Intro: Neuro exam and neurolocalization Flashcards
Objectives (4)
- List components of neurological exam
- List CNs and their function
- Recognize neurologic abnormalities
- Make neuroanatomic diagnosis (Neurolocalization)
Big picture (6)
- PE
- HX
- Duration and progression
- Other concurrent dz: sepsis, heart dz, addison’s/cushing
- Medications: steroids, opioids, ace
Indications for exam (7)
- Seizures, other episodic behavoir
- Behavoir changes, circling
- Paresis
- Ataxia
- Pain
- Lameness
- Trauma
Six components neuro exam (5)
- Mentation
- Gait & posture
- Cranial nerves
- Segmental reflexes
- Palpation and Range of motion (painful stuff last)
Mentation (5)
- Alert & appropriate
- Obtunded - dull, lethargic and responsive
- Stuporous
- inappropriate/not responsive to normal stimuli
- responsive to noxious stimuli - Comatose
- Not responsive to noxious stimuli, but alive - Dead
Ambulatory status (quadrapeds can’t be ambulatory X 2)
Ataxia (3)
Lack of coordination
- Cerebellar:
- wide-based stance
- hypermetria
- truncal sway - Vestibular:
- wide based stance
- leaning/listing
- drunken sailor - Proprioceptive: lack of coordination with a lack of awareness and paresis
Posture: head (3)
- Tilt, turn
- Resting or intention tremors
- Head held low, neck guarding
Posture: Body (3)
- Kyphosis (forward rounding of back), lordosis (inward rounding of back), scoliosis (curved spine)
- Torticollis (twisted neck)
- Lateraly recumbent
Posture: Decerebrate (2)
- Comatose
2. Rigid extension in all limbs
Posture: Decerebellate (2)
- Acute cerebellar lesions
2. Extended TLs, flexed PLs
Posture: Shiff-Sherrington (2)
- Severe, acute T3-L3 lesions
2. Not prognostic
Cranial Nerves
I: Olfactory II: Optic III: Oculomotor IV: Trochlear V: Trigeminal VI: Abducent VII: Facial VIII: Vestibulocochlear IX: Glossopharyngeal X: Vagus XI: Accessory XII: Hypoglossal
Menace (afferent/efferent)
Afferent: CN II
Efferent: CN VII
PLR (afferent/efferent)
Afferent: CN II
Efferent: PS CN III
Palpebral (afferent/efferent)
Medial canthus -Afferent: V opth -Efferent: VII Lateral Canthus -Afferent V max -Efferent: VII
Facial symmetry
Physiologic Nystagmus
Afferent: CN VIII
Efferent: CN III, IV, VI
Strabismus, positional nystagmus
Afferent: CN IX, X
Efferent: IX
Tongue Function
Postural reactions (6)
- Placing/knuckling (CP)
- Hopping
- Hemistanding & hemiwalking
- Wheelbarrow
- Visual & Tactile placing
- Extensor postural thrust
Placing responses (CPs)
Must support patient
Small dog: pick up 3 legs hop on one
Large dog: pick up contralateral limb and pivot
Extensor postural thrust
Lift from axillae and lower towards ground