Cleanliness Flashcards
what is the definition of taharah?
what is said in surah baqarah and which verse
verse 222
“Surely Allah loves those who turn to Him in repentance and He loves those who purify themselves.”
what is half of faith?
Purity and cleanliness
What is the difference between Major purity and minor purity?
Minor - wudu
Major - ghusl
What are the three methods of purity?
- water
- earth
- tanning
What is tanning?
Tanning is a method only for the purification of the hide of a dead animal
There are 7 places where water is from in which purity can be achieved. What are they?
sea water
river water
water from melted snow
water from hail stones
Spring water
well water
Water can be divided into three categories what are they:
- Pure and purifying
- Pure but not purifying
- Impure
What makes pure water that is not able to be used for purifying?
Water that has been used in ablution or for non ritual bath
- Liquid which has been extracted from plants
- That which has been polluted with something pure changing one of its 3 qualities (Colour, taste and odour)
- Using it is valid for ordinary purposes (Drinking, cooking) but invalid for worship (ablution and ritual bathing etc.. is not valid if this type of water is used for it
What are the two types of impure water?
i. A large volume of water or flowing water:
* Mere contamination of filth does not make it impure unless the filth alters one of its 3 qualities (Colour, Taste, Odour)
ii. A small amount of water:
- Mere contamination of filth makes it impure, irrespective of whether any of its qualities alters or not
In relation to animals which water is permissible?
That left over from animals which can be lawfully killed e.g. cow, sheep, goat
Which water is considered impermissble to drink from in relation to animals?
Water from which a dog, swine, or a predatory beast (lynx or wolf etc.) has drunk
Which animals are water with seen as undesirable or doubtful?
Pure and purifying but morally undesirable
i. From which a domestic cat, wild hen or a bird of prey etc.. has drunk
ii. If the ritually impure person can’t find any other water there is no harm in using this water
- Doubtful in its purification:
i. Water from which a mule / donkey has drunk
can do but ideally do tayyammum
what is the difference between an excessive and a light impurity?
Excessive: Impurity for which a textual decree has been revealed not
contradicting another textual decree e.g. blood, alcohol
light impurity - there are contradictory texts e.g. urine from animal
amount of impurity
Excessive impurity – What is less than the size of a dirham (Approx. 3cm² )
ii. Light impurity – that which is less than a quarter of the garment or a quarter of
the bod
What is the ruling regarding impurity amount and validity of prayer ?
> size of a dirham; obligatory to wash it - invalid if not washed
➢= size of a dirham, then it should be incumbent to wash it – severely repugnant
➢< dirham, washing it is prescribed – morally undesirable
what is the method of impurity?
It is permitted to remove impurity with water ➢If the impurity is visible (can be seen after drying up –blood and faeces etc.):
* Method of purification = wash until its essence is gone
➢If the impurity is invisible (can’t be seen after drying up – urine):
* Method of purification = wash until the one washing is inclined to believe that its location is now clean
when does quantity of impurity not matter and you must do a full purity ritual?
post natal bleeding
post menses
What are the three rules for urinating in water?
Relieving oneself in water:
* Strictly forbidden to relieve oneself in a small amount of water
- Severely repugnant to urinate in a large amount of water
- Morally undesirable to urinate if the water is flowing
what is frowned up in relation to relieving of wind?
n relieving oneself,
it is Unquestionably Severely Repugnant to
➢ Recite Qur’an
➢ Face the direction of Masjid Haram in Makkah (qiblah)
➢ Have the back towards Qiblah
what should you not do when relieving oneself?
make remembrance of Allah SWT
* Not to answer the one who sneezes
* Not to respond to the Muslim greeting of peace (salaam)
* Not to respond to the caller to prayer (Mu’adhdhin)
* Not to talk but out of absolute necessity (i.e. warn a blind person from falling)
What is recommended regarding other nails, and body hair?
Which day?
How infrequent?
➢It is desirable to shave the pubic hair, pluck hair from the armpits, clip the nails once a week
➢The best day to perform them on Friday.
However it is permissible to carry them out every 15 days
How long is maximum for it to be left?
