Interview prep cards Flashcards


Why do you want to study medicine?


Medicine is a profession that I have been considering for a while and extracurricular and further readings made me consolidate that this is a path I want to take.

I had always had an interest in the sciences in particular, Biology and Maths. the human body biology has a unique blend of chemical biological and psychological parts to it. this interest led me to research on sickle cell disorder and explore in particular the trials for gene therapy.

Maths allows me to be creative and think critically especially when I compete in maths olympiads. similar to how in medicine it is needed to be critical when giving holistic care.

I really enjoy providing help to people. which is one of the reasons why I partook in many volunteering roles. such as being a chef at a food bank. this opportunity allowed me to make a big impact on vulnerable people within my community which medicine is a career that will allow me to do that.

medicine will also give me a wide range of opportunities as well which is ideal for me as I partake in many extracurriculars. For example, medics have the chance to partake in teaching and research.

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why not nursing?


nurses and doctors work together in an interdisciplinary team. Nurses often have the first contact with patients and tend to see patients more frequently hence that’s why they are known as the backbone of the NHS.

however, doctors are given general training so they have knowledge beyond their speciality which is why doctors are given the final ultimate choice to patient care.

doctors also have an opportunity to lead research activities.

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What did I do to make sure medicine was the career for me?


The first thing that I did to make sure that medicine is the career for me was to sign up to attend a medical school open day in my local city. on this day I was able to ask questions to medics and students alike as well as partake in a mini-lectures on childhood cancer and workshops like human anatomy or teamwork-based ones like learning how to do stitches.

This allowed me to gain insight into life as a medic and student, even though the career is fast past with a lot of responsibilities I feel as if it will push me as a person. furthermore, there is a wide range of opportunities and roles also.

I have also worked with children at the year 7 sports clubs and helped to organise sports activities for them as well as safeguarding them. This experienced taught me the values empathy as it allowed me to be patient and communicate with them effectively. This experience was rewarding as I was able to build trust with the children.

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what have I read to gain further insight


one of the books that I decided to read to gain insight on patient doctor interactions through the lens of a patient was called two types of decay by Sarah Manguso.
the book explored her experience with chronic autoimmune disease and mental diseases and her time in the hospital. her memoirs taught the ways that patients appreciate holistic care, which includes listening to patients on their condition and what treatment they may want and empathy. for example Manguso disliked medics who were patronising and treated her as a disease rather than a person.

Overall this book motivates me more to study medicine as manguso shows that many medics had a positive impact to her life physically, socially etc.

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work experience


my main work experience has been through working as a sports leader for the school PE club as well as an online work experience through the CNTW, the local mental health trust.

through the CNTW it explored the day to day roles that doctors have within a team to provide care for the patients on the wards as well as out ward patients. this experience showed me that doctors are multiskilled and flexible individuals to provide care. for example due to COVID-19 patients are unable to leave as often to meet family members. Hence the doctors evaultae and used critical thinking and finance skills to invest in IPADS for patients to use.

doctors also have to talk to out patients through telephone appointments and allowed us to do a roleplay with a fake patients on how these appointments go. this taught me the value of language to use to patients and empathy. such as allowing patients to speak and have imput.

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my gap year


the two main goals that I have in my gap year is to develop further scientific knowledge as well as gain further work experience to become a well rounded medical student.
currently, I work in a catering role at my local restaurant. currently, I find this experience useful to my communication skills as I am exposed to a wide variety of individuals each day, although I am unable to develop uber close relationships as a patient to doctors, I am developing my empathy skills by asking the customers questions on their unique meal and encourage customer input similar to how doctors will encourage patient input.
to gain more scientific and research skills I decided to start my own project on the disease sickle cell disorder. initially, I found it hard to do a project independently, however, many university and study websites it gave me a clear understanding on how to do a project. such as collecting data as well as styles to present university level style referencing and writing. I feel as if this experience will give me some insight into what is expected as a medical student.

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if you do not get in


I am very patient and determined to get into medicine, however I know that this is my second year for applying for this course.

I truly believed that I have improved my personal statement and is gaining further insight on how to improve my skills. If I do not get into medicine this year I decided that It would be best for me to do post graduate medicine after doing my degree so I will gain further skill and knowledge.

