Intro Flashcards
what is the meaning of fiqh?
Defined as ‘understanding’ but can be seen as ruling/laws
What are the main sources of fiqh? (4)
The Qur’an
- The Prophetic Sunnah
- Consensus (Ijmaa’)
- Analogy ( Qiyaas)
what are the five commands and their meaning ?
- Obligation (Fard)
- Incumbent /necessary (Wajib)
- Emphatic Sunnah
(Sunnah Mu’akkadah)
- Non-Emphatic Sunnah
(Sunnah Ghayr Mu’akkadah)
- Desirable (Mustahabb)
what are the five prohibitions and their meaning ?
- Unlawful (Haram)
- Severely Repugnant/disliked
(Mukruh Tahrimi)
- Offensive (Isa’ah)
- Morally Undesirable (Mukruh Tanzihi)
- Against Preferred Practice (Khilaf Al-Awla
which is between the two categories?
Permissible (Mubah)
what is the difference between fardh and wajib?
Fard is that command to do, the demand of which is proven by means of conclusive evidence, Quran and Sunnah
Example: Prayer (Salah), fast (sawm) etc.
❖The denier of a fard is a disbeliever
WHEREAS wajib is that command to do, the demand of which is proven by means inconclusive evidence
for example: Witr Prayer
❖The unjustified abandoner of the incumbent act is morally corrupt and guilty
❖The denier of an incumbent act (wajib) is not a disbeliever!
❖It is synonymous Practically obligatory
difference between emphatic sunnah and non emphatic sunnah?
emphatic - sunnah of guidance
non emphatic - extra sunnah
After prophet RA , the caliph performed persistently vs missed without cause
it is not fardh or wajib
key thing about non-emphatic sunnah
preferred not to leave it if possible
what about mastahaab?
desirable/ voluntary
no sin for omitting
reward for doing
e.g. nafl prayers
what are the two catergories this can fall into?
personal -ayn
communal -kifayah
Examples of each of personal and communal
Obligatory: fast
Necessary: witr
Sunnah: congregational
- Obligatory: Funeral prayer
- Necessary: Responding to salaams
- Sunnah:10 day ramadan itikaf
what are the features of something that is haram
❖it is forbidden
❖demonstrates the refraining of its action by means of conclusive evidence
❖Someone who denies it is a disbeliever
❖Its performer is morally corrupt and liable to punishment
what are features of something that is Makruh Tahrimi?
❖Opposite of wajib
❖should be avoided /necessary avoid
❖No conclusive evidence but frowned upon greatly
❖some punishment
❖not a disbeliever if carries out the action
what is the meaning of offensive ?
opposite of an sunnah emphatic
Whoever performs it occasionally deserves to be reproached
❖Whoever performs it regularly deserves to be punished
what is Makruh tanzihi
s the opposite of non-emphatic Sunnah (Sunnah Ghayr Mu’akkadah) and close to lawful (Halal)
❖Refraining from it is better though there is no harm in its performance
❖Nevertheless performing it is not liked in the Shari’a
for example, splashing aggressive during wudu
khilaf al-Awla meaning
hilaf al-Awla is the opposite of desirable (Mustahabb)
should avoid but no punishment or consequences
what is mubah?
❖An action to which neither command to do and nor prohibition have been applied
❖It is permissible because the origin of all things is permissibility
❖Its ruling is the same in the sense that one is not rewarded for its performance nor is he blamed for abstaining from it,
who is the main imaam of hanafi school of thought?
Imaam Abu Hanifah al-Numaan ibn Thaabit al Kufi ( 80-150 AH).
❖Also known as al-Imaam al-‘Azam ( the great Imaam)
❖He is the most senior & the Founder of the Hanafi School He is the teacher of the other two Imaams.
who did the main imam teach?
- Imaam Abu Yusuf Ya’qub ibn Ibraheem al-Ansari ( 113-181 AH)
Sometimes referred to as al-Imaam al-Thaani ( the second Imaam)
- Imaam Abu Abdillah Muhammad ibn al-Hassan al-Shaybani ( 132-189 AH)
❖Sometimes referred to as al-Imaam al-Thaalith ( the third Imaam)
what are the terminologies for which imams
A saying attributed to mutual statement of:
- shaykhayn (1 +2) - two elders)
- Sahibayn (The 2 Disciples) -2+3
❖ Tarafayn (the ends) -1+3
example of fardh al ayn and fardh al kafiyan?
- namaz, fasting
- janazah prayer