HACCP Flashcards
• Define the Food Chain, Food Security, Food Safety, Food Control and Food Quality. • Explain why HACCP is important. • Outline the HACCP pre-requisites programme and HACCP principles. • Describe the development, implementation and maintenance of HACCP based procedures.
Sequence of the stages involved
in the production, processing, distribution,
storage and handling of a food and its
ingredients, from primary production to
consumption. Hazards enter at at any point.
- Produced in a sustainable way.
- Accessible to all
- Available at all times
- Wholesome
Define FOOD SAFETY and who’s duty it is to keep it.
Concept that food will not cause harm to the
consumer when it is prepared and/or eaten
according to its intended use.
•Food Business Operators legal duty•
product/service is of a fulfills intended purpose and safety
What is HACCP?
Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point
• A science based system which identifies, evaluates and controls hazards
which are significant for food safety
Is HACCP and international system or a local system?
It is international, sponsored by FAO and WHO. FSA handle the UK.
What are the benefits of HACCP?
• Control from end-product testing to monitoring at
critical control points on the production line.
• Structured preventative system.
• Risk based approach
What are the shortfalls of HACCP?
- high level of commitment
- pre-requisites
- a lot of training
- consumers must carry on safe practice
Why is there a pre-req program?
provides measures for basic environmental and
operating conditions in a food operation that are necessary for the production of safe and wholesome food
What is in the pre-req program (7)?
•Structure and Maintenance •Water Quality •Cleaning •Pest control •Personal Health & Hygiene •Training •Temperature controls
What are the 7 principles of HACCP?
- Conduct a Hazard Analysis.
- Identification of the Critical Control
Points (CCPs) - Establish Critical Limits.
- Establish a Monitoring System.
- Establish a Corrective Action System.
- Establish Verification System.
- Establish Documents concerning all
procedures and Records.
How does a flow diagram apply to HACCP?
- Schematic and systematic presentation of the sequence and interactions of steps.
- Include all steps and products under the control of the organisation (e.g. ingredients).
What is a HAZARD?
a biological, chemical or physical agent in, or
condition of, food with the potential to cause an adverse health effect.
Define a RISK.
the likelihood that a hazard will occur
What is the core idea of HACCP?
- Say what you do
- Do what you say
- Prove it