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in 10 yrs time?


within ten years I would of liked to have completed medical school which will give me a strong base on what is expected to be a doctor academically and clinically. as someone who enjoys clinical experiences I would like to be given the opportunity to do a wide range of placements to see and meet a wide range of people.

academically, after teaching the year eights at reading club I see that I quite enjoy teaching. so even as a student I would be happy to teach and coach people whether that be sixth form students on open day visits or even as at university lectures as well when I have reach that level of education.

I like that in medicine there is a lot of opportunities to partake in leadership roles, which is something that I enjoy when I do extracurriculars.

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GP, surgeon, Physician


throughout my work experiences, I was lucky to witness the roles of both GP and physicians and through websites the roles of surgeons. I appreciate that all are very valuable when it comes to patient care but if I were to choose one it would be a Physician.

this is because as a physician are often specialised in a speciality which is great for me as I love to go in-depth in knowledge and research. at the CNTW work experience, I saw how the pyschraists are constantly challenged each day and often work as a team with a common goal to provide holistic care to patients.

Good morale
build relationships.

through this I witness how communication and team work skills is valuable.

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want 2 achieve


academically, after teaching the year eights at reading club I see that I quite enjoy teaching. so even as a student I would be happy to teach and coach people whether that be sixth form students on open day visits or even as at university lectures as well when I have reach that level of education.

I like that in medicine there is a lot of opportunities to partake in leadership roles, which is something that I enjoy when I do extracurriculars.leading research project of Haem.

Choose a speciality I would be good at.

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pros and cons


one pros becoming a doctor is that you are given the opportunity to make a great impact across the world by being part of great charity organisations. One charity I find interesting is doctors without borders, which is a charity organisation focused on providing healthcare to the less fortunate in third world countries. this would be a rewarding opportunity as it allows for not only health improvements across the world but social improvements as more healthy people means people can work etc. i will be a positive change in a persons life.

academically, after teaching the year eights at the reading club I see that I quite enjoy teaching. so even as a student, I would be happy to teach and coach people whether that be sixth form students on open day visits or even at university lectures as well when I have reached that level of education.

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looking forward the most and least


one thing that I am looking forward to the most if I become a doctor is the idea of finding a speciality that I am passionate in and being able to use my skills to benefit those in a wide range of communities. plus the idea of witnessing patients in poor health to better health would be a great privilege.

as someone who did a lot of extra curricular in academics, I like that in medicine is a career which a person is required life long studying so I will constantly develop as a person. Plus teaching other people etc.

emotion baggage of situations. for example terminal conditions etc.

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why do some people quit


there are many reasons some people may give up in a career in medicine. many people who choose to go into medicine are young and as the grow older may feel as if another career path is suited for them.

doctors are one career that has high rates of mental illness and suicide. this career is mentally tolling and some people may leave due to health reasons.

time, some may quit temporarily to raise and take care of family members doctors are required to work long shifts,

negative rep on media, especially on medical negiliance and medical scars e.g. anti vaxx.

mental support lines, teachers and colleagues etc.

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other roles of doctors


one key role a doctor has is teaching. this includes teaching medical and other doctors. they may teach them about their speciality etc. or even social based education such as bedside manners to patients, educating them on teamwork skills and other soft skills.

they may also have management based roles. for example, many doctors are part of or even lead charity organisations such as widening participation programmes for disadvantaged groups where they may run a summer school and have a mentor-based programme too. they may also managing rotas as well for employees.

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holistic medicine


treat the patient as a whole this includes social, psychological and spiritual.

cancer patient and Jehovah’s witness
used cloned own cells hence etc.

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technology in medicine


Technology has a key place in medicine. for example, it can help to improve communication between patients and interdisciplinary teams in clinical settings. instead of countless printed journals doctors and healthcare professionals are able to retrieve information via the web.

healthcare professionals can send emails and to each other to request advice from other members. This means that advice is easily obtained which allows for final decisions for patients to be made much quicker. information of patients can be stored on computer files which makes it easier to retrieve again for healthcare professions.

patients may not always have the time to book appointments in person and may prefer to book online rather in person. especially during COVID-19 this benefits local GPs as it limits the number of people entering and leaving the facility which reduces the rate of transmission


who would you regulate as part of your team?


the main part of the Doctor’s team would be the patient. this is because the patient must feel comfortable with the doctor to communicate their symptoms so doctors and others are able to make an accurate diagnosis of their condition for future treatment. For example, in the two types of decay, the author explains that her symptoms did not align with Gillian-barre’s disease but rather CIDP. but the doctor ignored her complaints which prolonged her getting a correct diagnosis.