➢It is Severely repugnant to leave these practices for more than 40 days and the one doing so deserves to be warned.
which surah tells us we should do wudhu for prayer?
al maidah (5)
verse 6
when is wudhu fard?
prayer namaz
touching quran
When is wudhu wajib?
to perform circumambulation (Tawaf) of the Holy Ka’bah
Name some examples of when wudhu is desirable
Applies to unlimited situations
❖Performance of ablution prior to taking a purificatory ritual bath against major ritual
❖Wanting to sleep in a pure condition
❖Performing ablution over a previous valid ablution
when doing wudhu was is important to note about washing the arms?
should include elbows
what is masah?
. Wiping (Masah) ¼ of the head once:
❖ Literal meaning of Masah = passing the hand over something
what are the four fardh of wudu?
- washing face once between earlobes and from forehead at hairline down to chin
- arms once including elbow
- 1/4 of hair water over hair
- feet up to ankles once
how many sunnahs are there for wudhu? how many are emphatic?
12 (5 not)
what is the first sunnah of wudhu?
making intention of wudhu
what is the second sunnah of wudhu and a name for it
saying bismillahirahman nirahim
what is a non emphatic sunnah?
washing hands to wrist three times
what is an emphatic sunnah regarding oral hygeine ?
rushing the teeth with a siwak- Emphatic Sunnah.
❖When rinsing the mouth / prior to rinsing the mouth
what are two other non emphatic sunnahs?
mouth three times
nose three times
what is khilal?
combing fingers through digits
❖Preferable comb little finger of left hand through the little toe of right foot, beginning
from the bottom end. Repeat this between all the toes in order until you end with the
little toe of the left foot
what is a sunnah regarding continuity?
Continuity (In ablution)– Emphatic Sunnah.
❖Continue washing the next part prior to the drying of the previous par
what is an emphatic sunnah regarding hair?
Wiping the entire head once- Emphatic Sunnah
❖Desirable method: Place 3 fingers at the front of the hea
other sunnahs in wudhu?
Wipe both ears once – Emphatic Sunnah.
❖Desirable: wipe inside of ears with index finger & exterior of ears with inside of
- Maintaining the sequence mentioned in the Qur’an -Emphatic Sunnah.
- Beginning with right side – non emphatic Sunnah
❖When washing hands and feet
15. Rubbing – Non emphatic Sunnah
❖Passing of hand with water over limb after wetting it
sunnah regarding water usage?
emphatic - not wasting water
non emphatic - not splashing
how many desirable things are there for wudhu?
- face qiblah
2.Sit in a lofty position (at a height - in a pure place
- Wiping of the neck with the outer side of the fingers
- Expand the washing of the face, hands and feet
- refrain from talking
- bismillah before each action
what is a sunnah regarding what to read after finishing ?
one should also recite Surat al-Qadr (Chapter 97) Thrice
another four desirable factors#
Drinking of leftover ablution water
❖Facing the qiblah in standing position (as one would do with Zam zam water)
- Avoid shaking hands in order to shed ablution water
- Dry the wetness of the wet bodily parts (handkerchief, towel, soft tissue, warm air)
- Offer 2 units (Rak’ahs) of supererogatory prayer (nafl) after completion of ablution
what is consequence of leaving the following
emphatic sunnah
non emphatic sunnah
- Leaving an Emphatic Sunnah (e.g.. Rinsing the mouth) causes an offence (isa’ah)
- Leaving a Non-Emphatic Sunnah (e.g. beginning with the right side) is morally
undesirable (Makruh tanzihi) - Leaving a desirable action (e.g. wiping the neck) is against preferred practice
(Khilaf al-awla)
what are the 7 things which nullify ablution?
Anything that exits from the two excretal passages (urethra & anus) except
vaginal wind.
- Anything that exits from other than the two excretal passages(Blood, pus)
- Vomiting of food / water when it is a mouthful
- Bleeding from the nose, the ears or the mouth
- laughing during prayer
- insanity
- sleeping
exmpt for medical reason like chronic diarrhoea /bleeding
when does doubt become an issue?
