Intro Flashcards
process of helping a persont o reach the fullest physical, psychological, social, vocatioinal, avocational and educational potential consistent with his or her physiologic or anatomic impairment, environmental limitation and desires and life plans
. Activity . Disability . Handicap . Impairment . Participation . Rehabilitation . Rehabilitation Medicine
. Rehabilitation
any loss of abnormality of psychological, physiological or anatomical structure or function
. Activity . Disability . Handicap . Impairment . Participation . Rehabilitation . Rehabilitation Medicine
. Impairment
any restriction of lack resulting from an impairment of ability to perform an activity in the manner or within the range considered normal for a human being
. Activity . Disability . Handicap . Impairment . Participation . Rehabilitation . Rehabilitation Medicine
. Disability
disadvantage for an individual resulting from an impairment or disability that limits or prevents the fulfillment of a role that is normal for that individual
. Activity . Disability . Handicap . Impairment . Participation . Rehabilitation . Rehabilitation Medicine
. Handicap
the nature and extent of functioning at the level of the person
. Activity . Disability . Handicap . Impairment . Participation . Rehabilitation . Rehabilitation Medicine
. Activity
the nature and extent of a person’s involvement in life situations in relationship to impairments, activities, health conditions and contextual factors
. Activity . Disability . Handicap . Impairment . Participation . Rehabilitation . Rehabilitation Medicine
. Participation
branch of medical science concerned with the comprehensive evaluation and management of patients with impairment and disability arising from neuromuscular, musculoskelatal, cardiovascular, and pulmonary disorders; also concerned with the medical, social, vocational and psychological aspects arising from them
. Activity . Disability . Handicap . Impairment . Participation . Rehabilitation . Rehabilitation Medicine
. Rehabilitation Medicine
members of rehabilityation team (9)
Physiatrist Physical Therapist Occupational Therapist Rehabilitation Nurse Psychologist Speech and language therapist Orthotist/prosthetist Social Worker Patient
team leader; coordinates the various members to achieve the goal set; manages the medical aspects and medical complications that arise during rehabilitation
. Occupational Therapist . Orthotist/Prosthetist . Patient . Physiatrist . Physical Therapist . Psychologist . Rehabilitation Nurse . Social Worker . Speech and language therapist
. Physiatrist
evaluate and train patients in ADL’s and IADL’s; explore vocational and avocational interests; evaluates the patient’ skill within the community
. Occupational Therapist . Orthotist/Prosthetist . Patient . Physiatrist . Physical Therapist . Psychologist . Rehabilitation Nurse . Social Worker . Speech and language therapist
. Occupational Therapist
train patients in use of modified environment, assistive devices and UE prostheses; educate the patient’s faminly to maintain independence
. Occupational Therapist . Orthotist/Prosthetist . Patient . Physiatrist . Physical Therapist . Psychologist . Rehabilitation Nurse . Social Worker . Speech and language therapist
. Occupational Therapist
Physical Therapist trains LE prostheses
use of physical agents for treatment; assist patient in functional restoration especially for gross motor functions
. Occupational Therapist . Orthotist/Prosthetist . Patient . Physiatrist . Physical Therapist . Psychologist . Rehabilitation Nurse . Social Worker . Speech and language therapist
. Physical Therapist
trains use of LE prosteses
. Occupational Therapist . Orthotist/Prosthetist . Patient . Physiatrist . Physical Therapist . Psychologist . Rehabilitation Nurse . Social Worker . Speech and language therapist
. Physical Therapist
Occupational therapist train UE prostheses
helps patient and significant others to prepare psychologically for full participation; testing for intelligence personality, psychological status; counseling
. Occupational Therapist . Orthotist/Prosthetist . Patient . Physiatrist . Physical Therapist . Psychologist . Rehabilitation Nurse . Social Worker . Speech and language therapist
. Psychologist
direct personal care of patients; addresses the ADL’s assist in medication management;
educate families on the related disabilities; assist in use of adaptive devices
. Occupational Therapist . Orthotist/Prosthetist . Patient . Physiatrist . Physical Therapist . Psychologist . Rehabilitation Nurse . Social Worker . Speech and language therapist
. Rehabilitation Nurse
evaluates and treats patients with neurologic disorders such as aphasia, dysarthria, apraxia, cognitive-communication impairments, dysphagia
educates patients/families on care of tracheostomy tubes, dysphagia, alternative communication
. Occupational Therapist . Orthotist/Prosthetist . Patient . Physiatrist . Physical Therapist . Psychologist . Rehabilitation Nurse . Social Worker . Speech and language therapist