other doctors are also part of the team. especially for foundation year doctors, they may need more advice from senior doctors.

police, crime scenes


teaching in medicine


as medicine is a career that is evidence and science-based it is important that all people keep up to date via continuous learning. doctors are required to teach patients their condition and provide them with information. this is important as patients will be able to make informed consent thus respecting patient autonomy.

doctors are also required to teach medical students. this may include in lectures at universities or in a clinical setting. so they may be required to teach both ethics, social and academic side to medicine.

doctors may be required to teach doctors at all levels within their team. this is a way to have team bonds and make sure that everyone in their team is on the same pag.


would you do teaching as a doctor


as new medical discoveries and new ethical laws are made it is important teaching is continuous throughout a doctors career hence it is important in medicine.

throughout school I partook in many extracurriculars that involved teaching the lowers years. recently, I was one of the leaders for the year 8 reading club where I supervise them as they read allowed to me as well as assisted them when they needed to answer questions about the book. I enjoyed the process of making questions and ways on making learning fun. so I see myself doing teaching as a medic in the future.


how is like as a medical student


everyone’s experience as a medical student is different as everyone has different skill sets and what they may find easy or hard at school. this is why I tried to find as many people their experience to get an idea.

on an online summer school, I was able to speak with medical students on their experiences. the majority of students agree that there is a big leap between sixth form and university as information is not spoon-fed to you and that it is independent. one student said that it is important to communicate with your tutors and lecturers during office hours if you feel that you need extra help or work to understand.

they also say that there is a lot of teamwork in their course in many different setting such as graded academic projects and clinical projects where you may be given leadership roles as well. hence they say that improving your communication and having integrity is valuable.


roles of nurses in healthcare


the roles of nurses and doctors overlap more now than ever.

nurses have seven grades to nurse consultant. there are clinical nurse practitioners that have a specific speciality. they may prescribe medication, perform examinations. they are also able to run walk in centres as well.
there are matrons who are nurse managers who manage the wards and there are nurses that manage a region.

some nurses are involved in research.


does treatment occur in a community or hospital


most medical treatments take place within the community.

thanks to the internet access people are able to have a rough idea of the illness that they may be suffering from. if it is a minor condition they are able to go to their local pharmacist and get off the counter medicine for their illness.

many people if will go to their GP if they have a problem. nowadays GPs are developing special interests which will help to reduce the burden of hospitals.


why is research important?


research is the process of asking questions and carrying out experiments in order to find new developments.
research is valuable in medicine as it allows advancements in medicine where healthcare professions can develop new techniques to improve treatments for patients.
research also allows for new information which can help to improve the standard of care as well as change the ethics of medicine.
medicine is evidence-based hence it is important that research is done to back up a treatment


a large sum of money wwyd.


if I was able to run a medical research centre my focus would be to eradicate major communicable diseases.
I would focus on diseases that effect child mortality the most such as malaria, HIV etc and design vaccines that are easy to transport and use in rural locations. for example, it would need one vaccine for immunity.

I would also like to focus on gene therapy and cloning. this will decrease the waiting time to receive organs as well as reduce the likelihood of needing immunosuppressants which can cause other complications.


a key/ important discovery made in medicine


in my opinion, the discovery and use of antiviral medication for the HIV virus to treat AIDS and HIV patients is one of the greatest discoveries in medicine. This is because it had one the greatest social impact in society as HIV impacted minority groups who were already stigmatised in the first place. it also allowed patients to live healthy regular lives which helped to destigmatise it further.


what research you will be interested in


I have an interest in gene therapy and cloning as I personally think it has the potential to be very valuable in future of genetic diseases in medicine.

one research that I am currently keeping up with is with in sickle cell and how instead of using a donor’s bone marrow to “cure” the disorder.


what issues you may be faced with as a doctor


as a doctor it is no suprise that there will be many challenges that are clinical based. it is important to remember that even though doctors are highly trained sometimes mistakes do happen. therefore it is important, to be honest, have integrity, be open and communicate with the team and patients. which will build trust and puts patient safety first.

another issue that doctors may face is high responsibilities. for example doctors are required to learn how to manage resources. for example a GP has a pressure whether a patient needs to attend the hospital etc.