INTRO Flashcards
Application of computer and information science in all basic and applied biomedical sciences to facilitate the acquisition, processing, interpretation, optimal use and communication of health related data
Integration of information science, health science and computer science
Health Informatics
The practice and science of integrating nursing information and knowledge with technology to manage and integrate health information
The speciality that integrates nursing science with multiple information information and analytical sciences to identify, define, manage and communicate data, information, knowledge and wisdom in nursing practice
Nursing Informatics
a specialty
- integrates nursing, computer and information sciences to
manage and communicate data, information, knowledge and wisdom into
nursing practice in order to support patients, nurses and other providers
in their decision-making in all roles and settings
Nursing Informatics
responsible for providing clinical information
and data analysis for effective patient care
and monitoring
• Unlike healthcare informatics, which is
focused more on administrative issues,
nursing informatics is dedicated to patient
Computerization and electronic processing affects all aspect of health care delivery including:
• Provision and documentation of patient care
• Education of healthcare providers
• Scientific research for advancing healthcare delivery
• Administration of health care delivery services
• Reimbursement
• Safety and quality issues
Computerization and electronic processing affects all aspect of health care delivery including:
• Provision and documentation of patient care
• Education of healthcare providers
• Scientific research for advancing healthcare delivery
• Administration of health care delivery services
• Reimbursement
• Safety and quality issues
Prior to 1960s
• Punch cards
• Card readers
• Sort and prepare data for processing
• Teletypewriters
During this period, computer technology advanced, while the number of health care facilities increased. The introduction of cathode ray tube (CRT) terminals, online data
communication, and real-time processing added important
dimensions to the computer systems providing more accessible and “user-friendly” machines.
Hospitals began developing computer-based information
system which initially focused on physician’s order entry and results
reporting, pharmacy, laboratory and radio reports, information for
financial and managerial purposes, and physiologic monitoring
system in the intensive care unit, and a few system started to
include care planning, decision support, and interdisciplinary
problem list.
The microcomputer or personal computer emerged. This revolutionary technology made computers more accessible, affordable, and usable by nurses and other health care providers
1.) The first nursing social interest group on computers which met for the first time during SCAMC (symposium on computer application in medical care)
2.) The ANA approved the formation of the council on computer application in Nursing (CCAN)
3.) The first edition of nursing informatics were published
1.) 1981
2.) 1985
3.) 1986
Nursing Informatics was approved in 1992 by ANA as a new nursing
specialty with a separate Scope of Nursing Informatics Practice Standards,
established specific credentialing examination for it and demand for nursing
expertise increased greatly.
The internet was used for High-Performance Computing and Communication (HPCC) or the Information Superhighway and facilitated
data exchange between computerized patient record systems across facilities and settings.
Development of wireless point-of-care system with focus on Open Source Solution.
Clinical Information System (CIS) became individualized in the Electronic
Patient Record (EPR) and patient specific systems considered for the lifelong
record or Electronic Health Record (EHR).
Became individualized in the electronic patient record (EPR) and patient specific systems considered for the lifelong record or electronic health record
Clinical Information System (CIS)
an Executive Order 13335 established the Office of the National Coordinator for Healthcare Information Technologies (ONC)
Bar coding and Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) and
the Healthcare Information Technology for Economic and Clinical
Health (HITTECH) Act of 2009 with the funding to implement HIT and
EHR systems, support healthcare information exchange, enhance
community and university-based informatics education, and support
leading edge research to improve the use of HIT.
During 2010, The office of national coordinator convened two national committees…
National committee on Health policy and National committee on Health standard that focuses on meaningful use
In ______, _____ initiated a history of nursing informatics at the National Library of Medicine. It was initiated based on the recommendation by Dr. _____ _____ who published the History of Medical Informatics in ______.
1.) 1995
2.) Saba
3.) Dr. Morris Collen
4.) 1990
Beginning of 2004, the stories of ______ in nursing informatics were captured through a project sponsored by ____________
1.) Pioneers
2.) American medical informatics working group
Major Nursing Standard Intiatives
• Nursing Practice Standards
• Nursing Education Standards
• Nursing Content Standards
• Confidentially and Security standards
1.) Healthcare information and management systems society was founded
2.) Development of one of the first hospital information system in california
3.) First conference on management information system
4.) First National conference on computer technology in Chicago
5.) First nursing computer journal is published
1.) 1961
3.) 1973
4.) 1981
5.) 1984
1.) Graduate program in nursing informatics is introduced in Maryland university
2.) Establishment of electronic library
3.) First international nursing informatics teleconference held in Australia
4.) JCAHO identified clinical information system as a way to improve safety and recommends that hospitals adopt technology
5.) Health insurance portability and accountability act was enacted
6.) Establishment of the national health information coordinator
1.) 1989
2.) 1993
3.) 1995
4.) 2002
5.) 2003
6.) 2004
a longitudinal electronic record of patient
health information generated by one or more encounters in any care delivery
• It automates and streamlines the clinician’s workflow and has the ability to
generate a complete record of clinical patient encounter, as well as supporting
other care-related activities directly or indirectly via interface including evidence-
based decision support, quality management, and outcomes reporting
Electronic Heath Record
What was the conclusion in 1989 when the IOM asked “Why is healthcare still predominantly using paper based records when so many new computer-based information technologies are emerging?
First, computerized patient record (CPR) is an essential technology for healthcare and is an integral tool for all professionals.
Second, there was no national coordination or champion for CPRs.
• As a result, the Computer Based Record Institute (CPRI) was created in