Intrapartum Assessment/Stages Chap 8 Flashcards
onset of labor to delivery of placenta
fetus moving down to pelvis causing moms to pee more
braxton hicks contractions
contractions that dont dilate cervix or change uterus
mom cleans house, organizes
purposeful surgical cut at perineum
tear from stretching of uterus/vagina/cervix
maternal labor triggers
stretching of uterine muscles, estrogen/progesterone changes, oxytocin/prostoglandin release
fetal labor triggers
fetal cortisol changes, old placenta, oxytocin, prostaglandin increase contractions
factors affecting labor
powers, passage, passenger, psyche, position
uterine contractions caused by oxytocin releasal
pelvis and birth canal
gynecoid pelvis
heart shaped most optimal for birthing
android pelvis
more heart shaped that limits posterior pelvis for accommodating heart
anthropoid pelvis
narrow oval shaped and hard for baby to pass
platypelloid pelvis
horizontal oval hard for delivery
shortening and thinning of cervix expressed in percentages
widening of cervical opening from less than 1 cm to 1o cm
-3 to 0
head above ischial spine
narrowest point and head at ischial spine
+1 to +3
head below ischial spine
relationship of passenger vs passage includes
size of head, attitude, fetal lie, presentation, position, size
fetal skull
head molds to allow skull to fit through birth canal
fetal attitude
relationship of fetal parts to one another
general flexion
back of fetus is rounded, chin to chest, thighs flexed on abdomen, legs flexed at knees
deviations from normal flexion
difficulties with labor and birth
fetal lie
the relation of long axis of fetus to moms long axis
longitudinal lie
head down butt up
transverse lie
sideways and cannot come out vaginally
cephalic presentation
head is flexed onto chest with occiput presenting
butt or shoulder first
fetal position
relationship of reference point of the fetus to the moms pelvis
3 letter abbreviation for position
location of presenting part, specific presenting part, relationship to maternal pelvis
ROA position
occiput is on right side of pelvis closer to front
occiput is on right side of pelvis and transverse
occiput is on right side of pelvis and facing the back
occiput is on left side of pelvis and towards front of pelvis
occiput is on left side of pelvis and sitting transverse
occiput is on left side of pelvis and facing back
LSA breech
sacrum is on left side of pelvis and butt towards the front
mothers disposition during labor and coping mechanisms
upright maternal position
assists w gravity to promote descent
all fours maternal position
relieves backache if fetus is occiput/posterior
lateral maternal position
used to help rotate fetus in posterior position
stg 1 of labor
onset of labor that ends w dilation 10 cm
stg 2 of labor
10 cm to delivery of baby
stg 3 of labor
after birth of baby to placental arrival
stg 4
delivery of placenta to stabilization
assessing stg 1
ROM, dilation/effacement, vitals, pain, FHR, contractions, cervix changes, fetal decent/positionn
nursing actions stg 1
limit PO fluids, assist comfort, position changes, bowel movements, educate, peri care
increment phase of contractions
buildup of contractions that start at fundus
active phase of contractions
peak intensity of contractions
decrement phase of contractions
relaxation of uterus and rest
true labor
reg contractions w increase in frequency and intensity, change in cervix and effacement/dilation
false labor
contractions but now change in cervix, activity doesnt change pattern
latent phase of stg 1
up to 5cm dilated
active phase of stg 1
up to 6 cm dilated
transition phase of stg 1
8-10cm dilated
assessing ROM
spontanous, preterm or artificial and testing w ferning or nitrazine paper
ROM actions
check for umbilical cord prolapse, assess FHR, assess color of fluid, educate
non risk patients for ROM
go to hosp when contractions are consistent for 1 hr that are 5 mins apart lasting 60 sec
go immediately to hosp for ROM
SROM, intense pain, bloody show increases
stg 2
baby moves down birth canal, lasts 50 mins, intense contractions, feeling urge to push, perineum flattens
assist w pushing
push for 6-8 sec, slight exhale, repeat 3-4 times
episiotomy actions
inspect, check for foul smelling drainage
laceration nursing actions
assess for slow steady trickle of blood
stg 3
lasts 30 mins, check cord length, uterus in ball shape, gush of blood, encourage breathing
stg 3 nursing interventions
skin to skin, admin oxytocin, pain meds, vitals, make sure placenta is fully removed
stg 4
palpate fundus, assess bleeding, encourage breastfeeding, uterotonics, food and rest, urination
nonpharmacological pain management
childbirth classes, relaxation, thermal/mental stimulation
pharmacological pain management
local, pudendal, epidural, spinal