Doubts about ones purity
❖If one is certain of being in a state of purity but suspects becoming ritually impure then the person will be in status of ritual purity
(if had wudhu and unsure if broke, go by principle its maintained)
❖If one is certain regarding becoming ritually impure and doubts state of purity, then the person will be in status of of ritual impurity
(is certain not in purity)
when is ghusl sunnah?
- eid day namaz
- entering ihram
- arafah station
- jummah
when is ghusl compulsory?
- post intercourse regardless of ejeculation
- post menses and post-natal bleeding
- wet dream/gushing of fluid from man or women with pleasure
when is ghusl desirable?
- for himself after doing ghusl of deceased
- entering makkah
- entering madina
- post psychosis
- night of power who repents - new clothes
what are three fardh of ghusl?
washing mouth x3
washing nose x3
washing entire body x1
How do you begin ghusl?
urinating to remove all impurities
washing hands to wrist x3
washing privates x3
full ablution - R shoulder then L shoulder
entire body x 3
what does quran say about ghusl and which surah?
surah al nisa
verse 43
“O believers! Do not approach prayer when you are intoxicated, until you know what you are
saying, nor when you are majorly ritually impure, unless (you are) travellers, until you have
washed yourself”
what does quran say about being in state of impurity?
➢Allah SWT says - Surat al-Waqi’ah (56) verses 77-79
It is certainly a noble Qur’an in a well-secured
book; none shall touch it but those who
are purified”
what is said about entering the masjid/
➢Even if only to pass through it
➢Based on the saying of the holy Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم
“ I do not make the masjid lawful for the woman in menstruation
and nor for the person in a state of major ritual impurity”
➢This ruling applies when there is no excuse
➢If it is unavoidable – Incumbent to perform dry ablution (Tayammum)
in order to enter the masjid. (e.g. the door of the house opens into the
masjid & unable to arrange alternative residence)
➢If one experiences a nocturnal emission (Wet dream) inside a masjid – recommended to
perform tayammum to exit the ma
what is the ruling on braided hair?
Women do not need to unbraid as long as water touches roots
but for men they need to unbraid
what are the minimum and maximum days for a period?
3 daYS
10 days
what is considered chronic menstrual bleeding?
arabic terminology for it
> 10 days
What is nifas?
Blood that exists following childbirth
what are minimum and maximum number of days for nifas?
0 days
40 days
what happens if extends 40 days after childbirth?
> 40 days and this particular woman has given birth before and she has a regular cycle in postnatal bleeding, she should resort to the days of her regular cycle.
if no regular cycle, then her
postnatal bleeding shall be for 40 days.
what else is a woman exempt from when menstruating or having post-natal bleeding?
Does not need to make up prayers but does need to make up fasts
Which surah states no sexual intercourse during menstruation?
“So keep apart from women during menstruation and do not approach them until they have
become pure
baqarah verse 222
What is istihadah?
➢ Refers to flowing of blood for a period of less than 3 days or for more than 10 days in
menstruation or for more than 40 days in post-natal bleedin
A woman with istihdah must do what?
fresh wudu and can perform prayer/touch quran/ enter mosque
Performs ablution at the time of each prayer and can perform anything she likes (obligatory and
supererogatory prayers) within the stipulated time
➢ When the time elapses her ablution becomes inavlid and she is required to renew her ablution for
the next prayer
What is tayyammum ?
dry substitute ablution/ wudhu essentially
what is the meaning of hayd
hayd = menstruation
what is the minimum days of purity between 2 period cycles?
15 days
which surah tells us about dry substitute ablution?
What is the literal meaning of tayyamum?
what can you use to perform tayammum?
permissible with anything pure
from the earth (dust, stones, sand,
plaster etc.)
When is tayammum fardh, wajib and desirable?
fardh - prayers, touching Quran
wajib - tawaf
desirable - one wishes to perform supererogatory prayers and
doesn’t find anything to perform ablution with, then it is valid to perform tayammum and pray
When is tayammum allowed for a ritually impure person of the minor or major
- 1 mile from water, whether
inside/outside the city and whether traveller / resident - Person suffers from an illness and fears that use of water may aggravate it or delay recovery (Irrespective of whether the fear is from past experience or on the advise of a
skilled Muslim medical expert) - Water is extremely cold and there are no means of making it warm and the person is
inclined to believe that using it may harm him
when is it ok to delay tayammum?