. Speech and language therapist
evaluates the patient’s total living condition; assess the impact of disability with the above mentioned factors; facilitate assistance to cope with such impact
. Occupational Therapist . Orthotist/Prosthetist . Patient . Physiatrist . Physical Therapist . Psychologist . Rehabilitation Nurse . Social Worker . Speech and language therapist
. Social Worker
evaluates, designs and fabricates orthoses and/or prostheses; follow up and educate osers of care and maintenance of such devices
. Occupational Therapist . Orthotist/Prosthetist . Patient . Physiatrist . Physical Therapist . Psychologist . Rehabilitation Nurse . Social Worker . Speech and language therapist
. Orthotist/Prosthetist
activities requred for personal care
feeding, dressing, grooming, bathing, toileting
complex tasks required for independent living in the immediate environment
care of other in the household, telephone use, meal preparation, house cleaning, laundry, public transportation
lesisions involving the CNS
hypertonia, hyperreflexia
no significant muscle atrophy
hemiparetic, parapetic, and tetraperetic pattern
hypotonia, hyporeflexia
significant muscle atrophy
electromyographic changes
affected nerve root
eyes are closed with absence of sleep-wake cycles and no evidence of a contingent relationship between the patient’s behavior and the environment
. Coma
. Minimally conscious state
. Vegetative state
. Coma
characterized by the presence of sleep-wake cycles but still no contingent relationship
. Coma
. Minimally conscious state
. Vegetative state
. Vegetative state
patient who remains severely disabled but demonstrates sleep-wake cycles and even inconsistent, nonreflexive, contingent behaviors in response to a specific environmental stimulation
. Coma
. Minimally conscious state
. Vegetative state
. Minimally conscious state
Spontaneous eye opening
. 4
eye opening to speech
. 3
eye opening to pain (1-6)
. 2
no eye opening (1-6)
. 1
obeys cues for motor response (1-6)
. 6
localizes motor response (1-6)
. 5
withdrawal motor response (1-6)
. 4
abnormal flexion in motor response (1-6)
. 3
extensor response in motor respons (1-6)
. 2
no motor response (1-6)
. 1
oriented verbal response (1-6)
. 5
confused conversation (1-6)
. 4
inappropriate words (1-6)
. 3
incomprehensible sounds (1-6)
. 2
no verbal response (1-6)
. 1
eye opening
a. 1-4
b. 1-5
c. 1-6
a. 1-4
best motor response
a. 1-4
b. 1-5
c. 1-6
c. 1-6
verbal response
a. 1-4
b. 1-5
c. 1-6
b. 1-5
resistance of muscle to stretch or passive elongation
. Spasticity
. Strength
. Tone
. Tone
velocity-dependent increase in the stretch reflex
. Spasticity
. Strength
. Tone
. Spasticity
5 parameters of gait evaluation
. Ease of arising from a seated position . Balance . Walking speed . Stride and step length . Attitude of arms and legs
linear distance between successive corresponding points of heel contact of the same foot
. Stride length
. Step length
. Stride length
distance between corresponding successive contact points of opposite feet
. Stride length
. Step length
. Step length
2 feet for women and 2.5 feet for men
. Stride length
. Step length
. Step length
patient spending more time in stance phase on one leg and is usually due to pain in the other leg
. Antalgic gait
. Trendelenburg gait
. Antalgic gait
sway toward the leg in stance phase because of abductor weakness
. Antalgic gait
. Trendelenburg gait
. Trendelenburg gait
Full available ROM is achieved against gravity and is able to demonstrate maximal resistance.
. 5
Full available ROM is achieved against gravity and
is able to demonstrate moderate resistance.
. 4
Full available ROM is achieved only with gravity
. 2
Full available ROM is achieved against gravity but
is not able to demonstrate resistance.
. 3
A visible or palpable contraction is noted, with
no joint movement.
. 1
No contraction is identified.
. 0
No increase in muscle tone (0-4)
. 0
Slight increase in muscle tone, manifested by a catch and release or by minimal resistance at the end of the range of motion when the affected part(s) is moved in flexion or extension (0-4)
. 1
Slight increase in muscle tone, manifested by a catch, followed by minimal resistance throughout the remainder (less than half) of the ROM (0-4)
. 1+
6 determinants of gait
. Pelvic rotation . Pelvic tilt . Knee flexion in stance phase . Ankle mechanism . Lateral displacement of body
initial contact
. Stance phase
. Swing phase
. Stance phase
loading response
. Stance phase
. Swing phase
. Stance phase
. Stance phase
. Swing phase
. Stance phase
terminal stance
. Stance phase
. Swing phase
. Stance phase
heel strike
. Stance phase
. Swing phase
. Stance phase
foot flat
. Stance phase
. Swing phase
. Stance phase
heel off
. Stance phase
. Swing phase
. Stance phase
. Stance phase
. Swing phase
. Swing phase
initial swing
. Stance phase
. Swing phase
. Swing phase
. Stance phase
. Swing phase
. Swing phase
terminal swing
. Stance phase
. Swing phase
. Swing phase