Fasting Flashcards
How many types of fasts are there and can you give examples?
what are examples of compulsory fardh fasts?
ramadan fasts
what are examples of mandatory fasts?
mandatory - kaffara fasts , nadhr
broken nafl fast
explain the mandatory fasts
kaffara - a fast that was broken without a reason
nadhr - vowed fast i.e. I will fast if I get X job
a nafl fast that is broken, then becomes mandatory to make up
examples of sunnah fasts
ashura (10th maharram)
one fact about ashura fast
9th or 11th should ideally be fasted with it
mahrukh to do 10th alone
What are examples of mushtabb fasts?
White days
Monday and Thursdays
Six of shawwal
What can also be a nafl fast?
any day that is not a disliked day
Example of disliked days for fasting?
Eid days
Tashriq days - 3 days after eid
Which days are mildly disliked?
singling out fridays
sawn al dahr - fasting entire year
wisal - consectively not eating for > 2 days
nauruz persian new year - as they have non islamic origin
When does ramadan begin?
sighting of the cresent or completion of 30 days of shaban
what is disliked regarding commence of ramadan?
to fast on a day of doubt
Yawm al shakk
when making intention, what should one do?
make intention for the fast they are doing and fardh fasts and qada,kaffara , nadhr fast should be done at time of fast or before
can be done in heart
what about nafl and sunnah fasts?
fast intention can be made after the fast starting and can be done before midday (islamic midday)
what is islamic midday
between fajr and maghrib
what breaks the fast and requires expitation?
breaking the fast
sexual intercourse
swallowing spouses saliva
how is this fast made up?
60 days fast consecutively without eid days - has to be consecutively
what if u cannot make up a expiation fast?
feed same 60 poor people for 2 meals
feed a poor person 2 meals for 60 days
feel 60 people 2.2kg of wheat or its value
feed people 60 people a saee of dates or its monetary value
how does kaffara differ from qada fasting?
more accidential like thought it was sunset
water in wudhu
eating or swallowing anything like rae rice, salt etc
orgasm from kissing, touching, rubbing
eating on purpose after accidential eating
What is fidaya?
the expiatory payment for those who miss fasts during ramadan
e.g. cannot fast in in ramadan, cannot make up missed fasts, unlikely to regain ability to make up missed fasts
what happens with fidaya of someone who is sick?
have to pay fidaya if dont have ability to make up fasts later but don’t
you can split your qada but should dieally be done together
Fidya (fidyah) is a religious donation to help those in need. It is only paid when someone is unable to fast during Ramadan due to medical conditions or any other valid reasons such as a prolonged illness, and will not be able to make up the fast.
what is the amount for fidaya?
fidaya is 2.2kg wheat equivalent for each missed fast
What is the difference between Fidaya and Kaffara?
kaffarah payment
intentionally missing
Freeing a Muslim from slavery
Feeding a specified number of the poor (typically 60 people)
Fasting for a specified number of days
not intentional
has excuse
wont be able to make up
feed 1 person per missed fast
what invalidates the fast?
sexual intercourse
medication through oral orfice e.g. tablets
Anything that is regarded as coming under the same heading as eating and drinking
Letting blood by means of cupping
Vomiting deliberately
The blood of menses and nifas
what about masturbation?
does not invalid if did not ejaculate/climax
but should repent
An example of difference between accidental and forgetting?
ate something because forgot fasting (forgetting)
went swimming and water went into nose (accidentals)
Need to make up
the forgetting, don’t need to make up