If you hope to find water and believe you will do so before the prayer time is over
then it is preferable to delay Tayammum
When is it ok to perform tayammum even when water is present?
If the water is nearby but
I. Person fears for their life or their belongings
II. There is an enemy (Human / otherwise) between the water and him whom he fears
III. Person is unable to extract the water – absence of water extracting apparatus (Rope & bucket
IIII. The water will be needed for food/cooking and nothing else available
IIIII. When person is able to use water, but fears losing / missing the Funeral / Eid prayer. He Should perform tayammum and pray as these prayers as If they are missed there is no other alternative way for making up for them
when does this rule of tayammum not apply in presence of water?
if there is an alternative
This does not apply to fear of losing Friday prayer or the 5 obliged prayers as both may be lost whilst leaving a substitute (Friday prayer substitute = Zuhur prayer, Obligatory
prayer substitute = Qada
How do you start tayammum?
- intention
what is fardh for tayammum?
wiping the face
wiping hands up to elbows
What are the 7 sunnahs of tayammum?
- starting with tasmiyah (E)
- observing sequences in order (E)
- Continuity (NE)
- striking earth with hands (E)
- spreading fingers when striking (NE)
- moving hands back and forth when placing in dust (NE)
- shaking hands/blowing off dust (E)
Key things about tayammum?
once done can do whatever is allowed with a wudhu i.e. touch quran, pray
do not need to re-do every prayer time
How many strikes is tayammum?
Describe the ritual of tayammum?
- imam Abu Hanifah struck his hands on the pure earth and moved them forwards and backwards.
2.He then raised them both, shook them and then wiped them over his
- He then returned his palms to the pure earth a second time and again moved
them forwards and backwards. - He then raised them both, shook them and then wiped them on the outer and inner parts of his forearms up to the elbows
what nullifies tayammum?
things which break wudhu but also
the ending of qualifying excuse also nullifies the tayammum
➢Discovery of water after it being lost
➢Ability to use water after such incapacity
What is khuffs?
Leather socks
What is key about khuffs?
➢It is permitted to wipe over the khuffs
with water during ablution in place of
washing the feet
➢The wiping over the khuffs has been
authenticated by the noble Sunnah
What are the conditions for khuffs?
- thick enough to prevent water from penetrating
II. remain on the feet on their own accord, without being tied
III. NOT be transparent that
the foot can be seen through them
The sunnah/recommended material for khuffs?
What are the conditions to be able to wipe over khuffs?
- have to have valid wudhu /ghusl when putting them on
- Khuffs must be manufactured from leather or thick material that prevents water from penetrating through it
- Khuffs must remain on the feet on their own accord without being tied
- Khuffs must conceal feet including the ankles
- It should be possible to walk continuously in them; wearing and wiping is not permitted over
khuffs of glass, wood or iron - Khuffs should be free from any hole, the size equivalent to three of the smallest toes
How long can khuffs wiping over feet be valid for?
RESIDENT- Can wipe over the khuffs for a maximum period of 1 day and 1 night
➢TRAVELLER- Can wipe over the khuffs for 3 days and 3 nights
When does this time for khuffs start?
after not longer ritually pure
i.e. once you break your wudhu your period of 1 day and 1 night to wipe over feet only starts
How to perform wiping of khuffs?
➢ Wet the fingers with water
➢ Place fingers of right hand at the front tip of the khuff of his right foot
➢ Place fingers of left hand at the front tip of the khuff of his left foot
➢ Pass all the fingers over both khuffs towards the shins (just above the ankles) whilst spreading fingers out slightly so that the wiping is made in lines
Note: Wiping is only to be done over the upper side of the khuffs according to the prophetic narration
- Everything that nullifies the ablution also nullifies the wiping over khuffs
- Removal of either one or both khuffs even partially by the exposure of the major part of the foot from the shin end
- Water coming into contact with the major portion of any one foot inside the khuffs
- Expiration of the period of wiping
➢ Resident – 1day and 1 night
➢ Traveller 3 days and 3 nights
what if someone is wearing a bandage?
wipe over it like khuffs