Intrinsic firing properties and synaptic scaling Flashcards
3 basic types of cell (intrinsic firing)
- regular spiking
- fast spiking
- intrinsically bursting
Geiger (1995)
FS-PV interneurons express AMPA receptors with high caclium permeability and fast gating due to low GluA2 mRNA
Functional implication of low GluA2 mRNA in FS-PV interneurons
Fast EPSP time course, coincidence detection.
Du (1996)
Kv3 K+ channel subunits are selectively expressed in PV+ cells - molecular mechanism underlying phenotype.
Functional implication of Kv3 subunit expression in PV+ interneurons?
drives fast repolarisation therefore fast spiking
What role do FS-PV interneurons play in the hippocampus?
Feedforward inhibition
Turrigiano (1994)
STG neurons in lobster isolated, no longer fire in bursts, after 3-4 days regained burst firing. Due to changes in intrinsic conductance - increase calcium and decrease outward.
Turrigiano (1998)
Cultured neocortical neurons. Chronic blockade of cortical culture activity increased amplitude of EPSCs without changing kinetics. Blocking GABA initially raised firing rates, but over 48-hour period, mEPSC amplitudes decreased and firing rates returned close to control values.
3 points to synaptic scaling
- Ensure firing rates do not saturate in development
- Stabilise synaptic strengths during hebbian modification
- Facilitate competition in synapses.
Gainey (2009)
Differential mechanisms of AMPAR recruitment in synaptic scaling and LTP. SS blocked by GluR2 shRNA knockdown, not GluR1 - LTP. Chimeric GluR2 could not rescue.