What are the main characteristics of African Literature?
• oral tradition
• folktales
• slave
• narratives
• novels
It is a necessary social antecedent and cultural heritage of Africans.
Oral tradition
Is an anonymous, timeless story circulated orally among African people and meant to hand down knowledge and wisdom from parent to child.
African folktales
He is described as the father of African literature.
Chinua Achebe
Who wrote, “Things Fall Apart”?
Chinua Achebe
It is the most popular African novel of all time and was written to showcase the culture and identity of Africa to the world.
Things Fall Apart
A Kenyan author and playwright and one of the literary giants of the continent.
Ngugi wa Thiong’o
What are the novels of Ngugi wa Thiong’o that brought speed with life in Kenya and the Mau Mau political struggle for independence of Kenya.
• Weep Not Child
• A Grain of Wheat
• The River Between
Who wrote, “The Beautiful Ones Are Not Yet Born”?
Ayi Kwei Armah
He wrote, “Mine Boy” and “Tell Freedom”.
Pete Abraham
She is acclaimed as the *mother of modern African literature**.
Flora Nwampa
What were the novels that were ahead of their time and told the stories of strong independent women, the ideal of the modern feminist movement.
Efuru and Idu
She is a Nobel Laureate prof and a living legend.
Wole Soyinka
Who wrote, “The Lion and the Jewel”, “Kongi’s Harvest”, “The Trials of Brother Jero”, “The Road”, etc.
Wole Soyinka
A very popular story-teller in Nigeria and West Africa who wrote, “An African Night’s Entertainment”, “Jagua Nana”, “Burning Grass”, etc.
Cyprian Ekwensi
He wrote, “The Concubine” and “The Great Ponds”.
Elechi Amadi
This poem is hopeful and even contemplative of the African condition: it is true that the continent is fraught with hardship and pain, but there are miracles and surprises.
An African Elegy
Is famous for his nivel, “The Famished Road” which won the Booker Prize in 1991.
He also wrote the poem, “An African Elegy”
Ben Okri
This poem, charged with lyric and imagery, has been a living anthem on the endangered lives of queer Nigerians as well as the politics of silence for the LGBTQ+ Nigerian.
How To Survive The Fire
Who wrote the poem, “How To Survive The Fire”?
Romeo Oriogun
A poem which is widely regarded as one of the best modern African epic poem.
Song of Lawino
Who wrote the, “Song of Lawino”?
Okot P’Bitek
A dazzling collection of short stories that deals with some of the universal problems shared by women around the world.
This is Lagos and Other Stories (by Flora Nwapa)
This collection of short stories centers on women fighting heroic wars, including the Nigerian civil war, etc.
Wives at War and Other Stories (Flora Nwapa)
First collection of short fiction by Sofia Samatar.
These twenty stories travel from the commonplace to the edges of reality.
“Tender” is divided into two parts, which are?
Tender Bodies and Tender Landscapes
It is a reverse fairytale that represents the authors views of apartheid South Africa.
One Upon A Time
Who wrote the African literature, “Once Upon A Time”?
Nadine Gordimer
Who are the main characters in the story, “Once Upon A Time”?
• husband
• wife
• boy (son)
What symbolizes the husband in the story Once Upon A Time?
Who wrote the poem, “Africa”?
David Diop
Who wrote the novel, “Anticipation”?
Mabel Dove-Danquah