Intoduction to Boilermaking Terms Flashcards
To line up two or more parts
A fused mixture of two or more metals, or a metal and one or more other metals and/or nonmetals
Alternating Current (AC)
Electrical current that reverses its flow at set intervals
American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI)
An industry organization responsible for preparing standards for steels and steel alloys based on the SAE code system
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
An organization that has developed and maintains many of the codes used in the construction of boilers and pressure vessels
A measurement of the rate of flow of electric current
Flow of electricity through an air gap that melts the electrode
ASTM International
An organization that developed a code system for identifying and labeling steels
a loud snap or pop as a torch flame is extinguished
a weldable or nonweldable material used behind a root opening to allow defect-free welding at the open root of a joint
Bag house
A structure containing bags that filter flue gas to remove fly ash
Base metal
metal to be welded, cut, or brazed
Any of a number of tools for use with a drill or grinder
Black liquor
A byproduct of the papermaking process. It consists of a mixture of limestone, salkcake, water and lignin
Boiler feedwater
The water supplied to a boiler to produce steam
The duct or pipe connecting the exhaust-gas discharge from a boiler furnace to the stack
Retaining beams that are placed around the furnace sidewalls every 80-20 feet to prevent the walls from blowing out should there be an explosion in the furnace
A sharp, ragged edge of metal usually caused by cutting
A very hard material made from a mixture of carbon and metal
Carburizing flame
A flame burning with an excess amount of fuel; also called a reducing flame
A bevel cut into the edge of thebase metal
A part of drill that allows attachments of different size bits
A facility that uses waste heat or other products from a process to produce electricity
A set of regulations covering permissible materials, service limitations, fabrication, inspection, testing procedures, and qualifications of welders
Coefficient of thermal expansion
The amount a unit length of material expands for each degree of temperature increase
Part of a grinder or other tool that allows different attachments to be used with them. Usually requires two wrenches to operate
Combustion residue
Byproducts of combustion which build up inside a boiler during operation. This residue can build up in large quantities and can become a hazard during maintenance operations should it break loose and fall