sumatra, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Jawa, and Papua
Ayu Tami
(Translator: Pamela Allen)
Bumi Manusia/The Earth of Mankind
Pramoedya Ananta Toer
(Translator; Maxwell Lane)
The Tea Lords
Hella S Haasse
(Translator: Ina Rike)
The Year of Living Dangerously
Christoper Koch
(Originally appeared in english)
A woman’s portrait or _____ in Indonesia.
Lukisan Wanita
This poem is written in 1989 which focused on a life of pregnant women in Indonesia.
A Woman’s Portrait 1938
Author of A Woman’s Portrait.
Toeti Heraty
(Translator: Ulrich Kratz)
Author of Too-Too-Moo and the Giant
Aaron Shepard
Meaning of Pujangga
Lama means
It is a lively oral tradition using traditional Malay-language literature.
Pujangga Lama
A kind of poetry that is made up of four-line verses, which are sometime called quatrains
Is an epic poem with intricate language and structure, and it’s been impossible for translators to do it full justice in English.
Syair Bidasari
What is the name of the heroin