Intro/Integumentary System Flashcards
What is Anatomy?
Anatomy is the study of the form and structure of the body and it’s parts— what things look like and where they are located.
What is physiology?
Physiology is the study of the function of the body and its parts— how things work and what they do.
Anatomy and Physiology are part of what field of science?
What is Homeostasis?
Homeostasis is the process of maintaining a relatively stable internal environment. It is a dynamic equilibrium reflecting a healthy state. All characteristics of life interact in a manner that helps to attain and maintain homeostasis.
The whole body is responsible for homeostasis.
What is pathophysiology?
Is the disordered physiological processes associated with disease or injury.
What are the ten characteristics of life?
Responsiveness, conductivity, growth, respiration, digestive, absorption, secretion, excretion, circulation, and reproduction.
6 organizational levels of the body
Chemicals-organelles-cells-tissues-organs-organ systems
4 main types of tissues
Epithelial, connective, muscle, nervous
2 tissues w/greatest capacity to heal
Muscle and Epithelial
Upper or above
Front or in front of
Of, on or near the back
Towards the midline of the body
Toward the median plane
Toward the trunk of the body.
Toward the body (used for appendages)
Toward the surface of the body or body part.
Lower or below
Of, on, or near the abdomen
Away from the midline of the body
Away from the median plane
Away from the trunk of the body.
Away from the body (used for appendages)
Toward the center of the body or body part
Chemical Level made up of..?
Atoms, molecules, macromolecules, cytoplasm
Organelle Level
Collections of molecules organized in a way so they can perform individual functions. Found inside cells and cannot function outside cell wall.
What are Cells?
Cells are the smallest and most numerous units that possess and exhibit characteristics of life.
It has no ability it influence its environment so if conditions are bad it will die.
Tissue Level
Organizations of similar cells specialized to perform a specific function.
Organ Level
Organization of similar different kinds of tissues to perform a special function. They represent discrete and functionally complex operational units.
System Level
Varying numbers and kinds of organs arranged to perform complex functions. There are 11 systems.
Toward the tip of the nose
Toward the head end of the body.
Toward the tail end of the body
Epithelial Tissue
Main job- is to cover body surfaces. Surface of the skin, linings of the mouth, intestine, and urinary bladder. Also forms glands which structures secrete useful substances and excrete wastes (sweat glands, salivary glands, and mammary glands).
Connective Tissue
Holds the body together (connects cells) and gives it support. Ranges from very soft to very firm.
What is Adipose Tissue? And it’s main Functions (4).
A type of connective tissue. - Provides and insulating layer to prevent heat from escaping the body - storage for food - storage for fat soluble vitamins - Source for energy Also know as Fat.
Nervous Tissue
Transmits information around the body and controls body functions. It transmits sensory information from the body to the brain, processes info and send instructions to out to tell body how to react to changing conditions.
Muscle Tissue
Moves the body inside and out. 3 types- skeletal, cardiac, and smooth.
What are the 6 functions of the skin? (SHAPES)
Sensation, heat regulation, absorption, protection, excretion, and secretion.
What doesn’t cross into the epidermis?
Blood Vessels
How is Vitamin D produced by the body?
During sunlight and closure UV radiation penetrates into the epidermis where it is synthesized into vitamin D. Thanks
What fibers allow the skin to be stretchable?
Elastic Fibers.
What layer of the skin is thin and transparent?
Stratum Lucidum
Integumentary System
The integumentary system comprises the skin and its appendages acting to protect the body from various kinds of damage, such as loss of water or damages from outside.