Intraoperative Flashcards
When does it begin?
patient enters the sugical suite and ends at the time of transfer to the post-anesthesia recovery area.
Main Concern
safety and advocacy
Surgical Team
Surgeon,one or more sugical assistants, anesthesia provider, OR nursing staff.
Risk for
infection, anxiety, skin integrity, altered body temp,
physician specializes in giving anesthetic agents
Certified RN anesthetist
RN additional education and credentials delivers anesthetic agents under supervision
Anesthesia provider
induces and maintains anesthesia, delivers other drugs, monitors cardiopulmonary function, capnography, vital signs, I & O
OR nurse
clinical decision making skills develop a plan of care, coordinate care delivery to patients and their family members.
Holding nurse
coordinating care, reviewing the medical record and preoperative checklist, verifying that the consent forms are signed, documenting risk assessment
circulating nurse
sets up OR ensures supplies may resume holding nurse role, position patients inserts foley, scubs surgical site.
Scrub nurse/OR technician/Surgical technologists
Sets up sterile field, drape the patients hand supplies, assists in surgery.
Correct identification
responsibility of the whole health care team
induced state of partial or total loss of sensation, with or without loss of consciousness, to block nerve impulse transmission, suppress reflexes promote muscle relaxation and in some cases achieve unconsciousness
reversible loss of consciousness induces by inhibiting neuronal impulses in several areas of the CNS, resulting in analgesia and amnesia
Malignant hyperthermia
acute life-threatening complication of certain drugs used for general anesthesia
Overdose occurs when
patients metabolism and drug elimination are slower than expected.
Intubation complications
broken or injured teeth and caps, swollen lip, vocal cord trauma
Unrecognized hypoventilation
leads to cardiac arrest, permanent brain damage, death.
blocks multiple peripheral nerves in a specific body region.
Moderate sedation
IV delivery, reduces the level of consciousness allows pt to maintain patent airway and respond verbal commands
Laser surgery
routine surgical procedures, eye surgery, soft tissue surgery, soft tissue with high water content is vaporized.
Injury from Robotics
Mechanical, thermal injury