Intestines Flashcards
The mesentery attachments and length
Ileocecal junction and duojejunal flexure
Small intestine length, proportions, time food spends here
Duo: 5%; Jeju: <40%; ileum: < 60%
Duodenal parts and features
1st: intraperitoneal; runs up and backwards ; smooth walls
2nd (laterally inverted c) : retroperitoneal; plicae circulares; bile duct enters
3rd (straight) : retroperitoneal; plicae circulares; sma crosses in front
4th (n shape): retroperitoneal; plicae circulares; duojejunal flexure
Suspensory ligament of treitz
From DJF to diaphragm
Relations of duodenum
Head+uncinate process of pancreas in curve of duodenum
Posterior: gastroduodenal artery (perforation of du odenum due to ulcer-> acid burns through artery-> haemorrhage)
Lateral to 2nd part: right kidney; mesentery of transverse colon here
Anterior to 3rd: SMA
Jejunum characteristics
Intraperitoneal More plicae circulares than duodenum Brunner’s glands secrete mucin Thin mesentery Short anastamotic arcade loops Long vasa recta
Ileum characteristics
Plicae semilunaris Intraperitoneal Peyer’s patches: lymphoid tissue Fatty mesentery More anastamotic arcades, shorter vasa recta
Which level does aorta pass through diaphragm
Lymphatic drainage of gut
Celiac: right+left gastric/splenic/ left gastroepiploic/pyloric
Celiac + IMN (hindgut)+ SMN (midgut) -> cisterns chyli-> thoracic duct
Duodenal arterial supply
Supraduodenal Superior pancreaticoduodenal (from gastroduodenal) Inferior pancreaticoduodenal (from SMA)
Jejunal/ileal arterial supply
Large intestine function and time foods in here and features
Absorb water and electrolytes
Plicae semilunaris
Large intestine parts
Made of teniae coli (3 thickened longitudinal muscle strips-> puckering of colon called HAUSTRA)
Haustra’s saclike divisions of circular muscle
Epiploic appendages are fat-filled omental appendices
Intraperitoneal parts of large intestine
Appendix arterial supply + location
Appendicular artery
McBurney’s point: 2/3 from belly b to ASIS
Midgut arterial supply
SMA (L1) Jejunal (Jejunum) Ileal (ileum) Ileocolic (caecum + appendix + ascending colon) Right colic (ascending) Middle colic (proximal 2/3 of tc)
Hindgut arterial supply
IMA (L3)
Left colic (distal 1/3 of tc)
Sigmoidal (descending + sigmoid)
Superior rectal
Marginal artery constituents and it gives rise to…
Ileocolic Right colic Middle colic Left colic Sigmoidal -> marginal artery -> vasa recta
Sympathetic innervation of gut
Greater thoracic splanchnic T5-9: supply foregut+ midgut; synapse in celiac + SM ganglia; presynaptic fibres May reach suprarenal medulla
Lesser thoracic splanchnic T10-11: supply midgut + renal plexus; synapse in SM ganglia + aorticorenal ganglia
Least splanchnic nerves T12-L2: T12 supplies renal plexus/L1-2 supply hindgut
Parasympathetic innervation
CNX -> superior/inferior Vagal ganglion-> foregut + midgut
S2-4 pelvic splanchnic nerves -> inferior hypogastric plexus -> hindgut