Intro Flashcards
1. Explain what VPH is. 2. Outline the "Farm to Fork" concept. 3. Outline the "One Health" approach. 4. Explaine the role of Vets in Public Health.
How would you define VPH?
How human health is linked to animal health and production.
What are 4 hazards that arise from interactions with animals and animal products?
vector-borne infections
chemical and vet drugs
food-borne hazards
What is the WHO definition of zoonoses?
A disease and infection which are transmitted naturally between vertebrate animals and humans.
What type of zoonotic infection is most common in the UK?
Foodbourne source.
What is the definition of the “Farm to Fork” approach?
In-depth knowledge of the pre + post-harvest factors to rationally tackle food-bourne public health hazards.
How are vets related in the “farm to fork” approach?
- Prevention and treatment of diseases/infections that affect farm animals.
- Insure that the welfare of the animals is kept to prevent diseases and to increase productivity.
- Testing and inspection at slaughterhouses.
Outline the levels of the “Farm to Fork” approach.
- Farm (eg. breeding, dairy, fattening)
- proper feed
- good welfare
- disease prevention and treatment - Slaughterhouse
- inspections + testing
- transport of animals, raw products - Processing
- proper preparation
- quality checks
- transport of processed products - Consumers
- proper prep
- proper storage
What is “One Health”?
Cooperation between human and animal medicine to attain optimal health for people, animals and the environment.